My Requirements... UPDATE 10/12/2012
Well, Ive burned what I can find of these. Ive got the stuff on MD(minidisc)-I just need to find a way to get them moved to CD or maybe ALAC. Any ideas? Heres my want list.... MUSIC... KISS--non-album/demo tracks; Best-Quality shows from the Cretures of the Night Tour-CD only: KINGS X--non-album/demos; Hi-Quality shows from 86-94(esp. OOTSP & GGTNE tours) ATOMIC OPERA--Non-album/Demos; ANY live shows-these guys dont play live much! Live shows or unreleased tracks from Christian Rock/metal bands from 86-95-tell me what you got and we'll go from there. VINNIE VINCENT INVASION-Speedball Jam, Pink & Black Attack Demos, any demo collection or live show TV STUFF I'M AFTER...Ill buy these, as i dont have video trading capability TENCHI UNIVERSE--Pretty Sammy Mihoshi Special; DVD Only PICKET FENCES--Does anyone run this on Cable anymore? AMERIKA-A 1987 ABC miniseries. Looking for a good copy on VHS home video. I basically trade on a time-for-time basis, but I'm flexible. If you're just getting started(or have nothing I want) I will do 2-for-1 trades. Im more interested in cd-for-cd trades unless you have something I really want just on tape. Unless requested, I will send out trades without cases. |
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3/18/00-performs "Stiff Upper Lip" & "You Shook Me..." on Sat. Night Live-9 min-tv>MD-ex THE AWFUL TRUTH(PRE-GALACTIC COWBOYS) 86-Demos-25 min-vg/ex-remastered to CD Close/Hillary/I Don't Know/Nobody/The Other Side ??/??/87-live(?)-40 min-CD-g/vg BLACK SABBATH 10/98-Performing "Paranoid"on Late Show-5min, from TV-ex BLUE MURDER 1st album demos-CD-20min-ex Riot/unreleased track/Ptolemy/Out Of Love 12/7/93-"Riot"-Nagoya,Japan:Public Hall-100min-CDR-vg/ex 4/8/94-Dallas,TX-fm-90min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg+ BON JOVI 6/00-performing "It's My Life" on Late Show-TV>MD-5min-ex DAVID VON OHLERKING/DUCKBUTTER(singer from Awful Truth) From Now On(Unreleased project)+2 acoustic radio songs60min-REMASTERED TO CD-exc DAVID LEE ROTH-4/29/88-Kansas City MO-97min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg COVERDALE/PAGE xx/xx/93-"Over Now"-Yoyogi, Japan-2cd(sb?)-100min,vg/ex CHARLIE DANIELS BAND 5/4/79-venue unknown-fm-90min-REMASTERED TO CD-ex CREED 6/00-"Higher" from Farmclub.com-TV>MD-5min-ex CRY WOLF 83 Demos-17min-REMASTERED TO CD-ex Road to Ruin/Dirty Dog Night/On The Run/Back To You DOKKEN Early Demos-35min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex Back in the Streets/Felony/Youre Not the One/Must Be You/Liar/Prison/Back In The Streets(2nd version) 2/19/88-Kansas City,MO-51min-aud-REMASTERED TO CD-g DREAM THEATER 86-Majesty Demos-vg+ Assorted early demos-80 min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg 87-Instru"mental"-The 1987 Recordings-Import CD-60min,ex After Life/The Ones Who Help To Set The Sun/The Ytse' Jam/Cry For Freedom/The Killing Hand/Ressurection of Ernie/Drum Solo/"Guitar Player" Spotlight-Indulge in Reverie, A Late Summer's Rain 93/95-Acoustic Dreams-1st generation from CD-74min, ex 1993, Oklahoma radio-Another Day(Acoustic, LaBrie/ Petrucci); 2/10/95:Verona, Italy-Lifting Shadows off a Dream(ac.)/Wait for Sleep(ac)/The Silent Man(ac)/Long Island Expressway(ac instrumental)/Tears(ac Rush cover); CT TV Christmas Special-O Holy Night(ac); 2/29/95:London UK; BBC Studios-"Bruce Dickinson Rock Show"-Perfect Strangers(w/Bruce Dickinson)/6:00/Caught In A Web; 10/14/94-Wantaugh, NY: Mulcaheys' Pub-"Awake"album release party-Voices(ac)/Bad(ac U2 cover) 6/29/93-Milwaukee, WI: FM-REMASTER4ED TO CD-90min-vg Falling into Infinity Demos-15min- vg/ex-Lines In The Sand/Just Let Me Breathe/Cover My Eyes FIRST STRIKE 9 demo tracks recorded after '86 Exit Records lp "Rock of Offense"with different lead singer-remastered to CD-ex THE FIRM ??/??