Continuing The Whiteman Family History
The story continues: Book by H. Anne Whiteman
GEORGE SAMUEL WHITEMAN, son of Lydia Gooden and Mathias Whiteman, was born June 22 or 23, 1863 in Ames, Schuyler Co., Illinois
and died at age 73 on December 4, 1936 in Ava, MO. He was buried Dec 8, 1936 in Ava, MO at Mt. Zion Chapel, Gentry Cemetery.
He married Cora Edith Sprague. His brother, Albert Whiteman, witnessed the marriage certificate. The marriage certificate
names Mathew Whiteman and Ludia Gooden as his parents. (note incorrect spelling.) These names were also misspelled on his
funeral record, as Mathews Whiteman and Lyddie Goodian.
George Samuel was a farmer, born on June 22, 1863. He stood about 5'4", had a white mustache. Cora Edith Sprague
was born Nov. 17, 1867 and died September 14, 1940.. They married October 4, 1888 in Lehigh,Iowa. How they met must have been
interesting, given that Cora was said to have had a stage career. The Farmer and the Showgirl!
The marriage certificate for George and Cora Whiteman is in our file and is signed by witness Albert Whiteman. It says
this is the first marriage of each. It shows Daniel Sprague & Susan Appleton as the bride's parents and Mathew Whiteman
and Ludia Gooden as the groom's.
The children of George and Cora are:
9 EULA FAY WHITEMAN (called Toodles) ...1904
12 MYRLE (MERLE?) lOLA WHITEMAN ... 1911 age:
(More on these later)
Cora provided the names and dates, in writing for future researchers, it is supposed. We have a copy.
At the far right is George Samuel Whiteman.
PEARL BEATRICE WHITEMAN was born 8-Dec-1889. She died 4-Jan-1890 died as age: infant
LEO GERALD WHITEMAN was born 15-Dec-1892: ROY DONALD WHITEMAN was born 19-Jul-1894 and died Apr. 5 1983 died at age: 88;
GUY RONALD WHITEMAN born 20-Aug-1896 and died 22-Feb- 1971 died at age: 74; GLADYS EVANGELINE WHITEMAN was born . 15-Sep-1897
and died. 30-Sep-48 died at age: 51; ARTHUR GEORGE CLEMENT WHITEMAN was born 4-Jan-1899 and died 1980 died at age: 80
PHILIP IVAN WHITEMAN b. 22-Mar-1901 d. 29-Jul-1952 died at age: 51; ERMA FERN WHITEMAN was born 8-Feb-1903 and died 15
Jul-1928, died at age: 25; EULA FAY WHITEMAN (called Toodles) was born 16-Mar-1904; HAL OLIVER WHITEMAN was born 13-Nov-1905
and died . 10-May-1929 died at age 23; , FRANCES EDITH WHITEMAN was born26-Jul-1907.; MYRLE (MERLE?) lOLA WHITEMAN was born
5-Dec-1911. They began having children in 1889 and finished in 1911.22 years.
One Whiteman informant said Cora Sprague had her ancestry traced back to a Royal line in England, and George Samuel was
jealous and he burned it. No proof of this.
The funeral record for George Samuel Whiteman as of Dec 4, 1936, states he "is husband of Cora Whiteman and lived
in Ava, MO. The funeral was Dec 8, 1936 at Mt. Zion Chapel, 2 p.m. Tuesday, Frank Evans, clergyman, presiding. The song "Old
Rugged Cross" was sung at his funeral." Marvin Whiteman, his grandson, said he could remember is own father, Ivan
Whiteman, coming in to services at the Pentecostal church Marvin attended as a youngster and crying when "The Old Rugged
Cross" was sung. It may have been a family favorite.
The certifying physician was J. D. Lurgeson of Ava. The cause of death was "found dead in bed" of unknown causes.
Interestingly enough, Cora was also "found dead in bed " when she died.
The casket cost $80 and there were miscellaneous. other items. He was embalmed, and had flowers and a hearse. $141.75
appears to be the total billing. Although Marvin and Anne Whiteman searched the graveyard thoroughly on a trip to Ava, they
were unable to find a gravestone for George Samuel or Cora Whiteman. The family may have been unable to afford one.
Vinton Whiteman (spelled Venton and Vinton) remembered being at Grandma & Grandpa Whiteman's house in Missouri. He
said they would all get their hands black with blackberry juice from picking wild blackberries. The entire Ivan Whiteman family
visited there on the way to moving to California in 1939. This was the last time many of the family saw Grandmother Whiteman.
Grandchild Irma Marie Whiteman said that she remembered "Grandpa George" because he once noticed her especially.
Irma was sitting quietly by while the other kids played, and Grandpa George said "Why can't you kids all be quiet like
Marie (Irma)?" She was thrilled.
We will now approach the family line of Cora Edith Sprague so that we may knit these families together.
James Appleton
James Appleton is currently our oldest known ancestor in the Whiteman line that leads to Cora Edith Sprague Whiteman.
Part of his history is listed under Cora's information, in a letter she wrote trying to find an inheritance. (See later.)
At this point we follow the lineage that lead to Cora Sprague's existence.
James Appleton was English, having been born in 1760 in Shorsditch Parish, London. He came to Canada on a merchant ship
in 1775, and served in the British Militia, most notably during the American Colony's siege on Quebec, which was unsuccessful.
Following that, he joined the Royal Highland Emigrants Regiment, a quite famous group. Although they were not all Scots, they
wore the kilt and Scotch garb.
He became a prisoner of war following an attack on a rebel post on Lake Champlain, being captured with four others. They
were imprisoned at Albany jail, and escaped to Johnstown in the Mohawk River Valley. He eventually made his way back to Montreal,
and rejoined the regiment.
After being discharged in 1784, he enlisted with the Provincial Marine (based at Detroit, which belonged to the British
at that time) and sailed on his Majesty's ships on the Great Lakes.
James Appleton married Charlotte Biette June 14, 1790 at Christ Church, Montreal. Their known children at the time of
this writing were Marie-Charlotte and Jacques (John) Appelton..
According to a letter from Cora Whiteman: Appleton Joined the English Navy in 1771 and served 4 years. He enlisted under
King George III. He went to Canada and married a half-breed Chippewa Indian girl. If this is correct, then Charlotte must
have been Indian. Her name suggests that she was French, but we can't go by that. Cora's letter:
"James Appleton was an interpreter in Canada during the war around 1833 to 1834 when the whites and Indians were
fighting. He was married to a Chippewa Indian girl. At one time James Appleton received a letter from a Mr. Masterman (His
brother-in-law through his sister) who lived in England and he asked James to come for a visit. If he did, he would make him
a gift of one thousand pounds. Masterman said in the letter that he was the last of the name and race of his line so his estate
would all go to James anyway. James Appleton would not go because he was a proud Englishman and felt Mr. Masterson was trying
to "buy him". (Family history)(26) " There is a copy of a letter in our file regarding this.
July 23, 2002, information via Internet from Brian Green
Researcher Green' s Letter: "Thank you for so generously sharing your information with me. I'll do my best to reciprocate.
Unfortunately, the information I have is stored, the old fashion way, on pieces of loose paper.
"You asked about James Appleton's wife. He married Charlotte Biette on the 14th of June 1790 at Christ Church (Anglican)
Montreal. The surname Biette is French, but Charlotte may have been part Chippewa as stated by Cora. I simply don't know for
certain, at this point. They had the following known children (possibly others)
1. Marie-Charlotte Appleton bapt 1791 Notre-Dame-de-Montreal (Catholic)
2. Jacques Appleton (your John) bapt 1792 Notre-Dame-de-Montreal
3. Marie-Catherine Appleton bapt 1794 Notre-Dame-de Montreal
4. Mary Victoria Appleton (my 3x great grandmother) born abt 1798 Ontario (likely Kingston) died 8 Oct. 1890 Thorah Twp.,
Ontario Co., Ont. married Louis Fontaine/Fountain born abt 1786, Quebec (living 1861 East Gwillimbury Twp., York Co., Ont.)
and had a family of seven known children: Elizabeth Fountaine(1822-1902); Jane (c1825-?) ; John (1827-1912); Susan (1831-1900);
Lewis (c1833-1896); David (c1836-?) and William Fountaine (c1840-1917) .
With regards to your John, he seems to be a rather difficult fellow to get a handle on. John Appleton was recorded as
a witness, along with Mary's husband, Louis Fountain, at the marriage of Mary Shapel on the 23rd of January 1832. As a result,
we know he was in the Gwillimbury area at that time. The question, however, arises as to whether he was actually residing
there or merely visiting. (He is not listed in the Home District Directory of 1837, which makes me wonder.) Cora's mentioning
that James Appleton (I think more likely John) acted as an interpreter may be the explanation. If so, it's hard to know where
he might have been. By the taking of the 1861 census, John and family were living in North Gwillimbury Twp. He is described
as a labourer. As mentioned before, only the youngest two children, Susan and Charles Appleton, were still with him and Ann
Appleton at that time. (Both were born in Ontario, as was Ann in about 1805.)"
"Your recording of the years of birth and death for the other children (with the exception of John Jr.) makes me
wonder if the family didn't all go to the States. (Even if John Sr. did indeed die here, as stated by Cora, I can find no
listing for any of the other family members in the index of the 1871 Ontario census.) Would you mind telling me your source(s)
of this information? I'm sorry I can't tell you more about John. I do, however, know a fair amount about his father, James,
if you're interested. Thanks again for your help."
"James Appleton's 1829 petition for a land grant states he was, "born in the year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred
and Sixty in the Parish of Shorsditch or suburbs of London". The petition goes on to say, "In the year seventeen
hundred and seventy five he sailed from London in a merchantman to Quebec, upon his arrival in that port there was an embargo
laid upon shipping, by orders of Sir Guy Carlton, in consequence of the American revolution". Cora's statement of James
being born in London during 1757 wasn't far off. "
"It would also appear that he was on a merchant ship, rather than with the Royal Navy, when he arrived at Quebec
in 1775. Despite this, I find it remarkable how close to the truth she actually was, especially when you consider she wrote
her letter some 150 years after the fact. She obviously knew quite a bit about her great grandfather. It's a shame she makes
no mention of his activities during the American Revolution. (Once in the States, perhaps her mother, Susan, chose not to
talk about it.)
