Many events held in Tehama are national competitions. There are many rodeo events, held at the fairgrounds in Red
Bluff, with big name riders coming to compete. A major bull sale is held each year. People come from long distances
to attend. Of course the County Fair is big and fun. Just as those from long ago, competitions include
food specialties, (jams, jellies, cakes, homegrown produce, etc.), art, sewing, needlework, floral arranging, various exhibits
and much, much more. Plus the usual animal raising and show, with youngsters working hard at raising their special
animal in hopes of selling it. Many use the money toward college.

The most popular rodeo is the annual Red Bluff Round-Up. A parade is held in honor of the event with many citizens and groups
participating. Wild horses are run through the main street of town each year during Round-Up. Chili cook-off competitors
and street vendors are all part of Round-Up days. The annual Kiwanis pancake breakfast draws huge crowds. Almost everyone
turns out for something during the week.
For information on the new Red Bluff Round-Up Museum and scheduled events, click here.