Order Form
The Descendants of John Veazey
Ann V. Davis

Suitable for Gifts

Item No. of Items Price Total
Case Bound, 4-Color Hard Cover ________@ $45.00 ________
Walnut Plaque of Veazey Crest (7x9) ________@ $15.00 ________
SUB-TOTAL ________ ________
6% Tax (N.C. Residents) ________
Postage & Handling (each book) ________@ $5.00 ________
Postage & Handling (each plaque> ________@ $3.00 ________
TOTAL ________ ________

This indexed 508-page limited edition includes over 5,250 descendants of John Veazey of Cecil County, Maryland, and their spouses, children, in- and out-laws. This is true genealogy, citing sources from over 20 years of research.

Appendices include portions of Duncan Veazey's Manuscript, ca. 1896, the 1942 Durham Sun article by Ben Patrick about the removal of Veazeys from the Veazey Ridge, North Carolina, and Memoirs of Dorothy W. Curl, descriptive of life on the Ridge.

Give this gift of heritage for your family to treasure.

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Please print this form and remit to:
Ann Veazey Davis
P. O. Box 353
Zebulon, NC 27597

(919) 269-5691

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