Laser Assisted Voice Surgery Results


Early spring of this year I had Laser Assisted Voice Surgery performed by Dr. Lisa Orloff, MD of the UCSD Medical Centre in San Diego, California.

Below are some samples of my old and new voice. I also used a frequency analyser to perform my own analysis of just how much my voice changed in close to 10 years and to graphically show the Fundamental Frequency (F0) of the two samples. Additionally I realised that some may be interested in seeing my pre and post-op results as recorded by speech pathologist, Stephen Goldman at UCSD. The samples he analysed were not the samples below but rather samples of me speaking and "aaaaahing" prior to my surgery and the post-op sample that he used was recorded by me some 7 months later onto a Digital Audio Tape and mailed to UCSD. Again I want to be clear that I had done some voice training prior to surgery but I could only manage about a 40 hz increase which put me into the androgynous range. Not where I wanted to be at all. It was only after quite a bit of careful thought and consideration did I opt for the LAVA proceedure. My results may or may not be typical. I am still trying to suss this out. If you have had this proceedure done (not CTA or CTS) please email me at: or

Information on the samples below:

As many of you have requested a longer sample here is a 25 second one.

This sample was recorded 4 October 1999 right after I got out of bed. It is me reading the Maya Angelou poem, Phenomenal Woman.

The second sample was recorded on 30 September 1999 for a radio advert. I censored it at various parts with a 500hz tone so as to mask my idenity

(I stated my name and station in those places) as I am a musician and singer and I do not wish to out myself at the moment.


My Voice Now

Post Op LAVA voice surgery results (Poem Real Audio G2)

Post Op LAVA voice surgery results (Poem.MP3)

Post Op LAVA voice surgery results (Poem.WAV)

Warning the WAV file above is quite large. It is suggested you download the MP3 and use an MP3 Player Such as Winamp or MacAmp

This is an analysis of me reading Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. As you can see it clearly shows a fundamental frequency (F0) of 232hz slightly lower than the sample below it which was taken when I was fully awake. :-)

Post Op LAVA voice surgery results (Promo Real Audio G2)

Post Op LAVA voice surgery results (Promo.WAV)

Here is the Frequency Analysis of the first sample above clearly showing a fundamental frequency of 281hz. 


The following sample was recorded nearly 10 years ago during an interview with my band at that time.

My Voice Then

Interview from 9 years ago (Real Audio G2)

Interview from 9 Years ago (.WAV)


And here is a frequency analysis of the interview sample clearly showing a fundamental frequency of 109Hz.

Results from UCSD

The results from your analysis are as follows:

Preoperative sustained vowel: 153 Hz

Preoperative running speech: 146 Hz


Postoperative sustained vowel: 208 Hz

Postoperative running speech: 217 Hz


As you can see, you experienced a significant increase in your vocal pitch from just one round of surgery. Also, when we listened to your DAT, your voice sounded very natural.

Thank you very much for your help in all of this. Dr.Orloff made a copy of your DAT and took it with her to New Orleans as an example of what could be achieved with this procedure because your voice sounded so good.


In summation, it would appear that I was able to train my voice from roughly 110 hz to 152 hz in the 9 years prior to my LAVA surgery at UCSD this was not enough for me which is why I opted for the surgery. Now the fundamental frequency (F0) of my normal speaking voice averages from about 200 hz (when tired or sick with a cold) to nearly 300hz when excited. This is up from 115hz at the most prior to training and transition. Additionally I am currently a female vocalist in another band and I have no problems whatsoever in this area. With voice training I was able to gain 40hz or so and after LAVA surgery I was able to gain nearly another 120-150 hz. I would definately say that the $6,000 I spent was well worth it in my case. I am absolutely pleased to no end about my voice and I gained ALOT of confidence once I healed enough that my voice was no longer hoarse (this took about a month or so).

One should be warned that I am only one example and one should think VERY seriously about their options before opting for this proceedure. I would have likely stuck to voice training if my previous voice had been high enough but that was not the case so I was willing to become a test subject for a very experimental proceedure. I was completely prepared to loose my voice altogether but I still took that risk and now I am quite glad I did. My life has become more than I had ever imagined. Everything is now congruent. My presentation had always been fine and I had always looked quite good (I am small in build and stature) however my voice ALWAYS gave me away. That never happens now and it seems that I am very fortunate. Others who have had this proceedure have not had the stunning results I have had so one should be warned once again of taking my situation as typical. Alternatively, you should go here for a second opinion on all this before flying off to San Diego.I simply posted this information to show that with the proper training in addition to this new surgical technique, perhaps dreams can come true. Best wishes and good luck in whatever you decide.


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