Airbats is a show about nothing, pretty much. It's hilarious, though! One of the funniest animes out there! Yoko's dubbed voice is annoying though.
It starts out as a boy named Isarugi is moving into the 801st Tactical Training Squadron. He is going to be the maintenence crew! Yay! So he is having a hard enough time trying to find the place without looking incredibly stupid. When the *beautiful* Sakura offers him a ride, he graciously accepts! Of course he would love a ride! But, unfortunately, he opens his big mouth and makes a "rude" comment about Patriot, the dog Sakura loves. She makes him find his dorm himself.
Well, Isarugi gets off on a really bad start with all of the girls. Yes, all girls. The place he is working is training to be a real combat base, a real fighting squadron, with all girls. They are also an air acrobatics team. How cool is that? Isarugi is an anime otaku, too! If you look closely, you can pick out Nuku Nuku, Sailor Jupiter, and Evangelion things.
5/5 It isn't all that great, but good enough.
Character Development
5/5 I liked all of them! (Yoko got annoying, but who cares?)
Plot Depth
4/5 Uh... mostly humor and random events. That makes up for it.
5/5 I really like the opening song!
Sexual Content
4/5 There are references to it throughout all 3 tapes! (very FUNNY though)
4/5 There are some public bath scenes, and some other scenes where Isarugi and the other men find themselves looking at womens boobs. Nosebleed!
4/5 Isarugi gets beat up. Yaeger gets hurt.
5/5 It is GOO (goo=good)
4/5 They swear some, and make nasty comments. Mostly sexual innuendos.
Overall goodness
5/5 I loved it! I recommend this one to any fan of general anime! If you can handle some more mature situations, that is. It really is quite funny.
Totals: 45/50, very good!
To think! I didn't even want to see this show. I AM SO STUPID! It's so cute and funny and it's got PLANES! Planes are cool, didn't you know? Isarugi was just too cute.
Isarugi is a janitor. He now worls at the 801st Tactical Training Squadron. That is the ONLY all-female squadron. They fly cool planes. Yeah, ANYWAY.. Sakura, the coolest lady, who's an EXCELLENT gambler, and I think she's a good singer.. offers Isarugi a ride. He accepts. But then, we run into a PROBLEM! Isarugi makes a kinda rude comment about Sakura's very favorite thing besides gambling. The dog, Patriot. She kicks him outta her car and tells him to walk. Temper, temper! Isarugi ends up trying to find this place all on his own. But a bat attacks him, and trying to get away, he walks in on Miyuki Haneda undressing. She twacks him and he gets out. Stil trying to get away from that bat, he accidentaly runs in on Arisa (I forgot her last name suddenly) showering. Neither girl is too happy about his guy walking in on them. They chase him and beat him up... and that's only within the first 15 minutes! So much more funny things to come!
5/5 Goo! Goo! (WHAT storyline?)
Character Development
4/5 None, really. But none was really needed. It's just a feel-good show with PLANES!
Plot Depth
4/5 Not deep. But there's no need for a deep plot.
Sexual Content
4/5 "I think your FRIEND wants to see the women, Isarugi!" "N-No he doesn't! Stop looking, you pervert!" RIIIIGHT...
4/5 Mostly Arisa
5/5 None, really. Maybe a drop or two of blood here and there. Nothing to concern you.
5/5 GOO!
4/5 A bit, no really HORRID stuff.
Overall goodness
5/5 Good! So cute and funny and PLANES!
Totals: 46/50, Good! I want MORE AIRBATS!
TOTALS: 45.5/50 Very nice, very goo.
***We own it dubbed, professionally done and uncut!***
Title: | 801 T.T.S. Airbats |
Original Creator: | Toshimitsu Shimizu |
Year: | 1996 |
Licensed by: | A.D. Vision |
Length: | 210 min |
Rating: (not professional) | PG-13 (mature situations, minor injuries, love triangles, and sexual inferences) |
Number of Tapes: | 3 |
Price for individual tape: | Ist tape dubbed=$19.98, 2nd & 3rd tapes=$9.99... 1st tape subbed=$24.95, 2nd=$29.95, & 3rd tape=$9.99 |
Box Set? Price: | No |
Number of DVD's: | Not available on DVD yet. |
Price for individual DVD: | ----- |
Box Set? Price: | No |
Comments: | Airbats is a funny and uplifting series made more for the male crowd. It has lots of fanservice in it (unrequired nudity), lots of sex jokes, and scantily-clad women (at times). However, we enjoyed it despite our being female, and thought it was absolutely hilarious! |