/86-London,UK;Wembley Arena-75min-FM-REMASTERED TO CD-ex FREHLEY, ACE 84/95-Demos & Unreleased cuts-115 min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex xx/xx/84-NY-first Solo show+short radio interview-79 min-REMASTERED TO CD-g 4/9/87-Chicago,IL:Aragon Ballroom(Full length show of Live+1)-fm-67min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex GALACTIC COWBOYS 4 pre-1st album cuts-remastered to CD-22min-ex In the Clouds/Turnback/Strange/Something to Live For 4/25/93-Rockafellas', Houston, TX-FM>CDR-74 min, ex 10/26/91+6/17/92-RCKCNDY, Seattle, WA-CD-aud-vg 4/96-Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Cafe- aud-80min-vg ?/?/96-Houston TX-from aud video-fades between songs-80min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg HOLY SOLDIER Demos-22min-mint Lake of Fire/Dont Walk Away/Heart's Desire/You Dont Know Me/Last Days-REMASTERED TO CD IMAGINE THIS xx/xx/95-Lawrence, KS-CD-74 min-vg/ex JACKYL 1/99-Hooters,Independence, MO-CD-22min-g/vg xx/xx/95-Buffalo,NY:Impaxx-aud-70min-REMASTERED TO CD-g/vg JET CIRCUS Cornerstone 93-from aud-shot video-45min-vg KANSAS Vinyl Confessions demos w/Steve Walsh on vocals-CD-vg/ex 7/30/82-Omaha,NE-Civic Auditorium- 90min-tv-REMASTERED TO CD-ex KEEL 83 demos-10min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg Speed Demon/Lay Down The Law KID ROCK 5/29/00-"American Badass" from WWF:RAW-5min-TV>MD-ex 7/17/00-"American Badass" w/Kirk Hammett & Lars Ulrich on Tonight Show-TV>MD-5min-ex KINGS X The Egde/Indiana Servant(doug's old band)demos-90min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex S/T"Sneak Preview"lp-remastered to CD-39 min-mint Sneak Preview-85-Springfield,MO-The Hanger-90min-SB-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex 2/26/87-Cardi's, Houston,TX-110min-REMASTERED TO CD-sb 2/8/89-Norfolk,VA:Boathouse-aud-45min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg 9/14/89-Chicago,IL-sb>CD-55min 10/3/89-Jerry Gaskill Interview-15min-REMASTERED TO CD-g/vg 12/1/90-Dallas,TX-fm-87min-REMASTERED TO CD-ex 5/28/92-Austin,TX-Acoustic Radio show-fm-45min-REMASTERED TO CD-ex 5/29/92-Ty Tabor Interview-47min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg xx/xx/92-"Riding the Wind"Import CD+2 songs played on Dennis Miller Show-70min-tv&fm-CD-ex 6/26/92-Empire Club, Cleveland,OH-90min-fm-REMASTERED TO CD-vg 7/8/92-Boston,MA:Axxis Club-115min(2CD)-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex 2/7/94-Rockline Interview 3/9/94-San Diego,CA-aud-45min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg 5/7/94-Memphis,TN-aud-45min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg 1994-Woodstock 2-35min-aud-REMASTERED TO CD-g XX/XX/94-Dallas TX-REMASTERED TO CD-52min-vg/ex Various songs Ty & Doug appeared on for other groups-ex 90-Kings X on Metalshop-60min-fm-REMASTERED TO CD-ex 94/96-Various live/hard to find studio tracks-58 min-ex (currently being remastered to CD) Shoes(Live)/Born To Be Loved(live)/Six Broken Soldiers(ext version)/Changed My Mind/Quality Control(on Tape Head w/ different title/lyrics)/A Box(ext version)/Shot of Love (acoustic);Live-Woodstock 2-Over My Head/Black Flag;Freedom Junior's Gone Wild/Sally/Lover 90/91-Acoustic Spirits-REMASTERED TO CD-67 min-ex 91-Jackson,Miss(acoustic radio performance)Shot of Love/ It's Love/Summerland/Everybody Knows A little Bit of Something/Goldilox/Over My Head/The Difference(In the Garden of St Annes-on-the-Hill);4/5/90-London,UK; Astoria Theater-What Is This/Out of the Silent Planet/ Summerland/Fall On Me 5/23/91-Austin,TX-Acoustic Radio performance-The Difference/I'll Never Get Tired of You/We Are Finding Who We Are 11/98-Cleveland,OH-aud>CDR; vg/ex 4/99-Germany-35min-aud-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex KISS 12/31/73-Academy of Music, NY-Alive Zero CD-8 songs-vg/ex 7/14/74-Washington DC-only 9 songs, but has "Love Theme From