James served in the British militia during the unsuccessful American siege of Quebec, and then joined the Royal Highland
Emigrants Regiment. (The members of which were not all Scots, as the name would suggest.) During March of 1778, James was
with the Royal Highland Emigrants on an attack upon a rebel held post, located on Lake Champlain, when he and four others
were captured. As a result, he spent the next eighteen months as a prisoner in the Albany jail, before escaping to Johnstown
(in the Mohawk River valley) and eventually making his way back to Montreal, where he rejoined his regiment. He remained with
the Royal Highland Emigrants for the duration of the War, and received his discharge in 1784. In October of that same year,
he enlisted as a seaman with the Provincial Marine and sailed "on his Majesty's ships on Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan"
until 1789. (Perhaps this period in the Provincal Marine was the reason why Cora thought James had served in the Royal Navy
for four years.)"
'His marriage to Charlotte and the baptism of their three oldest children would seem to indicate that James returned to
Montreal after his service in the Provincial Marine, which was based at Detroit (then still belonging to the British).
He appears to have stayed in Montreal until at least 1794. How much after that, I'm not certain. Unfortunately, I don't
have an exact date of birth for my great great great grandmother, Mary Victoria Appleton. Her recorded age in the various
censuses would place the year of her birth as either 1797 or 98. (I should also add that the place of her birth was always
recorded as here in Ontario.) Mary died in 1890, while living with her eldest son, John Fountain. The registration of her
death states she was born in Kingston, John being recorded as the informant. Her father was certainly in Kingston by 1809,
for in that year he "entered his Majesty's service as a sawyer at Kingston dockyard under the direction of John Dennis
master builder superintending at the building of his Majesty's twenty gun ship". (The ship referred to here was probably
the Royal George.) James remained in his Majesty's service as sawyer until March of 1819, the last six months of which appear
to have been spent at the Naval Establishment at Penetanguishene."
Accompanying his petition is an affidavit certifying that "James Appleton of East Gwillimbury has this day taken
the oath of allegiance before me", dated the 6th of October 1829. We therefore know that James was in East Gwillimbury
by 1829, how much before is still not clear. His daughter Mary's husband, Louis Fountain, is, however, recorded as residing
in East Gwillimbury in 1820, so I think there's a good chance that James was there, as well, by that date. Almost ten years
after the writing of his petition, James did finally obtain a land grant from the Crown for 100 acres in Georgina Township.
Shortly after receiving his grant he turned around and sold it. The registered bill of sale, dated the 4th of March 1839,
describes him as "James Appleton of the Township of North Gwillimbury". Knowing that he was in North Gwillimbury
in 1839, makes me suspect that James was likely living with my great great great grandparents by this date. (Louis Fountain
owned 200 acres in North Gwillimbury at the time.) It's interesting to note it was Louis Fountain, James' son-in-law, and
not his son, John, who acted as a witness to this sale. Although strictly speculation on my part, this seems to be yet another
indication that John Appleton was not living in the area."
The Children of James Appleton and wife Charlotte were Jacques (John) Appleton, b 1792 in Montreal, Canada, married to
Ann, b about 1805; Mary; Elizabeth (b 1842, d 1896 at age 54; Charles, b 1848 d 1920; and Marie-Charlotte Appleton, b 1701
in Notre Dame de Montreal.
Daniel Sprague was supposedly a "Riverboat man" perhaps an entertainer called Professor Silverton and had a
brother named, possibly, Zenis. His daughter, Cora Edith Sprague, was born 17 Nov 1867 at Monticello, Piatt County, Illinois,
died 14 Sep 1940 at Ava, Missouri, Benton Township, Douglas County. Her father supposedly levitated her in his act onstage,
according to family legend. He had a pet monkey, said a family informant. The monkey was with them when Daniel and Susan visited
and the monkey tormented the dog. (family legend.)
Born in Brown County, Illinois, Cora was the daughter of Daniel S Sprague of Pennsylvania and Susan S Appleton, born in
Canada. Cora married George Samuel Whiteman in Lehigh, IA. It was the first marriage for both, and she was just 2l years old.
He was a farmer. (10/4/1889) "The Farmer and the Showgirl?"
Second daughter was Blanche Adalaide Sprague, b. 7 Sep 1877, Weston, Missouri, d. 17 Jul 1926. It is said that Blanche
also assisted her father in his shows. She is said to have lived in Shreveport, Louisiana. Blanche's death in 1926 resulted
from cancer.
From Dale Whiteman, family researcher: Here's the information my brother Ed (must be son of Blanche) compiled on Daniel
Sprague:" (It doesn't sound nearly as extensive as the information your side of the family has retained, and aside from
the one photo I mentioned - which I haven't yet seen - we have no artifacts at all. This is probably due to the fact that
my grandfather Albert Edward Green, Blanche's husband, burned her theatrical trunk, which contained her collection memorabilia,
in his back yard after her death.)"
Blanche Adelaide Sprague September 7, 1877 - July 17, 1926 Blanche Sprague married Albert Edward Green May 13th, 1896,
in Weston, Missouri. Blanche's father, Daniel Sprague, was the captain of a showboat that plied the Mississippi River. One
family story is that the Captain also performed in his shows, specializing in a sword swallowing act. He denied Blanche the
opportunity to play certain parts, for they would have required her to wear tights, which was not the thing for a proper young
lady to do.
Blanche's mother was Sarah B. Appleton, of whom the family has a surviving photograph. Blanche was the second of five
children. The oldest was Cora Sprague Whiteman, the third, Jesse, married a Mr. White and had two boys by him. A brother Arthur
Sprague was followed by the youngest sister, Bertie Lenore Sprague Rittler.
She married W. O. Rittler May 13, 1896 in Weston, Missouri.
Her father, Daniel Sprague, must have been well regarded, for the largest paddlewheel riverboat ever built was named after
him. (I have no proof on this) The Sprague eclipsed all previous records when, in 1908, it took down the Ohio and Mississippi
Rivers a fleet of sixty coal boats and barges, 925 feet long by 312 feet wide, covering seven acres, with a cargo of 76,302
tons of coal. This boat was eventually donated by Standard Oil to Vicksburg, Mississippi The boat was maintained by the city
and contained a theater for melodrama as well as the River Hall of Fame Museum. Unfortunately, the Sprague
burned in 1974. Daniel had a brother who, with a partner named Warner, started a food processing plant in Chicago. They
had no way to market their goods, so they took to selling them in crates on the sidewalk - a move that resulted in their being
harassed by the police on more than one occasion. The Sprague -Warner business continues to this day as the Richelieu brand.
Daniel's father was a Presbyterian minister.
Albert and Blanche moved several times during their marriage, as Albert's work as a railroad telegrapher took him from
one job to another. The couple had nine children, of whom only five lived to adulthood. One of the two boys, Fred Rogers Green,
never married and died of tuberculosis at the age of thirty three. Blanche opened a tea room on state road number 38, between
Frankfort and Mulberry, Indiana, but the venture was not a financial success. At the time, she was already not well from what
was to be her final illness. There were financial difficulties that may have contributed to the loss of her and Albert's home
in Frankfort. Murley Smith Green tells that Albert turned over his checks to Blanche to pay the mortgage and didn't know until
after her death that she had only paid the interest on the mortgage. Their daughter, Helen Ruth Holmes, fills out the picture
by saying that Albert was very conservative with his money and did not give Blanche enough to run the household. She then
felt it necessary to divert money from the house payments for other necessities. Whatever the case, after her death her husband
lost the house."
In other parts of the family history Ed wrote that his father (also Ed) said that Albert was a "boomer', meaning
that he followed opportunities for work wherever times were good. This resulted in the family's moving a lot. Helen Ruth was
nicknamed "Missouri", as that was where she was born. Another child was named Montana, and my father was born in
West Liberty, Iowa. Blanche must have had a hard life; I remember my father saying that he had lived in every western state
except the three along the Pacific by the
time he was 12. He said that Albert worked as a railroad telegrapher, and also ran a printing and tombstone carving business
part-time. After about six or eight months, he would get restless and change railroads (and address), and re-establish his
businesses. He said the part-time work brought in fresh vegetables and meat for the table, as people often paid for their
printing and headstones with produce. They finally settled in Frankfort, Indiana, where he worked for the Nickel Plate Road.
Unfortunately, he (according to family lore) was made the scapegoat for a serious train accident and lost his job. He continued
as a printer and died on July 19, 1932.
The Nickel Plate Road: Built in 1875/76 across the northern part of Madison County as the Lafayette, Muncie & Bloomongton,
the line runs from northeast to northwest through Alexandria, Orestes, Dundee and Elwood.This was to become the Muncie to
Frankfort Main of the NYC&StL, the Nickel PlateRoad, after ownership passed to the Lake Erie and Western and then to the
Nickel Plate. It was a well maintained, high speed, signaled single track main with long passing sidings seeing moderately
heavy traffic.
On October 16, 1964, the NKP, the Wabash and several smaller roads, merged with and
were absorbed by the N&W and traffic began to fall off. After the Norfolk Southern(NS) was formed by the merger of
the N&W with the Southern (begun in 1982, to be completed in 1990), the importance of this line lessened still more.
Several Steam excursions were run here, the last two using the Indiana Transportation Museum's NKP 587 in 1991 and the
N&W J 611 in 1992. Signaling was removed in 1993
reducing the line to a maximum of 49 mph (30 MPH through Elwood). The line now sees mostly grain shipments with only very
little local freight. With the removal of signals and the closing of the NS steam program, it is very unlikely that steam
will ever again grace these rails.
I haven't been able to confirm other parts of the Daniel Sprague story recounted above. I've looked for some connection
with the Sprague paddlewheeler, and haven't found any, and also found that Ortho Sprague, one of the co-founders of Sprague-Warner
(now General Foods) didn't seem to have a brother named Daniel (although, who knows, maybe there was another mother). Anyway,
it sounds as though your branch of the family retained much more of a connection with the Spragues, and we would be very interested
in hearing about your research. I forwarded both of your replies to my initial email to my brother Ed, but initially I sent
it to an org rather than to a corn, so I haven't yet heard back from him. I expect he will probably also be contacting you.
