Zelgadis: Lina...omae o korosu. Fans: NOOOOOOOOO!!! He's been possessed by Heero! Slayers Fans: Zel!! You don't want to kill Lina! Gundam Wing Fans: Not LINA!! ReLENA DAMNIT!! Zelgadis: *blink blink* Hey, look, I'm just reading the script... Lina: *holds up a book* You mean this script? Zelgadis: *sweatdrop* That's the book of Xoana. Lina: Ah. Sou da. I meant this script. *holds up script* Zelgadis: Hai. I'm just reading my lines, is all. *snort* As if I COULD kill Lina... Lina: *nods* Damn straight. Zelgadis: Which isn't to say I don't want to sometimes. Lina: NANI?!?! *zap! Zelgadis is now in Heero's trademark loose tanktop and tight spandex shorts* Zelgadis: ACK!!! *Amelia passes out at the sight of Zel in skintight shorts* Lina: Hey, bonus side effect!! Gourry: *looks cutely confused, as per the script* *Duo suddenly appears* Heero wa doko desu ka?? Gundam Wing Fans: DUO!!!!!!!! *cheering. Duo bows* Slayers Fans: DUO?!?!?!?! *confused* Lina: Gomennasai, Duo-San, but Heero isn't really here. Duo: *catches sight of Zelgadis in Heero's outfit* Care to explain THAT? *jerks a thumb at Zel* Zelgadis: *gritting his teeth and saying, fully meaning it this time* Lina...omae o korosu!! Duo: WAAIII!!! HEERO!!!! Fans: NOOOOOO!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!!! *Duo glomps onto Zelgadis just as Amelia comes to. Her eyes bug and she passes out again* Zelgadis: *Attempting to pry Duo off of him* I'd almost rather have the barnacles... Lina: *shakes her head* No, no, no. He's NOT Heero. Duo: But he SOUNDS like Heero, and he's DRESSED like Heero... Lina: *sighs, snaps her fingers, and Zap!! Zelgadis is now dressed like Tamahome. Miaka shows up* C'mon Zel, say something. Zelgadis: *clamps his mouth shut and shakes his head* Gourry: What's going on?? Lina: *to Gourry, as well as the rest of us* See, Zelgadis's voice actor plays a lot of leading bishonen...and well, a lot of bishonen in general. So all the different parts can be sort of well...mixed, I guess. *Miaka is looking around, confused* See, that girl is the love interest of Tamahome, who has the same voice as Zel. So Zelgadis has to resist the urge to slip into the Tamahome-esque character. *Zel is still valiantly resisting the urge* Miaka: *confused whimper* Tamahome? *Zelgadis can't hold it any longer. That was all it took* Zel: Miaka! *he clamps a hand over her mouth as she spins and tackle- hugs him, even though Duo's still attached* Miaka: *overjoyed* TAMAHOME!!! Fans: *in extreme pain. Think Cary Elwes as Westley in the Princess Bride, screaming in the sound of ultimate suffering. THAT'S what the fans sound like* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Slayers Fans: AS IF AMELIA WEREN'T BAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! Gundam Wing Fans: WE MISS RELENA!!! Fushigi Yuugi Fans: *are feeling two ways about this. On one hand, that WAS Tamahome's dreamy, leading-anime-hunk voice. On the other, they all hate Miaka. They choose to grump about that* MIAKA, YOU BAKA!!! Gundam Wing Fans: KILL HER TOO, HEERO, er, ZELGADIS!!! Slayers Fans: AND AMELIA!!! Outcast Slayers Fans: And Lina! *the Outcast Slayers Fans are immediately killed by all right-thinking Slayers fans* Slayers Fans: FIND NAHGA AND KILL HER TOO!!! Zelgadis: Whoa, whoa, how bloodthirsty do you people think I am?? Lina: Well, this whole thing DID start with you saying you were going to kill me. Zelgadis: *Desperately trying to pry off Duo and Miaka* I have to!! It's in the script!!! Slayers Fans: AND KILL MARTINA TOO!! and...well, no, don't kill Sylphielle. She's sappy, but doesn't deserve to die. Zelgadis: WILL YOU PEOPLE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!?! Martina, her father, and Gourry: Can we just finish this scene?? Lina: You sure you want to do that, Martina?? *tosses her the script* Martina: *reads to the end of the scene* NANI?!?! Lina: Yep. I blast you with a Dragon Slave. You deserve it, of course. Martina: *grump* Do not.... Gourry: I'm hungry... Amelia: *wakes up, sees TWO people glomping Zel, and passes out again.* Lina: *looking at Amelia* I could get used to this... Zelgadis: I couldn't. Lina...tasukete, kudasai? Please help me? Lina: Wellll...... Zelgadis: I won't mention that time you and Nahga got drunk and... Lina: SURE THING ZEL, NO PROBLEM!! *sweatdrop* FIRE... Duo: I get the feeling this is going to be bad... Gundam Wing Fans: NO! DON'T HURT DUO!!! Lina: *pause* You've got to be kidding me...*sighs and switches spells* FLARE ARROW!!! *at Miaka, who is instantly burnt to a crisp* Fans: *And there was much rejoicing* Zelgadis: *to Duo* I'm not Heero. I may sound like him, but I'm NOT him. Duo: You're sure?? Zelgadis: Very. Duo: *confused mewl* But... Lina: *zaps Duo away back to his own anime world* Happy now?? *addressing the Fans* Fans: Hai, Lina-Sama!! *In a "Please don't blow us up!" way* Lina: *nods* Good, let's finish the scene now. Martina: *whine* Do we have to?? Gourry, Lina, Zelgadis (back in his own clothes again), and a newly-awake Amelia: *sweatdrop* Oy...