Tennessee Reunion Photo Gallery, 1998

(Click on the photo for a larger view.)

70 MPH Veazey Raymond says he's the safest 94 year old 70 mph driver on the road!
Alaskan Veazey One of the Veazey's came from a long way away... Alaska!
Ann & Phyllis Ann and Phillis
Ann with Leroy Ann with cousin Leroy
Ann with Tim Ann gave our "famous" cousin Tim an award after his performance.
Getting ready... All the cookie bags made quite a site in Ann and Wayne's bedroom!
Ann and Bob Bickel
On the river boat cruise
Still on the cruise
And on we go, sailing along...
Did we stay on the boat for the whole trip?
Cousin Decia
Durham crowd
On the bus...
Those pretty flowers!
Gene emcee'ing
Veazey Hospitality
Cousin Jack
Leroy X 2
Linz with all those bags
Mike and Sheila
Oldest Veazey
Cousin Tim
In the lobby!
3 Generations
3 Generations
On the bus
On the bus...
Mr. & Mrs. Veazey!  *LOL*
The Halls
The Powell sisters sell Granny's books
The Veazey Wives

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Ann Davis


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