His email address is I don't know which family member has the Susan Appleton photo, but Ed refers to it in his
writings. He also includes a school photo of Blanche in his family history, but it's a Xerox. I'd like to get good copies
of each of these - when I do, 1'll
forward copies to you. By the way, Dale, in one of your messages on, you indicate that Susan Appleton was
part Indian. You also indicate that her father (or was it her grandfather?) was a translator. Was he a translator of Indian
languages perhaps?
This is all very exciting, as we had been trying to find some connections to this side of the family history.Looking forward
to hearing from you, Art Green
Continuing with Cora and George Samuel :
On the back of the photo it lists Ivan, age 5, Fern, age 3, Eulah, age 2 and the baby is 1/2 half yrs. old. I can't makeup
the spelling on it (This from Lynnette Mays). The photo was taken in 1906.
The marriage produced 12 children! Not only did they have a lot of offspring, but their offspring produced large families
as well. Cora was, of course, a housewife. The first child of the couple was born a year and two months after George and Cora
#1. Pearl Beatrice Whiteman, in October 1889.. The poor little thing died a month later. The first child. That must have
been very sorrowful. She was born in LeHigh, Iowa, in the year that North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington were
admitted to the United States.
#2. Leo Gerald Whiteman was born December 15, 1892, in Lacon, Illinois. He died in Yakima, Washington when his pacemaker
shorted out as he was having it replaced. The doctor left the room and Leo died while unattended a brief time.(27)
Lillie Whiteman, his wife, passed away a few years after Leo.
According to researcher and cousin Floyd Whiteman ,
Leo Whiteman married Lillie (?) and they had two boys and one girl. The girl was named Edith, born in 1914/5 and is much
older than the rest of the cousins. (He believed her to be 66 or 67 at the time of writing on 2/10/1979). He (Floyd) was told
"several years ago" that she was a great grandmother. A family photo shows a pretty young lady. One of Edith's children
and a grandchild were killed in a plane crash in California several years before the time this was written. This was the child
of Sandra Grove, daughter of Edith. Sandra is a family researcher as well.
A picture appeared in the paper of the wreckage of a Hughes Airwest DC-9, which crashed in San Gabriel mountains of California,
after colliding with a Marine Air Corps jet. All 49 people aboard were killed. (June 6, 1971)
Imagine my surprise when once again I tried to do a search On my grandfather Leo Whiteman and actually got a match!!!
It was so exciting to find! You provided me with a link I was unsure of, Mathias & Lydda, my mom's Aunt Eula Whiteman
Helmer, had given me all of the names back to Mathias & Lydda but I was afraid to trust my memory and the paperwork is
stored away in another state. If you are interested in any of the history other history about George & Cora's family I
have quite a bit and would be happy to share it with you. My mothers name was Edith and she was the oldest child of Leo &
Lillie. She died two years ago, (1998) and I have all of the correspondents Lillie had saved through the years. There are
quite a few letters dating from 1928-1940 from Cora and other siblings. There are also some copies of obituaries.
This is where most of my current information comes from in addition to my mom's brother George Whiteman who is 78, just
got a computer and is also interested in the family history. (from cousin Sandra Grove).
Incidentally, I also have a lot of old photos form the 20's through 40's that I would also share. Many of them have the
names and dates on the back. According to Eula, Cora was a photographer, writer and artist There is one picture of her sitting
at her work table with an artists easel. Thanks again for publishing your research,
In another letter, she said " Thank you so much for sending your family tree. I can't wait to sit down and read it.
Also I browsed through your website and it is wonderful, can't wait to go back when I can spend some time. Tomorrow I will
have my family tree research uploaded onto the Whiteman website and I will also scan some of the pictures and upload those
as well.
Some of Cora's letters refer to Albert's children in Pine Bluffs, WY. Gifford & Mildred are the names. Another letter
refers to George's oldest sister Mary Siders who died in 1932, there is another reference to her living in Omaha, NB. Also,
Cora's sister Birdie is mentioned, she was from Quincy IL and her husband was Walter 0. Rittler. She was still living in 1956.
Be sure and let me know if you want copies of all of the letters and photos. I am going to be scanning them so I don't have
to handle the originals, and I will be glad to make copies for you as well as send all the information I have to date. Well,
I am just so excited I'm rambling, so I will close for now and wait to hear from you. Bye for now, Sandra
Leo's two boys were George and Jimmy Whiteman. George Whiteman married twice. He had one child from his first wife and
we understand that was the extent of his family. He had a Chrysler Dealership (at that time) in Yakima, Washington. Floyd
Whiteman visited them in 1955 when he came back from overseas. Jimmy lived in San Francisco the last Floyd knew. He was married
a short time several years before and had no family, according to Floyd's knowledge. He never really had a full time job.
Just odd jobs and worked at the post office during the Christmas season each year. Floyd also visited with him several times
after returning from overseas.
Leo's wife Lillie passed away a few years after he died
#3 Roy Donald Whiteman was born July 19, 1894 in Bradgate, Iowa and died April 5, 1983 in Greenwood County Hospital, Eureka,
He served in the army in WW I and went to Greenwood Co., KS following his discharge. He moved to Piedmont, Kansas, in
the mid 1920's and there met his wife to be, Harriette Vaughn, born July 22, 1899, daughter of Plez H. Vaughn and Alice (unknown)
Vaughn. They were married in Hutchison on January 12, 1927.
They moved to a farm north of Climax , KS, in 1927. They lived in Eureka, Fall River & Buffalo, where their only child,
Roy Vaughn Samuel Whiteman was born September 8, 1936 after nine years of marriage. Shortly thereafter, they returned to Piedmont,
and remained there until they moved to the Regency Health Care Center in their elder years.
Harriette Vaughn was born on her family's farm, 12 miles west of Piedmont, Kansas. She was the first child of her parents.
She attended grade schools in Pedmont and Arroyo, Colorado completing her high school in Cheyenne Wells in 1919. She then
attended Fairmont University (now Wichita State University) and there earned her Baccalaureate degree, with History and English
majors. She taught for over 40 years, holding teaching positions in Plevna, Beaumont, Rueda (east of Teterville), Corcordia
and Piedmont.
Ater WW I, in which he served, Roy came to Greenwood County, Kansas following his discharge. Roy Whiteman worked at Boeing
in Wichita during the next war (WW II), worked many years in the oil fields, and ran a garage in Piedmont and was a very good
mechanic. Roy and Harriette were real antique collectors and had four two room houses filled with antiques. They also
had several other pieces of property and raised cattle. He had a serious heart attack about 1969 or so and was not expected
to live. In 1979, when this information was received, he was very strong and had worked hard since the attack although his
memory and concentration were gone much of the time.
He and Harriette lived briefly at Teterville, Kansas in the forties while he worked in the oilfields. They owned a number
of properties throughout the years and at one time ran cattle.
In 1978, Harriet had a stroke in an eye. She was in the hospital for some time and then spent several months in Houston
with (Roy)Vaughn, her son. During that time Roy Sr. was at the VA Hospital in Wichita. She and Roy went to a rest home upon
her return from Houston for several months (in Eureka). They then returned to their home in Piedmont for a while before returning
to the rest home. At 86, Roy's mind was very bad. Harriette had fallen and broken her hip a few years prior, but had recovered
from that.
In his obituary, it was mentioned that Roy Whiteman had been in the rest home for 3 years prior to his death. (Eureka
Rest Home). He died April 5, 1983, at the age of 88. He was survived by Harriette, his son Roy Vaughn and daughter-in-Law
Judy of Houston, TX; and 3 grandchildren, Chris, Linda & Danny Whiteman. He was preceded in death by 5 brothers and 4
sisters. The funeral services were held Friday afternoon at Campbell Funeral Home with Dr. Gilbert Daniel, pastor of the Christian
and Congregational Church, officiating. Interment was in Piedmont Cemetery.
Harriette's obituary read, in part: Mrs. Roy (Harriette) Whiteman, 90, retired school teacher, died Tuesday, March 27,
1990 at the Regency Health Care Center in Eureka. (It then gave her history, much of which is above.) She was united in marriage
to Roy D. Whiteman January 12, 1927 in Hutchison. And, of course, it mentioned Roy Vaughn.(29)
Roy Vaughn Samuel Whiteman has 3 children, two girls and one boy. One daughter was married in 1978. according to Floyd
Whiteman's notes Feb 10, 1979.
Roy Sr. wrote a letter to his parents George and Cora: "Parkville, MO Jan 25, 19 (obliterated - looks like 16)
Dear Mom and Poppa and all,
I just rec'd your truly welcome letter today and was certainly glad to get it. It seems like it takes so long for your
letters to get here. I wish you would write oftener. You would send your letters down by the mail carrier most anytime.
Well, there isn't much news to write. Mrs. Schuler went to K.C. today and I told her to get me another suit of underwear.
Now I have 2 new suits of U.W. and no others. It seemed like those old ones went to pieces all at once.
I shucked corn today. We are almost through. Mrs. Schuler had to help Marie wash this morning and helped shuck this afternoon.
The last 3 days just like summer but the paper says it will be zero weather again. There is some notorious holdups going
on in K.C. They are operating on the main streets in broad daylight. There was two more persons died from the effects of that
death car and that makes four deaths and one other is not expected to live. Well, I don't know anything worthwhile to write
so will have to quit.
Hopeing to hear from you soon.
I remain your loving son, Roy Whiteman
P.S. How about the posts?
Tell Ivan I will give him the watch for an xmas present (ha ha)
Find enclosed order for $5.00
During our (Marvin & Anne Whiteman) visit to Kansas in 1990, we met Roy Vaughn at Mel and Marjorie Whiteman's home
in Wichita. He brought some paperwork over for our research, a copy of a will left by Grandma Cora. It was very exciting to
receive this.
