Veazey-Veasey Family Obituaries

Sherrill Fred Washington (1961), June 23, 1998, Oxford, NC. He attended the 1995 reunion in Durham, NC.

Lucy Twyne Waller (1259), Sept. 24, 1998, Durham, NC. Her nephew, Edgar Marsh Waller, Jr. (2073) married my maternal first cousin, Fontelle Cozart.

John "Roger" Hall (3181), Sep. 26, 1998, Durham, NC. His mother, brother and sister attended the reunion in Tenn.

Elizabeth Jourdan "Bee" Cozart Speight, Oct. 18, 1998, Durham, NC. She was sister to Fontell and my maternal first cousin.

Mary "Veazey" Barrow Worden (2762), Nov. 9, 1998, Dallas, TX. "Veazey," her daughter and her aunt attended several reunions.

Mary Lillian Cozart Pergerson, Nov. 30, 1998, Elk Grove, CA. My 3rd cousin and long time friend, she was also a first cousin to Bee and Fontelle.

Our sympathies to the families of these cousins. I saw several of these obituaries in the Raleigh, NC, News & Observer, but many of you were kind enough to send me this information by mail or by email. I will be glad to include any that were omitted in the next newsletter.

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Ann Veazey Davis, Editor
Post Office Box 353
Zebulon, North Carolina 27597
(919)269-5691 (Also FAX now!)
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