Here it is folks, the final layout of my new apartment.
Oh, so you want pictures? well, ok.
Here's my apartment. The entire red brick area is technically my apartment. You can see one problem in this picture, the paint at the bottom of the door is beginning to peel off. They are now painting the entire community a new color (I think it's supposed to be green) so my door will be painted at that time.
Here's the main room as seen from the kitchen. You can see a second problem in this picture, for some reason there are two sinks, a screen door, and a light sitting on my porch! Ritcherd (the leasing agent) was quite angry at the cleaning crew for leaving those out there. The debris has been disposed of. I should probably take a new picture.
The kitchen in all of its white washed glory.
A picture of 162nd lane from the kitchen.
Here's the bedroom as seen from the living room.
From the bedroom into the hallway. The closets are on the left, the washing machine is tucked away on the right. the attic entrance is at the top. At the end of the hallway is the bathroom.
There ya go! The entire apartment in a nutshell (and a bloody great nutshell at that! What kind of nut would have a shell this big? It boggles the mind!) Alright, enough jokes from Austin Powers!
The final problem is that there are 2 light switches that do nothing. And yes, I've tried them with all neighboring outlets filled. I think that there are supposed to be a few lights controlled by 2 switches, but I haven't gotten them to do anything.