He also gave us a page from an English phone directory. He said that while in London he was told that after a war in 1066,
an area around Coventry was set up in a circle with Coventry in the center and divided between two conquering parties. One
half had a lot of birch trees, which were white. Anyone whose name starts with "White" originates there.
Vaughn is an interesting, personable man. Some things he told us:
Aunt Harriette said that the Appletons came from Canada through the headwaters of the Mississippi.
Uncle Arthur (Sprague or Whiteman?) was in business with John Deere & helped invent the Moldboard plow. (Mel Whiteman
is an inventor, too)
The Kirks had a livery at Climax, Kansas and were supposed to have shoed Jesse James' horse.
Walter Rittler married Birdie, Cora's youngest sister. They are buried in Quincy. They may have had a daughter, and their
son may have killed hiseif
Roy Vaughn is married to the former Judy Higbee. Their children are: Chris Whiteman, married to McClune; Linda Whiteman,
married to Danny Houston; and .Danny Whiteman.
#4 Guy Ronald Whiteman was born August 20, 1896 in Leon, Iowa, the fourth child of George and Cora Whiteman. He died February
22, 1971 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He married Lena Bowles (or Boes?) daughter of Samuel Harry Bowles.
From Floyd Whiteman, 2/10/1979: "Guy, my Dad, married my mother in June 1927. Dad was 31 and mom 17. (This was the
year that Lindbergh flew the Atlantic)
Their children were Glenn Forrest Whiteman, born July 26, 1928. He died January 22, 1940, Floyd Elton Whiteman, (who provided
much of our family history) born (LIVING); Olive Ruth, born LIVING; Dale Clinton, (another researcher) born LIVING; Paul Edward,
born March 17, 1942, died by drowning on Mother's Day in 1957; Arveta Carol, born March 21, 1948.
Glenn Forrest Whiteman, Guy's son, had received a new bicycle for Christmas and was very excited. He had to learn how
to ride it. The weather was very cold and lots of snow and he fell many times learning to ride. He got chilled and wet and
took pneumonia. He was taken to the hospital on January 11 and operated on for an abcess in his left side on January 20. He
died January 22, 1940. Had penicillin been available it probably would have been effective and perhaps saved him.
Guy always ate his dessert first, according to family members. He went to California in 1940 driving a 1939 Plymouth and
got 22 or 23 miles to the gallon. He traveled on money saved from taking platinum from magnetos." He had 6 kids in the
car, according to Vinton Whiteman.
Floyd Elton Whiteman, son of Guy Ronald. LIVING. Floyd did much of the Whiteman research in the file of this author, H.
Anne Whiteman. He sent copy on 2/10/1979. NOTE: Much of the information here has been deleted due to the LIVING people involved.
Floy stated that the father of the man that Whiteman Air Force Base was named for was his dad's second cousin which would
mean that it would be a third cousin to Floyd and to Marvin Whiteman. George Whiteman was thought to be the first man killed
at Pearl Harbor. (I have the family history of George Whiteman and I have no proof of connection to the family) Whiteman AFB
is named after him.
The story is that George Whiteman's plane was blasted out of the air just after leaving the runway. His picture was in
Life Magazine's Highlights of the first 50 years of Life Magazine in 1988. The picture first appeared in a special edition
in 1942.
#6 Arthur George Clement Whiteman
He was always called "Clement." He was born January 4, 1899, in Polk City, Iowa and died in 1980 in Seattle
Washington. He lived in Eureka, Kansas until 1940 when he moved to Seattle, Washington. He married the sister of his brother's
wife, Mabel Boes or Bowles. Their boys were double cousins.
The first child of Clement and Mabel is Kenneth Eugene, born LIVING. Almost nine years later, Douglas Arthur Whiteman,
was born April 24, 1937 in Eureka, Kansas, and died April 26, 1937. Only two days old. He is buried in the Greenwood Cemetery.
His obituary read: "Infant child dies. Services at family home, 612 Oak Street. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C.
Whiteman of Eureka, born Saturday, died Monday April 26th. Funeral service conducted by the Rev S.P. Brite, pasror of the
Baptist Church, was held at the family home Tuesday. Interment in Greenwood Cemetery."
Kenneth Eugene Whiteman was born in 1928. He and his wife Marjorie had two sons, Stephen Alan and Lawrence Jay Whiteman.
The youngest, Lawrence Jay Whiteman, lived in a trailer on Clement's acreage, according to 1979 information. The boys
looked like twins when young. The youngest was big for his age." (This is from family information in a letter from Floyd
The third son of Clement and Mabel is named Calvin, and he was born 1 year and 1 day form the death of Douglas Arthur,
the second son, on April 27, 1938. Calvin married, had two sons and was divorced. He married again but was again divorced.
Mabel Whiteman, Clement's wife, died of cancer.
#7 Phillip Ivan Whiteman, son of George S and Cora, called Ivan, was born March 22, 1901 in Polk City, Iowa. He was a
mechanic and auto repairman. He died July 29, 1952, of drowning in Eureka, Kansas. This is the father of Marvin Whiteman and
his siblings. He is buried in Greenwood Cemetery. More on this family later.
#8 Emma Fern Whiteman was the next child born, February 8, 1903 in Granger, Iowa. She was married to Truman Martin. She
died Juy 15, 1928.
#9 Eula Fay Whiteman, also called "Toodles" was born March 16, 1904 in Dayton, Iowa. According to researcher
Floyd Whiteman, her husband was much younger than she. He died in 1978. Eula lived on in Oregon. When she died, she reputedly
left an estate of over $200,000.
Her first husband was Neil Helmer, who died about 1978. She then married a man named Waggoner. He died when their son,
Dean Alvin Waggoner, was very young. Eula then took her son and went to California. Alvin, as he was called, was raised by
his stepfather, Charles Albrecht. Charlie Albrecht was a movie producer and they lived in Burbank. Charles had a son from
a previous marriage, Charles Waggoner II.
Alvin had three sons. One was killed in a motorcycle accident in Germany while in the service.
When Cora Whiteman died in 1940, Floyd Whiteman remembers Eula arriving in a "big, fancy car," having driven
in from California.
Page 11
#10 HAL OLIVER WHITEMAN, b. 13-Nov-1905, LINDLEY MO, ref: OBIT, d. 10-May-1929, HAMILTON KS AT PARENT'S HOME, buried:
GREENWOOD CEMET, EUREKA KS. According to Guy Ronald Whiteman's wife Hal died of a heart attack at the age of 25. She said
he was a real Christian young man, attended church regularly and witnessed for the Lord. The inscription in the cemetery records
say "Hal Vernon Whiteman: B 15 AUG 1905, D 10 MAY 1929. Lived in Jimesville Twnshp/ of Heart Disease. Single, survived
by parents. When Marvin & Anne Whiteman visited the cemetery, no stone was found. He was not married.
Hal's obituary reads:
"Hal Whiteman died Thursday afternoon at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Whiteman, 3 niiles southeast
of Hamilton. The aftereffects of an attack of influenza were said to have caused his death.
Funeral services were held the Sunday forenoon in Eureka from the Christian Church with interment in the Greenwood Cemetery.
The deceased is survived by his parents and a younger sister, Muriel, living at the home place near Hamilton, three other
sisters, Mrs. Gladys Shepherd of Osceola, MO, Mrs. Eula Waggoner of Denver, CO, and Mrs. Frances Benepe of Eureka; and five
brothers, Leo of Sapulpa OK; Roy of Fall River and Guy, Ivan and C.G. of Eureka."
#11 Frances Edith Whiteman was born July 26, 1907, in Lindley, Missouri. (Now Cora and George are in Missouri?) She married
James Benipe. They had two children, Bobbie, who died at age 7 or 8, and Alene Benipe. Oddly enough, this family lived only
two doors down from the Elrod family of Anne Elrod Whiteman in the San Fernando Valley, California at one point.
#12 Myrle (Merle?) Iola Whiteman was born, the last child, on December 5, 1911 in West Fork, Arkansas. (Arkansas?!!)
Myrle Whiteman was married to a Mr. Randall, who died a month after the marriage according to his daughter, Kathleen Randall,
born June 23, 1933. He had appendicitis and wouldn't go to a doctor. He died in 1932. Myrle then left her daughter with her
A large amount of information is deleted here because of living people.
RAY BUCHANAN, b. 13-Nov-1906, d. 19-Dec-1990, SEYMOUR, MO, buried: GENTRY CEMETERY. Ray and Myrle Buchanan lived on a
farm near Ava, MO for many years. They then moved to Davenport, IA. They had two sets of twins eventually. Then they moved
back to Seymour, MO, not too far from AVA. At least two of their chlldren had Grade A dairles in the Seymour area, according
to Floyd Whiteman in 1979. Myrle's kids ages spanned 26 years.
Cora Whiteman's funeral record was dated Sept 14, 1940. It shows her as widowed and white race, living & dying in
Ava, MO. Clinkingbeard Funeral Home handled the funeral. The information was given by Roy D. Whiteman, her son. She was born
Nov 17, 1867 and died Sept 14, 1940 between 12 ~m. and 8 a.m. She was 72 years old, 10 mos and 27 days. The funeral was held
on Tuesday, Sept 17, 1940 at 2 p.m. at the Mt Zion Chapel, Frank Evans presiding.
She was Christian, born in Brown Co, Ill of parents Daniel S Sprague of Penn & Susan(Susan) Appalaton (Appleton) of
Canada. She died at home in Ava of Chronic Eudocarditis and arterial sclerosis. The cost of the funeral was not clear on the
copy. The complete funeral was about $161.??. She was buried at Gentry, MO, probably beside her husband. Information about
her life: Cora was said to have been on the stage. It must have been before her marriage, because it would appear she was
pregnant most of the time! It has been said that her father had a medicine show, and that perhaps she and her husband may
have participated in it.
The following is a letter written by Cora regarding an inheritance quest:
Eureka, KS Oct 3/25 Court of Chancery I have been advised to write you in regard to an estate belonging to my ancestors
in England. The estate belonged to a Mr. Masterman. I will proceed to give the dates with all information I can recall. My
great-grandfather, James Appleton, was brother-in-law to Mr. Masterman, the latter having married my great-grandfather's sister.
