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other.gif (7543 bytes) KA Applegate, the author of the Animophs series, gave a special one-time-only webcast in December of 1999. Here is all the info...


Initial Air-Date: This one-time only 'live' webcast was set for December 18th, 1999. KAA was said to speak a special message to everyone, and give a new secret for something new at the official site.

Webcast Address: Click here to launch the webcast. It still can be viewed, even though it was said it was a 'live' webcast, and it could only be seen on the 18th of December, 1999.

Webcast Requirments: The Webcast required the use of Real Player. Many people didn't know this, and were scared they missed the webcast because they didn't have the program.

Webcast Screenshots: Click here to view EXCLUSIVE screenshots of the webcast.

Fan Input: Click here to read thoughts from fellow ani-fans on what they thought of the webcast.

Webcast Transcript: Click here to view the text version of the webcast. It took me a long time to type, so if you use it, please mention us. Thanks.

"May 17, 1996. It was the day we first learned of the invasion. The day we first met, Jake, Rachel, Marco, Cassie and Tobias. Since then we've learned much about the Yeerks and Visser Three and we also met some allies like Ax and the Chee. We learned a lot and they've won many battles. There is reason to celebrate. As a matter of fact, the year 2000 Animorphs Party Winner is celebrating with his family and friends right now (shows a pic of Andrew M.). But we can't tell you where. So, you've read the books and watched the TV show, whats next? Is there a key to changing your world? According to K.A. Applegate, it's learning as much as possible and keeping a great sense of humor. Here's K.A. and a young friend with a millenium message recorded for Animorphs Funniest Home Videos."

"I'm K.A. (laughing), oh dear, OK (beep). (clears throat) Hi. I'm K- (laughing) (beep). Hi I'm K.A. Applegate, thanks for joining us here today (laughing) (beep). Rolling? O.K. Hi, I'm K.A. Applegate, thanks for joining us today. Thanks for (very big laughter) over the last three and a half years (beep). A new millennium doesn’t roll on every year, in fact, I believe it is several hundred years between millennium. Math was never my best subject (laughter) to think about (laughter). That's pathetic. You know, I could get a kid from the neighborhood to do this better (beep)."

"Hi, I’m KA Applegate, Thanks for joining us here today, and thanks for supporting Animorphs for the last 3½ years. A new millennium doesn’t roll on every year, in fact, I believe it is several hundred years between millennium. Maths was never my best subject. But every time it the 00s turn on the callender it is a good time to think about what has been and what could be. A new Millenium always holds up hope that that True and Fictional may at last be conquered. That peace may come both in the place we never name, and that all places get named on the evening news. But how ever mutch we have for the new millennium, we have to be ready to act, in order to know what is right, we need to make a change, to make the world a better place. You have to start with learning, knowledge, and knowledge is pretty much all you know, read everything, read books, read everything, read newspapers, read tomalears, read the tabloids at the supermarket check out, no, wait I read those, read at home, read on the bus, the more you read the more you’ll know. At the end of every day, you should be able to think , hey I know something I didn’t know yesterday, why? Because the more you read, the more ready you’ll be for everything that happens, in your life. Like the new invasion for example, now go, and read a book and join the the millennium, bye!"

"That was incredible (laughs)"

(KA fades out, music again begans to play, and the woman's voice is heard, once again)

"And that's the last we're likely to see of K.A. Applegate, on video anyway. So arm yourself with knowledge and a sense of humor and on January 1, 2000 visit the Animorphs web site. Use knowledge as your password to gain entry into an all new Animorphs Virtual Time Capsule. It will feature 200 messages to Animorphs fans for the new millenium. So the more we know, the more we can change."

-"The KAA webcast wasn't live at all! I live in Australia and I saw it at around 7:00 am on Saturday, December 18. That would have made it Friday in America!"

-"I downloaded the 'live' web cast on saturday and it sucked! I thought that is was going to be LIVE! they said it was going to be. I don't know what is wrong with them, but it sure does involve lying! I had to Download Live stuff you shouldn't have to download!"

-"I just saw K.A. special video message! It was actually pretty good, compared to what I was expecting."
-"One word: Harlarious. I know, K.A. didn't even get through the script, but it was so funny! Every couple of seconds, she start laughing! She's not a camera person, as you can tell. But she's funny! When she laughed, I laughed! It was also funny with her cat walking in front of the camera, showing itself off to the world! Hey, it wanted it's five minutes of fame! But let me tell you, the part with K.A. laughing and stuff is funny!"


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