Overall Grade: A (94%) Very Good, some nudity, swearing and violence

Heather's Gestalt review

My guess is that this takes place in a futuristic Earth type setting. Anyway... while testing a giant robot in space, a giant "meteor" comes out of nowhere and demolishes the test, ramming into Earth. It destroys part of a city. 16 years later, the hole left by the meteor is filled in with water, and people have rebuilt their city.

There is a girl named A-ko who walks to school with her friend, C-ko, every day. More like, runs to school at the speed of... well, it's faster than cars... who knows. They just transferred together to this area, and already they have made a bad impression. For some reason, a girl in their class (B-ko) wants to be friends with C-ko REALLY REALLY badly. So every day, B-ko challenges A-ko to a fight outside of the school. Every day, B-ko has some new robot built to take A-ko away from C-ko. But it never works, because A-ko is extremely strong and she is UNBEATABLE!

This isn't the only thing A-ko faces every day on her way to school. There is always a guy in their way, who goes by the name of D. He is a spy for this alien ship... and he has his sights set on A-ko and C-ko. WHY? WHO KNOWS?!?!

There is a lovely nudee scene right away. This is A-ko. Then B-ko talks to herself in her bathroom. Okay, her own personal pool thing. There is semi-detail in it, so.. watch out for the boobies. There is some swearing, although it's nothing serious. And there is violence, of course. Many a explosion and fight. No one ever bleeds or gets killed in front of the camera though. Unless they blow up. But you can't even see them ^_^

Heather's ratings


5/5 It was rather weak, but it was funny.

Character Development

5/5 Very good. The three main characters were all psycho.

Plot Depth

4/5 Not really...


5/5 Quite goo.

Sexual Content

5/5 Some courtesy shots. But that was about it.


4/5 There was a semi-detailed scene of A-ko, and one of B-ko as well. None of C-ko, thank god.


4/5 There was violence, but no bleeding.


5/5 Very good.


4/5 They swear a couple of times.

Overall goodness

5/5 It was funny.

Totals: 46/50, I don't think I have ever seen any single person make such strange faces as C-ko. Except maybe for Noelle on Tenshi ni Narumon. She looks kind of like C-ko. But anyway, that girl can really stretch her cheeks out and look like an idiot.

Megan's Gestalt Review

Well, for starters, this one looked SO CHEESY! I really thought it was going to be bad. It wasn't. It was surprisingly good! And full of beautiful men, jee jeee. (that's hee heee) There was Father Olivier (oh-lihve-ee-ay), Soushi, and many others. Every single guy was very pretty. This was done by AnimeWorks, so all the voices from Magic Knight Rayearth (if you've seen it, you'll recognize them) are in it. The dubbing is really cheesy, so I say try to see it subbed, although I've not seen it subbed.


Megan's ratings


5/5 Pretty good. I think it was rather plotless, but still good.

Character Development

5/5 Yeah, good enough. Sure, B-ko doesn't change OR grow. Neither does C-ko. I don't think A-ko does much either...

Plot Depth

5/5 Nooooo. Not deep. But oh well. Nice to not have to muddle your way through a confusing show or wonder "WHY THE HECK WAS THIS MADE??? IT'S SO STUPID!!"


5/5 Yep yep. The theme is so cool!

Sexual Content

5/5 B-ko touches her boob,


4/5 A little. B-ko in the bath, A-ko pulling on her bra, and B-ko again. Semi-detailed.


4/5 Some shooting down planes. Lots of explosions.


5/5 Excellent for 1986! YAY!! I LIKE 1986! 80's forever!


4/5 Ah, nothing much. Just your normal run-of-the-mill words.

Overall goodness

5/5 Very good and funny. But was the captain and D men? Or were they women? ^_-??? I dunno.

Totals: 47/50, Loverly-doo!


***We own this dubbed and unedited (as far as we know)***

Title: Project A-Ko
Original Creator: Katsuhiko Nishijima, Kazumi Shirasaka
Year: 1986
Licensed by: U.S. Manga Corps
Length: 86 minutes
Rating: (not professional) PG-13 (Slight nudity, violence, swearing, mature situations)
Number of Tapes: 6, but each are individual movie-like things...
Price for individual tape: $19.95 for the dubbed, $14.99 for the subbed
Box Set? Price: No
Number of DVD's: Six
Price for individual DVD: $24.99-$29.99
Box Set? Price: No
Comments: A-ko is a really entertaining movie about three girls. This is aimed at both genders, but probably appeals to the more... male audience. With the fanservice (unneeded nudity), mechs, and... lesbian innuendos... this is just a more male show. Of course, there are female-aimed things in it.