James Appleton was born in England in 1757. He joined the English Navy in 1771 and served four years. I am informed you can
get dates from the Navy as they are recorded. Find date of his enlistment under King George III. He went to Canada and married
a half-breed Chippewa Indian girl. To them was born two children, John and Mary Appleton. Mary died a widow and childless.
Both are now dead. James Appleton's two children John and Mary were born in Montreal, CANADA Both are now dead. The above
James Appleton was interpreter during the war in Canada in 1833 and 1834 when the whites and indians were having trouble.
At one time James Appleton read a letter from Mr. Masterman who lived in England asking James Appleton to come to England
and make him a visit and he would make him a present of 1,000 lbs. Masterman said in his letter that he (Masterman) was the
last of the name and race and that it would all go to James anyway. So I suppose he was of course unmarried. But James A was
a proud old Englishman and would not go because Mr. M. had offered to buy him.
James A. reared 5 children, James Jr., John Jr., Charles, Elizabeth and Susan, now all dead. Susan Appleton was my mother.
She married D.S. Sprague, also dead. The Masterman estate had a coat of arms, as near as I can remember was "Two Savards
crossed entwined with olive wreath". My mother and I tried for years to find a clue to how to start a search but seemed
never to get on the right track. Will you please inform me as soon as possible if I am writing to the right party for information
and how to proceed. I would be perfectly willing to give a big percentage of the estate if I am successful in this. I surely
need anything that is coming to me. If you know will you please tell me if anyone else ever tried to get a portion of the
estate. Please give me all the information you can in your first letter as it takes a month for me to get a reply anyway.
Am including pay for postage for your reply to me. Can you tell me if "Appleton House, Sandringham" is connected
with the estate?
Awaiting an early reply, Mrs. G.S. Whiteman Eureka, Kansas
(There is also a copy of a first draft, written in pencil, which reads a little differently. ANOTHER LETTER: British Museum
London, Eng I have been trying for some time to see if there was some way to try and find out about my ancestors and there
estates and have been advised by John R. Totten (Chairmarm of the executive committee and trustee) of the W.J. Genealogical
& Biographical society, to write the British Museum, London,Eng., in regard to English estates belonging to the Appleton
and Masterman (or Masterson) family. I will now proceed to give you all the information I possess, in regard to same. James
Appleton was born in London, Eng., in 1757. He went into the British Navy in 1771. You can get the dates from the Navy, as
I am informed it is recorded for all TIME. You may get the date of his enlistment under King George 3rd & I think he served
for 4 years & then went to Canada & Married a half breed Chipewa Indian girl. To them was born 2 children named John
& Mary Appleton (born in Montreal Canada) now both dead. James Appleton was interpreter during the war in Canada 1833
& 1834 along when indians were having trouble with the white people. He was married at Montreal, Canada & it is likely
recorded there. He died in Canada. John Appleton (his son) lived in Canada until his death. He was married and had 5 children,
but one died unmarried while yet a young man. The two girls and two boys that survived were married but are dead now. I am
a daughter of one of the children (name Susan Appleton) before her marriage but married to D.S. Sprague (both now dead). Now
what I want to know is, am writing to the right ones in order to get any inhearentence.
I Surely need it & should be greatly obliged to you if you will look into this matter & tell me how I may gain
what is rightly mine. My mother and I have worked for years on this but never seemed to strike the right clue. How should
I proceed and what percent of estate is required in payment if inhearentence is gained. James Appleton at one time received
a letter from his brother in law Mastermann (or Masterson) asking him to come to England & visit him & that he would
give him a 1000 lbs telling James that he Masterman was the last of his name and race & if he James, would visit him he
would inheret the estate. (This appears to be a draft or copy of the letter.
* The Last Will and Testament of Cora Whiteman: Tuesday, Dec.10, 1938 This is the last will and requests for fear I may
pass away before I have a chance to sign my name at the last I'll place it here. Cora Whiteman. Whatever property I have at
the time of my death, real estate, livestock, etc., I request it to be sold to the highest bidder. Also stoves, furniture,
piano (except other articles specified) in other requests sheet. If I leave any debts unpaid (funeral expenses for Mr. Whiteman
and my funeral expenses and if any little debts I may not be able to settle before my death paid out of the proceeds collected).
I owe $100 (one hundred dollars) mortgage on this property. I now occupy all of lots 6&7 Block 2 Emma Roller Addition
same being SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Section 11 Township 26 Range 16. (Ranse Gaston now holds the mortgage). If Roy Whiteman of Piedmont
Kansas pays off this mortgage, or if I pay it before my death let the sale of all any property be equally divided among my
children - Leo Whiteman, Roy Whiteman, Guy Whiteman, Ivan Whiteman, Clement Whiteman, Gladys Shepherd and Myrle Buchanan,
Eula Albrecht. Second page: Notation at top, enlarged picture of 4 boys. And Divide religious books. Leo scrap books, some
dishes, fancy work, quilt top, some tru...., bigest snapshot album, rings to Geo Ray. Quilt top, some glass dishes, square
mirror, the candle sticks, a picture (name on back) & books he gave us (names inside). A rug. Guy Big lamp he & Lina
gave us and shade. Big incubator, quilt top and blue comfort a chair cu books he gave us (name inside) and scrapbook (name
outside) (a rug) some photos. Ivan - quilt top (the one ready to quilt) dishes, picture (name on) a comfort, a chair cussiore
(?), scrap books (name outside) trinkets, smallest snapshot album, some photos and films. Eula - cane she gave George, quilt
top, books and scrapbooks (marked) dishes. George & mine enlarged pictures. Painted picture (name on back) scrap books
(name outside) big quilt pattern book. Gladys -a comfort, the matress 2 pillows, box of cracks (crackers?) (?)if she don't
get them before I'm gone) grn it top (?) some flincy work, some photos. Clement the incubator he gave me. Quilt top, some
dishes, scrapbook (name outside) & trunk he gave me. Big clock & some photos. Gladys A lot ofcooking jars, pictures
as marked, sacks of quilt scraps, mattress, books she gave us (name inside). Fancy work, some dishes, scrapbook (name outside).
Frances feather beds, snowball quilt top, a comfort, some dishes, pictures, name on back, fancy work (name on) photos) sewing
machine. Myrle snowball quilt, dishes (a lot obliterated) rugs, up the side of the document reads: Devide fruit and jars,
camer to who wants them & ???? tha go with them (looks like things that go with them) all books back to the ones that
gave them. (Handwritten copy in file)
While it appears that Cora was afraid of dying right away, she did live until Sept 19, 1940.
(obit) Douglas County Herald Thursday, Sept 19, 1940 Services for Mrs. G. S.
Whiteman, 72 are held Tuesday Funeral services for Mrs. G. S. Whiteman, 72, were conducted Tuesday afternoon at the Clinkingbeard
Funeral Chapel with the Rev. T. F. Evans of the Mt. Zion neighborhood officiating. Mrs. Whiteman was found dead in her bed
in her home here Saturday morning. She had been ill with heart trouble recently, but had improved and was active and apparently
well the day before her death. During her illness she had a staying with her but at the time of her death she was alone with
her 7 year old granddaughter, Kathleen Randall, who discovered her death. (Note: in a letter from Kathleen, she stated it
was as terrible experience as one might imagine for a little girl.) Cora Edith Sprague, daughter of Daniel & Susan Sprague,
was born in Montecello, Illinois, November 17, 1867. She was united in marriage to George Samuel Whiteman October 4, 1888
at Lehigh, Iowa, and to them six sons and six daughters were born. Her husband, two daughters and a son preceded her in death.
Mrs. Whiteman moved to Ava about 3 years ago after the death of her husband. For about 7 years before moving to Ava she and
her husband had lived on a farm near Ava. Before that she lived in Iowa, Illinois and Kansas. She is survived by 5 sons, Leo
of Kamah, Idaho, Roy of Piedmont, KS, Guy of Great Bend, KS, Clement of Seattle, WA, Ivan of Hollywood, CA, four daughters,
Gladys Shepherd of Osceola, MO, Eula Albrecht and Frances Benepe of Burbank, CA and Myrle Buchanan of the Mt Zion community.
She also leaves a sister, Mrs. W. 0. Rittler of Quincy, ill, and a brother Arthur Sprague of Davenport, IA; 26 grandchildren
and several nieces and nephews. She was a member of the Christian Church. Painting was a hobby with her and the walls of her
home are decorated with a number of her pictures. Among those who were here for the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Whiteman of Piedmont, KS, Guy Whiteman of Great Bend, KS, Mrs. Gladys Shepherd and son, Billy, of Osceola, Mrs. Frances
Benepe and daughter, Aileen, and Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Albrecht and son, Alvin, of Burbank CA; and Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Rittler
of Quincy, IL. Burial was in Gentry Cemetery beside her husband. Married 4 Oct 1888 in LEHIGH IA, GEORGE SAMUEL WHITEMAN ,
born 23 Jun 1863 at AMES, SCHUYLER, ILLINOIS, died 4 Dec 1936 in AVA MO, son of MATHIAS (MATTHEW?) WHITEMAN (1664) and LUDIA
(LYDIA?) M. GOODEN (1665).
Comment from Irma Dryden: "Cora Sprague had one sister living that I met. Birdie, who in 1941-43 came to California
with her husband either from Iowa or Illinois. He was a retired Chief of Police at that time."
Where they lived: Wichita, seat of Sedgwick County, was named for the Wichita Indians who originally inhabited this area.
1864 J. R. Mead became the first white settler when he opened a trading post on the site of Wichita.
1865 Jesse Chisholm pioneered the Chisholm Trail when J. R. Mead sent him into the
southwest with a wagon load of goods to trade with the Indians for buffalo hides. 1865 Wichita was plotted during this
1872 A branch of the Santa Fe Railroad arrived at Wichita, and the town
busted-wide-open." A sign was erected at the outskirts of town proclaiming:
"Everything goes in Wichita."
1870's Wichita boomed as a cowtown until the late 1870's when settlers fenced off the
prairie and the Chisholm Trail with barbed wire, and many cattle drives shifted west to
Dodge City.1889 Mentholatum was invented by Albert Alexander Hyde of Wichita.
