Veazey Rode With Nathan Bedford Forrest!
If you attended the Veazey Reunion in Alabama in 1996, you will remember a list of
Civil War Veterans with the Veazey-Veasey, etc. surname, in my attempt to identify as
many of them as possible. One was a J. C. Veazey, Private, Co. G, 18th Mississippi
Calvary. Last summer while on our way to visit Nancy, Ann and Mary, we visited with
Billy and Sandra Veazey in Cotton Plant, Arkansas. (Thanks to Leroy of KY, I knew
there were Veazeys in Cotton Plant!) They told us that his ancestor, John Chambliss
Veazey (950), had been born in Tate County, MS, had a Confederate grave marker, and
family tradition said that he rode with Nathan Bedford Forrest.
I contacted (via email) Alan Doyle of the Nathan Bedford Forrest Camp of the Sons of
Confederate Veterans and he confirmed for me that the 18th Mississippi Calvary Regiment
did indeed ride with General Forrest. Ref: The Campaigns of Lieut. Gen. N. B. Forrest,
and of Forrest's Calvary, by Jordan & Prior, pub. Morningside Bookshop.
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