Q1. Why do you always watch those STUPID cartoons?!?!
      A1. GODAMMIT!!! They are not cartoons! They are anime! We watch them because we LIKE them!! THERE! You have a problem with that?!

    Q2. Why do you always draw those weird pictures?

      A2. Ugh... your intelligence never fails to amaze us. We like to draw. Why do you consider them weird? Because they don't look like the normal pictures you see everyday? Such as those in your Playboy Magazine!??

    Q3. Why do you act so stupid? What is 'groo'?

      A3. BECAUSE WE ARE!!! And besides, it's fun! YOU could not POSSIBLY understand!! Why? YOU are too GOOD for our ANIME! And now, I will make a face at you! -_o <---- spy face!! AT YOU!! Groo is a word we like. So there!! It can mean anything that we want it to, so just integrate it into your vocabulary.

    Q4. Why do you get along so well? Why would you even want to own a webpage with your sister?

      A4. It's better to get along with your sibling than it is to fight with them. Trust us, we know. Not to sound corny, but we are all each other has left. We don't want your sympathy and we don't want to sound whiny- but we had two other sisters die. That brought us closer together and we no longer take each other's company for granted.

    Q5. So you had sisters die? How old were they? What did they die from? When did they die?

      A5. Yes, we had two sisters die. Kristin died before either of us were born, on October 16, 1983. She was six months old. Sara died on October 22, 1994. She was three, almost four (her birthday was November 16). They both died of Familial Hemophagosetic Lympho-Histeocytosis. It's a disease where your body literally eats itself. It can't tell the difference between good cells and bad, and the white blood cells distroy good things as well as the bad, essentially disentegrating the immune system altogether.

    Q6. How old are you? Where do you live? Do you have pets? What do you look like? Do you play any instruments? Can you speak other languages? (etc)

      A6. Try reading our about us pages for that kind of info.

    Q7. Is all you do watch and review anime, draw, and write?

      A7. We do have some kind of lives. Each of us has friends that we like to be with, and Heather has a boyfriend, Charlie. We like doing things together as well as with other people. You can read more about our interests on our about us page.

    Q8. What kinds of music do you like?

      A8. We like all kinds. Take for example, Metallica, Ramms+ein, Orgy, the Prodigy, the Offspring, Static X, Tool, Slipknot, Disturbed, Loudermilk, Powerman 5000, Primer 55, Aerosmith, Dir en Grey, Luna Sea, Malice Mizer, GACKT, X Japan, TWO-MIX, all of the Gundam Wing Boys' seiyuu, Megaherz, Pulp, Barenaked Ladies, Our Lady Peace, Rob Zombie, Korn, Sevendust, The Tea Party, Beck, Taproot, The Tea Party, anime music- the list goes on. And again, you can read more in depth on our about us page.

    Q9. Can you draw me a naked picture of someone?

      A9. Yeah, we suppose. You don't get it for free, though. We aren't talking about money here- we are talking about the fact that it takes up our time to draw you a picture of a detailed naked person. You have to do something in return- it all depends on how detailed the picture gets. For example- just a naked person posing, pencil, black and white wouldn't take too long. You may just have to put a link up to our page. If it is supposed to be colored in, and two people doing the nasty or something- you're gonna have to do some pretty large favor in return!

    Q10. Can I link to your page? Can I use your reviews? Can I put up your fanart or fanfiction?

      A10. Yes, you may use one of our banners located on our contact us page if you like. If you don't want to, then you can link to us through a normal html code link. You may NOT use our reviews. You can link to our page, or tell people about them, but you can't use them on your own page. You can put up our fanart or fanfiction! ^_^ Just give us credit for our own work, and you don't take the credit. If you do, you will regret it. -_0 <-- We will watch you!

    Q11. What's wrong with you? Are you on drugs?

      A11. Nothing is wrong with us. No, we are just.. HIGH ON LIFE! (We hate that saying) We are perfectly sane. We just act like we are not. Don't insult us, it's not nice. We know you don't care. But we do, and so you better not.

    Q12. Can you do a special picture/review/walkthrough etc. for me?

      A12. Yeah, probably. Depends on what it is, can we get ahold of it. Like say, you asked for a review on Kekko Kamen. Sorry, buddy, it isn't happening. Why? We're not eighteen, can't rent pornos! We can probably do pictures, Obviously, it will depend. You can also see above, as we mentioned before. We will do certain walkthroughs, but most of the time, they won't be free. As stated above, not money-wise. Favors!! ^__________^ We get to smile at this one.. Just ask! (just love! DAH! Think Relena's "It's Just Love")

    Q13. Why isn't YOUR __________ (insert item in that line) UP YET?! WHEN ARE YOU GETTING IT UP?! And so on....

      A13. Um... it could be one of many reasons. A lot of things we do on here are secondary compared to the reviews. Our site is based off of anime reviews, not anything else. Everything else like the drawing tutorials are put on here in our very small free time, and they are for YOUR convenience. We work on it when we can. Please don't demand for things to get put up- that just makes us rush and do crappy jobs.

    Q14. Why don't you have any picture galleries on here?

      A14. As stated before, reviews are the main priority here. We don't really want to have a picture gallery any more because no one looked at them in the FIRST place. That's what the page originally was- tons of pictures. Right now, we just don't want to waste the space for pictures that you could find pretty much anywhere. However, if you want us to get you a picture, we can probably direct you to a place with an excellent gallery.

      Well, that seems to be about all we get asked for now. If you have any further questions, email us.

      Music Choices (MIDI):

      [You need the Crescendo Player or another MIDI player to hear these.]