1890's The grain from these farms more than equaled the wealth formerly brought by
cattle, and Wichita became a trade and milling center.
1895 Wichita State University in Wichita was founded as Fairmount College.
Shortly after 1918 the population of Wichita nearly doubled when a great reservoir of
oil was discovered nearby.
1920's The business men of Wichita went to work attracting the aircraft industry.
1925 Walter Anderson, Wichita, one of the founders of the White Castle eating houses
and known as the "Hamburger King," operated 22 White Castles. He bought the first
one in Wichita with a loan of $60.
1954 Autopilot was invented by David D. Blanton of Wichita.
1956 The 236 mile Kansas Turnpike is completed from Kansas City to Wichita.
1961 Today Wichita is known as the "Air Capitol of America."
PHILLIP IVAN WHITEMAN, son of Cora and George Whiteman, married Gladys May Kirk about 1923.
Gladys Kirk Whiteman had a DELAYED CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH (on file) Stating place of birth, Greenwood Co., KS. Born in Eureka.
Female, born Nov. 1, 1901. (She thought her birthday was Nov. 22nd for most of her life, until she received the birth certificate
on a trip to KS). White. Delivered by Mrs. Colvin, midwife. Mother a housewife, father a farmer. Proof by affidavit of R.A.
Karns, a cousin, aunt Mrs. Artie Zeebee, aunt. F.B. Karns and school record Dist. 52 Greenwood Co, KS dated June 30, 1916.
showing birthdate as November 21, 1901.
During the depression, while still in Kansas, Gladys Whiteman fed kids other than her own. Her husband made $18-25 per
week working during a time when a finish carpenter made about $1 per day. Because so many had no food, Gladys would prepare
food to share with others regularly. (from Vinton) Once a mad dog got into the basement at the family home in Kansas and they
had to get him out.
Gladys May Kirk Whiteman was revered by her children and grandchildren for her
self-sacrifice in raising her family after being divorced and left with 7 children. She worked at many hard and menial
jobs in order to do this. She did not date other men (in fact, one man insisted on a date so she agreed and then took children
with her .. exit the man.) after her divorce, and dedicated herself to raising and caring for her children.
She faced many problems and sadnesses during her lifetime, but carried a good and happy attitude throughout most of them.
The loss of her grandson, Roger, late in her life caused her a great deal of anguish. She was living with his mother Cody
and father Roger at the time it happened.
Gladys came from a family that owned property and had some measure of prestige in the community, so it must have been
difficult to live close to the poverty level for a number of years. She did not complain. She lost her house in Sun Valley,
California, just a short time before she would have been able to sell it to the state for freeway access. At 50 cents per
hour, she could not make enough money to keep it. Her grandkids really loved "Grandma Whiteman" and she was a favorite
baby-sitter. Gladys Whiteman died while living with her daughter, Cody. She died of a heart attack in Arleta, California
Ivan was talented in working on mechanical things, autos, etc. He was not a big man, being about 5' 4" to Glady's
5' 2". He had a problem with liquor, and it eventually ruled his life. He left his wife and children after moving them
to California, and they were in near poverty. He and Gladys divorced, and he never paid his child support or called or anything.
His older children had some good memories, but the younger ones never knew hiItL Before the divorce there were bad fights
between the parents, and a lot of anger in the home, due to Ivan's drinking. Ivan died, probably drunk, of drowning while
fishing alone. He had remarried and his obituary at first did not mention his first family, but a later one did.
Gladys and Ivan were divorced in 1943 after moving to California. They had seven children. Their children are Ivan Venton
(or Vinton), b June 6, 1924; Irma Marie, b Nov 1, 1926; Ina May, b Sept 25, 1928; Melvin Phillip, b Sept 13, 1931; Marvin
Kirk, b May 10, 1936; Maynard Lee, b July 7, 1939; and Corafay Alice (aka Cody), b Aug 1, 1941. Ivan married a second time,
to Cora Walker on Nov. 20, 1951 in Eureka, Kansas.
He married (2) CORA WALKER, on 20-Nov-1951, in EUREKA KS, b. 5-Dec-1892, MORRISYILLE MO, (daughter of CHARLES WALKER and
MELISSA MITCHELL) ref: HAVE OBIT. CORA: Cora Walker Wright died January 25, 1955. Her obituary is on file, and lists her children,
who would be step-children to Ivan and step-brother and sisters to Ivan's children as Charles Martin, George Walter, Howard
Thomas, Earl Leonard, Glen Edward and Opal Wright. Howard Thomas died in infancy. She had been a widow 7 years when she married
Ivan. Funeral service was held for Cora Whiteman at the Baird Funeral Home, January 31, Reverend Raymond Armstrong was in
charge. Obituary:
Cora Wright Whiteman, daughter of Melissa Mitchell and Charles Walker was born December 5, 1882 in Morrisville, MO and
departed this life at her home in Eureka January 29, 1955 at the age of 62 years, one month and 24 days. Mrs. Whiteman moved
to KS as a child and spent most of her life around Eureka.
She was united in marriage to George Walter Wright on August 28, 1913 at Eureka KS. To this union 6 children were born:
five sons, (see above) and a daughter. George Wright departed this life June 26, 1944 and Cora Wright was united in marriage
to Ivan Whiteman November 20, 1951. Mr. Whiteman departed this life July 29, 1952. Mrs. Whiteman was active in many activities
of her community. She was a member of the Christian Church and was currently the president of the Queen Esther Sunday School
class. She was active in the Legion Auxiliary. Opal Wright married Hubert Gibson. Cora was also survived by two brothers and
three sisters, Morris Walker of Haywood, CA., William Walker of Salinas, CA., Elizabeth Brewer of San Leandro, CA, Ola Mallison
of Stockton, CA., and Laura Meadows of Camden Ongully, West VA. Two brothers, Willard and Ollie, preceded her in death. Mrs.
Whiteman was also survived by 9 grandchildren, other relatives and many friends.
Ivan Whiteman was talented in working on mechanical things, autos, etc. He was not a big man, being about 5' 4" to
Gladys' 5' 2". He had a problem with liquor, and it eventually ruled his life. He left his wife and children after moving
them to California, and they were in near poverty. He and Gladys divorced, and he never paid his child support or called or
anything. His older children had some good memories, but the younger ones never knew him. He did come back, when his daughter
was three years old and asked to regain the marriage and his family, but Gladys, by that time earning a good living working
for an aircraft factory, said "Goodby." Her children applaud this.
Before the divorce there were bad fights between the parents, and a lot of anger in the home, due to Ivan's drinking.
Ivan died, probably drunk, of drowning while fishing alone July 29, 1952. At least one of his children questioned whether
it was an accident, stating he could swim a river easily. He had remarried and his obituary at first did not mention his first
family, but a later one did.
Martha Jane West
Martha Jane West married Simeon T. Cline on October 25, 1866 in Centerville, Iowa. According to one source (her obituary),
they had eight children, of whom four survived: Milo, Gus, Laura and Artie Cline. At the time of her passing, Milo Cline was
living in Sioux City, Iowa, Gus Cline in Humboldt, Kansas, and Artie and Laura Cline near Eureka. Martha West died at her
home in Fall River Township at the age of 67 years, 8 months and 4 days. on November 7, 1915.
The obituary states that she left a devoted husband, and that she and Simeon Cline came to Greenwood County April, 1874
and settled on their farm which "has been their home." She was a good, Christian woman and the community suffered
a distinct loss in her death.
Simeon and Martha Jane Cline were popular people in their community. It appears they were fun-loving and involved. Their
children were also frequently in the newspaper for their social activities.
Children of Martha Jane and Simeon T. Cline"
Milo Cline ...
Gus Cline ...
Laura Cline ...
Artie Cline ...
Martha Jane West was the daughter of Bushrod T. West and Mary Showers. .
Some of the information provided by James Albert Kirk, son of James Kirk, states that Grandmother Martha Jane came from
the "Indian side" of the family. She is reputed to have been 6 feet tall, and to have smoked a clay pipe.
"She was known to be a devout, Christian woman. She was a woman of unusual activity and kept her house well in spite
of failing health in later years. One Sunday, after feeding the poultry she came into the house and without warning sank to
the floor, her heart ceasing to beat. It was a great shock to family and friends. (from her obituary) Funeral services were
held in her home at 10 o'clock, Wednesday, conducted by Rev E. T. Rice, and she was buried at Greenwood cemetery.(31)"
Bushrod T. West, son of Hugh West
father of Martha Jane West
Chapter Eight
According to her death certificate, Martha Jane West, wife of Simeon Cline, was the daughter of B. West and Mary Shavers.
No record of the marriage of Bushrod West and Mary Shavers has been found, but upon investigating a census it was discovered
that a nearby family were named Showers. Later, information turned up naming Mary Showers, who married Bushrod, to be the
daughter of Henry Showers and wife Lois, and indeed a neighbor of the West family. Henry Showers was born in 1797, Lois Showers
in 1801 and Mary in 1823, all of these Showers were born in New York.
Upon further research, a census source names Bushrod West as Martha West's father.(32) Bushrod, was the son of Hugh West.
. Bushrod's first wife was Malaha Ann Eads, who died in 1837. They married: 25 Feb 1830 in Brookville, Indiana. Daughter Martha
West was born in 1848, eighteen years later. As you will see as our story progresses, Martha Jane West was not the child of
this first wife, Malaha.
Bushrod West, the father of Martha Jane West Cline, was born 30 Mar 1808 in Wood Co.,VA. He died 18 Mar 1875 in Kansas.
Bushrod's mother was Mary Ann Woodyard, and his father was Hugh West. Information on Bushrod's brothers and sisters will appear
later in the text.
Bushrod was in the military. Bushrod West shows up in a roster of the company of Capt James Cochran, 1836, in Westzel
Co., WVA. (There was a Stephen West as well. We are not sure if he was related to Bushrod.)
Bushrod's Father: Hugh WEST, son of Thomas West and Sarah Trammel, was born 31 Mar 1770 in Fairfax Co.,Virginia. Bushrod's
mother, Mary Ann WOODYARD, was born 5 Feb 1784 in Virginia. The marriage of Mary Ann Woodyard and Hugh WEST took place about
1807 in Wood Co.,VA. They eventually located in Brookville, Indiana. We are unsure what led them to Indiana. During that time
there were some offers made to people to settle the new territories. There in Brookville we find the West family Cemetery
with the following stones/markers.
Name Birth Death Notes
Hugh West 71yrs 18days April 18, 1841
Mary West 66yrs 21days February 26, 1850 w/o Hugh
The Cemetery is located in Brookville Township, Indiana
We shall take a look at early Visitors of Brookville, Indiana. What was it like when Hugh and Mary Ann West arrived? When
two Moravian missionaries and the wife of one of them arrived on April 24, 1801 at the present site of Brookville, there were
no white settlers to greet them. Only a small band of Indians on the hunt were camping at the forks of the Whitewater.
They could not know, as we do now, that they were on the "Dearborn Highland". For it is in this part of Indiana
and Ohio that upheavals within the earth's crust forced rocks from the earliest geologic ages upward so that now they are
at or near the surface. And the early visitors may well have been puzzled by the unusual fossil formations found in the rocks
along he streams.
Nor could the newcomers have known that ancient people called "Mound Builders" lived in this region long ages
before the red men with whom they were familiar. Those early dwellers did leave "mounds", some of which in this
county are on hilltops overlooking the Whitewater Valley. They are so arranged that messages, such as distress, could be sent
from one end of the valley to the other, possibly by smoke signals.
But the newcomers were quite sure that they were safely within the "right to settle" agreed upon by the Greenville
Treaty or "Indian Cession of Aug. 3, 1795". For this promised that "white encroachment" onto Indian lands
would stop at this line. Of course, it didn't, and today there is a marker at "Boundary Hill" just west of Brookville
where the 1795 line crosses US 52. Perhaps the West family went to Indiana to take advantage of the "right to settle."
Pioneer settlers, however, were not long in coming. On May 25, 1803 the first land entry in the country was made by Benjamin
McCarty for a site in New Trenton, Indiana. Today the Rockafeller Tavern stands on the site. Soon after, Amos Sutler from
Pennsylvania "patented" the first land in what is now Brookville. His cabin was located near the "Hermitage"
on East Eighth St. A prototype (actually the old Barrackman cabin from Templeton's Creek) now in the City Park is not very
far from the original site.
Little Cedar Grove Baptist Church
Even as the Pilgrims came for religious freedom, so many pioneers came here for the same reason. Spurred into action by
a meteorite shower (some say an earthquake) the congregation built the "Little Cedar Grove Baptist Church" and dedicated
it Aug. 12, 1812. The restoration stands south of Brookville on US 52 and claims to be "the oldest Church building in
Indiana still standing on its original foundation". The pioneers built well indeed!
A log Court House was built about 1811 on the south end of the present square. Across the street, where the County Jail
now stands, James Knight remodeled a former block house into the historic "Yellow Tavern". Many famous persons,
including Pres. William Henry Harrison stayed and were entertained here.
The "Great Migration" began after the War of 1812 (Did this include Hugh and Mary Ann West?) and would soon
be in full swing. Thousands came on the "Horns of a crescent moon" up the Whitewater on the East, down the Ohio
on the South, and up the Wabash on the West.
The old log Court House was replaced by a brick structure completed in 1817. By 1818, after several other "Indian
Cessions" and the Government Survey, all of the lands in the county were opened for settlement. By 1820 the population
was over 10,000, second only to Knox County. Brookville became the cultural, political, and social center of the new state
of Indiana. The Fifties:The cold, windy night of Feb. 22, 1852 has gone into the history books as the date of the most destructive
fire in the County's history. Almost all the block on Main Street across from the Court House was destroyed.
About 1820 an agitation was begun for the erection of a house of worship. On October 7, 1821, Amos Butler deeded to Samuel
Goodwin and William Sims, Jr., trustees of the meeting house in Brookville, and to their successors, for the use of the Methodist
Society, lots 64 and 65, Amos Butler plat of the town of Brookville, upon which was erected the brick church. This is the
first church erected in Brookville, was dedicated sometime in 1822, and was occupied by the Methodists until 1840 when they
decided to build a larger and "more commodious meeting house--since where our church is situated at present it is almost
impossible for the female portion of the community to attend during the wet part of the season without wading ankle deep in
Many Brookville early settlers are buried in this cemetery including four Revolutionary War Soldiers and a signer of Indiana's
first Constitution.
Children of Bushrod T WEST and Malaha Ann EADS WEST are:
Jonathan West ... 1831
Mary Ann West ... 1836
These would be half-siblings of Martha Jane West.
i. Jonathan WEST was born 1831 in Decatur Co.,IN, and died 1878 in Howard Co.,IN. Burial: Shilo Cemetery, Clay Twp.,Howard
Co.,IN. He married Hannah FOSTER 2 Sep 1852 in Decatur Co.,IN. She was the daughter of David FOSTER and ELIZA UNKNOWN. She
was born 1837.
Hannah would have been 15 at the time of the marriage, and just 17 when her first child was born. ii. Mary Ann WEST was
born 1836 in Decatur Co., IN. She has no known children.
Children of Jonathan WEST, (Son of Bushrod T. West) and Hannah West:
Jacob L. West ... 1854
Mary T. West ... 1855
Margaret Jane West ... 1858
Sarah Hiela West ... 1861
Hannah Elizabeth West ... 1863
John Wesley West ... 1866
William Manford West ... 1868
Cora Elizabeth West ... 1870
Troy Elsworth West ... 1873
1. Jacob L WEST was born in 1854 in Decatur Co.,Indiana; 2. Mary T WEST born 1855 in Decatur Co.,IN: 3. Margaret Jane
WEST born: 1858 in Iowa; 4. Sarah Hiela WEST born 28 Jan 1861 in Decatur Co.,IN; 5 Hanna Elizabeth WEST born 13 Oct 1863 in
Decatur Co.,IN; 6. John Wesley WEST born 3 Mar 1866 in Decatur Co.,IN; and 7. William Manford WEST born 15 Jul 1868 in Decatur
Co.,IN., 8. Cora Elizabeth WEST b: Oct 1870 in Decatur Co.,IN; 9. Troy Elsworth WEST b: 10 Sep 1873 in Decatur Co.,IN. They
had children for a period of 19 years and Hannah West would have been about 36 when they stopped having children.
The Children of Bushrod T. West and Mary Showers West are:
SUSAN WEST ... 1844
MARTHA J WEST (our Ancestor) ... 1845
SUSAN WEST, sister to our Martha Jane West Cline, was born October 1844 in Decatur County, Indiana. She married James
Meadows, son of George and Sarah Meadows, on April 8, 1858 in Appanoose County, Iowa. If she was born in 1844, she would have
been only 14, and her husband James would have been 21. James was born in 1837 in Kentucky. James died before 1900 on the
Osage Indian Reservation, Oklahoma.
Susan and James Meadows had a son, Charles Felton Meadows, nephew of Martha Jane Cline. He was born 2 May 1878, Leon,
Decatur, Ia, (Can this be right, twenty years after James and Susan married?) and died 25 Apr 1954, Riverside, San Bernardino
Co, CA. Charles Felton Meadows married Grace Leona Ross (1885 - 1928) on 11 Apr 1909, Lawton, Comanche Co, OK., the daughter
of Martha Jane Heald (1839 - 1900) and James ROSS (1838 - 1921). Charles and Grace Meadows are buried in Lawton, Oklahoma
Child of Susan and James Meadows:
Charles Felton Meadows ... 1878
Child of Charles Felton Meadows and Grace Ross Meadows:
Deara Lavee Meadows ... 1923
The daughter of Charles and Grace is Deara Lavee MEADOWS, born 9 Nov 1923, Copan, Washington Co, OK. Deara married Willie
"Buddie" Charles CONSTABLE (BAXTER) Aug 1939, Walter, Cotton Co, OK. They divorced. Buddie is the son of William
O CONSTABLE(CORNSTUBBLE) (1891- 1954) and Pearl BANDHOLTZ (1896 - 1978). Buddie was born 1 Nov 1918, Elmer, Jackson Co, OK
and died 5 Jan 1979, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ.
Children of Buddie and Deara Constable (Baxter)are: (the "Baxter" is not explained.)
Linda Kay CONSTABLE (BAXTER) [Twin] ... 1946
Rita Kay BAXTER [Twin] ... 1946
The twins shared an August 8th birthday.
Bushrod T. West and his wife, Mary Showers were parents of Martha Jane West Cline. She married Simeon Cline.
Martha Jane West, our ancestor,
was listed on the census as Sex: F; Occupation: Housewife.
We also have :Birth: 3 MAR 1845 in Decatur County, Indiana;* Baptism: Christian Church; * Married: 25 Oct. 1866 in Centerville,
Iowa. Marriage: SIMEON T CLINE born 19 June 1842 in Hendrix County, Indiana; * Death: 17 Nov. 1915 in 5 miles south of Eureka,
Kansas* Burial: Greenwood Cemetery, Eureka, Kansas. We realize that much of our information is repitious,
The Children of Simeon and Martha Jane are:
Milo Cline
Gus Cline
Laura Alice Cline, our ancestor
Artie Cline
Susan Cline
More on this family later.
1. MILO CLINE born 30 OCT 1867 in Missouri or Souix City Iowa: 2 GUS CLINE born 21 Nov. 1873: 3 LAURA ALICE CLINE born
28 Jan. 1876 in Eureka Kansas: 4. ARTIE CLINE born
1 Jan. 1879: 5. SUSAN CLINE born 21 Aug.1881 in Kansas.
Proof of parentage of Martha Jane West: Found in Decatur County, Indiana 1850 Census:
WEST BUSHROD T 42 M FARMER 500 VA (born 1808)
WEST MARY (Showers) 27 F NY Note: born in New York. (born abt. 1823) WEST JOHNATHAN 19 M IND (born about 1831.)
WEST MARY ANN 14 F IND (born about 1836) (Mahala died in 1837.)
WEST SUSAN 6 F IND (born abt 1844)
WEST MARTHA J 2 F (our Ancestor) IND
Note that the wife of Bushrod West is fifteen younger than he is. For Johnathan to be her child, she would have had to
borne him at age twelve. She is a second wife. This could be the reason Mahala and Mary both have both shown up as wives in
research. Mahala died about 1837. So the second marriage had to have taken place between 1837 and 1843, with Susan and Martha
being the daughters of wife Mary Showers West.
Found in the same census: Neighbors of the West Family:
SHOWERS HENRY 63 M FARMER 500 NJ X (Father of Mary Showers)
SHOWERS LOIS 54 F NJ X (Mother of Mary Showers)
SHOWERS MARTHA A 21 (Perhaps our Martha was named for her.)
Henry and Lois Showers are the parents of Mary Showers, wife of Bushrod West.
From a family researcher, Jeannette Haskett, in 2000: "My great grandfather was James Henry Showers. He was born
1854, in DeKalb County, Indiana and died in 1926 in Hutchinson, KS. He was married to Eliza Jane Judd March 5, 1876 in Appanoose
County, Iowa. His father's name was Leonard Showers who was born 1826 in Albany County, New York. Leonard's wife's name was
Martha A. ??. Leonard's father's name was Henry Showers. He was born 1787 in Albany County, New York. Henry's father was William
Showers and he was living in Albany County, New York in 1800. This is all I know about his family. Anyone out there know something
that would help me? Thanks." Remember, the Showers are our direct line, too. More information on this family would be
Child of William Showers:
Henry Showers ... 1787
Child of Leonard (son of Henry) and Martha A. Showers:
James Henry Showers ... 1854
The year was 1840. From the GENERAL HISTORY OF DECATUR INDIANA, home of Bushrod & Mary West's Family: This information
is included to give a better understanding of the life of Bushrod and Mary West. Bushrod would have been 32 years old at this
"In February of this year, when the ice broke loose, it gorged in the islands below, and caused the back water to
overflow Front street from Brady up to LeClaire street, running into Second street. The water on the floor of Burrows &
Prettyman's store on Front street was about four inches deep. It only remained from 11 o'clock, a. m., until early next morning.
The spring was early.
At the April election in the city, Jonathan Parker was elected mayor, John L. Davis. Wm. McCammon, N. Squires, James M.
Bowling, W. S. Collins and Samuel Lyter were elected aldermen; James Thorington, district clerk; John Evans, treasurer; and
L. J. Senter, marshal. The census , taken by the assessor this year, makes the population within the corporate limits to be
1,200 and 1,500 in the township. At the August election, H. Leonard was elected sheriff, Hiram Price, recorder; John Rowser,
commissioners' clerk; A. C. Fulton, county commissioner; W. Barrows, surveyor; A. W. McGregor, prosecuting attorney; and J.
Thorington, probate judge.
On the 5th of July the first case of cholera made its appearance in the city. Samuel Sloper and Thomas Dillon, two of
the pioneer settlers, were stricken down and a general panic seized upon the inhabitants. The epidemic spread; emigrants landed
from steamboats with cholera and ship fever and died in considerable numbers.
On the 20th of April of this year A. C. Fulton made a proposition to the city council to grade and fill Front street with
adjoining streets and alleys from Rock Island to Ripley streets, for the sum of $4,200, payable in five years, but was refused
the contract. On the 25th of May following, he made another proposition to fill and level every street and alley two feet
above the level from the east side of Rock Island to Ripley, and as far back from the river as Fourth street, for the sum
of $4,200, payable in yearly installments with interest, but was refused. Such were the prudence, caution and fear of indebtedness
in the city fathers of that day. This same work has since cost the city more than ten times that amount, under the modern
rule and the extravagant progress of the age.
The census was taken this year in June by Jabez A. Birchard, the assessor, and amounted to 4,873 in the county. The report
of the county commissioners made the expenditures $2,514.23 and the receipts $5,808.16. D. C. Eldridge again received the
appointment of postmaster. Land, at that time, good prairie, could be entered within nine miles of the city.
There were at this time in the city of Davenport twenty-two carpenters, nine stone masons, two stone cutters, five brick
makers, six bricklayers, five plasterers, six printers, ten cabinet makers, five chair makers, seven wheelwrights, two coach
makers, twelve blacksmiths, fifteen coopers, five saddlers and harness makers, one trunk maker, eight shoemakers, three tin
and copper smiths, seven tailors, four engineers, three millers, two sawyers, eight draymen, nine teamsters, three butchers,
one dyer and scourer, one gunsmith, one watchmaker, one turner, one baker, one upholsterer, one barber, nine ministers, four
physicians, two lawyers, two weekly papers. The public buildings were two steam flouring mills, one steam sawmill, the Iowa
college, the Medical college, five schoolhouses, three hotels, two billiard rooms, two coffeehouses, nineteen stores, one
public hall, one exchange office, two pork houses, one livery stable and one plow factory. "
Hugh WEST, father of Bushrod, died 18 Apr 1841 in Franklin Co.,IN. He was buried in Owl Hollow Cemetery - Franklin Co.,
IN. His wife, Mary Ann WOODYARD died 26 Feb 1848 in Virginia. She was buried in Owl Hollow Cemetery - Franklin Co., IN. Hugh
West was the son of Thomas Sr., WEST and Sarah TRAMMEL. Mary Ann Woodyard was the daughter of ? Woodyard (born 1758 in Brookville,
IN) and Nancy Thomas, (born 1762 in Brookville IN.)
There was a Hugh West who lived in Fairfax, Virginia (as did our Hugh, born 1770), whose property was surveyed by 17 year
old George Washington. This Hugh also appears to have been in the senate. He could have related to Thomas West, father of
Hugh, or an uncle. This will be checked further. (see below) You will note that land in 1740 was donated by Hugh West for
a ferry. (see later). At this point we believe the father of Hugh West was Thomas West, whose father was Thomas West..
Although we do not currently have a copy of the will of Hugh West in file, here is information from that will:
Hugh West Inventory (will)
Franklin County August Term AD 1844 Page 452
Inventory and appraisement of the goods and chattels belonging to the estate of Hugh West, dec'd late of the county and
state aforesaid made on the 30th April AD 1841
Franklin County
August Term AD 1844
Page 452
Inventory and appraisement of the goods and chattels belonging to the estate of Hugh West, dec'd late of the county and
state aforesaid made on the 30th April AD 1841
1 cupboard and ware 12.00
2 tables & 2 stands 7.00
15 chairs 9.00
1 looking glass & clock 6.00
1 dresser & ware 3.00
1 big, 1 reel, and 1 little wheel 6.00
1 bureau 15.00
1 chest 1.00
2 beds, bedding & bedstead 22.00
1 lot of bed clothing 18.00
1 lot of old barrels & sugar 3.00
1 lot of carpenters tools, fro, axe & shovel, 2 grub hoees, @ weedg hoes & sickles 4.75
2 brass kettles 2.00
1 lot of pot metal 8.00
1 loom & tacklings 7.00
1 table, vinegar barrel, coffee mill, steelyards & smoothing irons 3.75
2 saddles 18.00
1 bed, bedstead & bedding 12.00
3 cow & 1 heifer 36.00
12 sheep & lambs 24.00
10 hogs 26.00
1 dun mare 60.00
1 roan mare 50.00
1 old waggon 20.00
3 plows, clevices, singletrees & double trees 4.00
1 lot of gears 11.00
1 lot chain, dung fork & pitch fork 2.50
1 windmill & 1 cutting box 9.00
3 grain boxes 0.75
1 grindstone 1.00
2 scythes & cradle 0.75
1 lot singletree irons 0.75
amount willed to widow 403.25
1 broad axe 1.00
1 shot gun 2.00
1 rifle 9.00
1 lot of meat & barrels 35.00
1 spotted steer 5.00
1 whitefaced heifer 4.00
1 brindle cow & calf 11.00
1 young brindle cow 12.00
1 2 year old bull 3.00
2 yearling calves 4.00
13 sheep & lambs 19.50
16 shoats 10.00
1 bay mare 40.00
1 dun colt 25.00
1 lot of threshed oats 1.75
4/5 of 2 stacks of wheat supposed to be 35 bushels 17.50
1 lot of oats in the sheaf 2.00
1 lot of hay in the mow 4.00
1 dearborn waggon 20.00
1 lot of old iron 1.12
1 lot corn supposed to be 50 bushels 7.50
32 geese 4.00
20 fowles 2.00
7 ducks .87
deceased wearing apparel 2.00
1 calf skin 2.50
3 hides & tanners 6.00
Andrew Reed
Joseph Wynn, appraisers
amount willed to widow $403.25 (Mary Woodyard West)
Andrew Reed, Joseph Wynn, appraisers
Children of Mary Ann WOODYARD and Hugh WEST are:
Bushrod T. West, our ancestor
Townsend T. West
William T. West
Susan West
George W. West
Alexander Hugh West
Mary Ann West
Information on Alexandria, Virginia in relation to Hugh West: "Plantations flourished after 1713, when Queen Anne's
War ended and tobacco trade expanded. Indian trails then became 'rolling roads,' along which hogsheads of tobacco were drawn
or 'rolled' by oxen or horses to public warehouses. The first warehouse in this vicinity was authorized in 1730 on the south
side of Hunting Creek 'upon Broadwater's land.' The site was found unsuitable, and establishment of a warehouse 'upon Simon
Pearson's land upon the upper side of Great Hunting Creek' was confirmed in 1732 by the general assembly. In 1740 a public
ferry was established 'from Hunting Creek warehouse, on land of Hugh West . . . to Frazier's point in Maryland,' and from
'the plantation of John Hareford in Doeg's Neck . . . to Prince George County in Maryland.' A tavern was erected here, on
the main thoroughfare between New England and the South, and the community was called Belhaven. By l742, when fees of tobacco
inspectors were fixed, Hunting Creek Warehouse and that 'on the land of the Honourable Thomas Lee, Esquire, at the Falls of
Patowmack,' were important shipping points.