KISS" and "Youre Much Too Young"-REMASTERED TO CD-g/vg 2/76-Toronto, Canada-"Flaming Years"CD-70 min-ex 8/30/80-Milan, Italy-90min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg 12/31/82-Rockford,IL-aud-g/vg 7/6/83-Rio,Brazil-30min-fm-REMASTERED TO CD-vg 12/7/84-Ft Wayne,IN-w/Mark St John-90min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex 4/23/92-San Francisco,CA-Revenge Tour warmup club show-REMASTERED TO CD-ex xx/xx/92-Santiago,Chile-soundboard>CD-110 min 7/18/96-St Paul, MN-115 min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex 3/27/97-Wheeling, WV-some dropout on 1st 30 min-115 min-vg 79-Dynasty demos & remixes-vg/ex Peter's demos-There's Nothing Better/Rumble/Dirty Livin'/ Out of Control/Jenilee/Jenilee(2nd version);Dirty Livin'(ext version)/I Was Made for Lovin' You(ext version)- Gene's Demos(78)-Bad Bad Lovin/Reputation-REMASTERED TO CD-vg |
Do You Love Me/Flaming Youth/God of Thunder(inst)/None of your Business/None of your Business(inst)/Great Excpectations/King of the Nighttime World/Detroit Rock City/Instrumental/A Million to One(no bass/leads)/Dont Run/The Oath/Too Tired/Instrumental/Not Related/Youre Gonna Be The One/Thunder/Take It All/Lick It Up Various-WATCHIN' US CD-Tv performaces-61min-vg/ex- 3/29/74-ABC's In Concert(Nothin To Lose,Firehouse/Black Diamond); 5/21/74-Mike Douglas Show(Firehouse); 7/11/75-Midnight Special(Deuce/She/Black Diamond); 4/2/77-Young Music Show Japan(Let Me Go Rock And Roll, Makin' Love); 11/22/80-Inner Sanctum Australia(Is That You, New York Groove, I Was Made For Lovin You); 10/22/86-Dick Clark's Golden Greats(rock n Roll All Night); 1/14/82-Fridays(The Oath/A World Without Heroes/I) ??/??/81-MUSIC FROM THE ELDER Demos-90m-REMASTERED TO CD-g 9/98-Album Network premiere of "Psycho Circus"-75min-fm-REMASTERED TO CD-ex 10/31/98-Los Angeles,CA:Dodger Stadium-FM>CDR-110min-ex+ 10/25/99-Paul Stanley on Rockline-75min-fm-ex LOVEWAR 93-6 Demos-2 never released, 2 were on "Soak Your Brain in different form-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex LYNCH MOB 11/30/90-Elysee,Montmarte,Paris-aud-45min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg 8/1/92-Montreal,CA-aud-60min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg MOTLEY CRUE 12/99-Hard Rock Live-TV>>MD-42min-mint 10/98-performing "Bitter Pill" & "Wildside" on WWF:RAW-10 min-TV-ex Early Demos-20min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex Public Enemy#1/Take Me To The Top/Stick to your Guns/Toast of the Town PSEUDOECHO xx/xx/87-Hollywood, CA-FM-36min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex P.O.D. 5/22/00-"Southtown" on Farmclub.com-TV>MD-4min-ex POISON 85 demos-13min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex Talkin Loud/Blame It On You/#1 Bad Boy QUEENSRYCHE 10/83-San Jose,CA-25min-remastered to cd-vg/ex 8/5/84-Tokyo,Japan; Nihon Seinen-Kan-25min-ex 9/5/91-Los Angeles,CA; MTV Studios-1991 MTV Video Awards Silent Lucidity(w/Orchestra) 4/27/92-Los Angeles,CA; Warner Hollywood Studios-MTV Unplugged-I Will Remember/The Killing Words/Della Brown/ Silent Lucidity/The Lady Wore Black--REMASTERED TO CD-vg (Also have official Sign of The Times B-side versions of The Killing Words & Silent Lucidity from MTV Unplugged) 5/25/95-San Jose, CA-120min-FM-REMASTERED TO CD-ex 4/27/97-Target Center; Minneapolis, MN-110 min-REMASTERED TO CD-ex 1982/83-EP Demos-vg/ex Scarborough Fair/Raising Fear/Queen of the Reich/ Nightryder 1983 EP/Myth Demos-vg/ex Scarborough Fair/Raising Fear/Prophecy/Nightryder(live)/ The Lady Wore Black(live) 1986-Rage For Order Demos Walk In the Shadows/Chemical Youth/The Dream/Screaming in Digital/Surgical Strike/I Will Remember/The Whisper/ From The Darkside/Rage For Order/Ballad in Bm-90 min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex xx/xx/91 various live tracks-40 min-REMASTERED TO CD-ex+ 9/12/99-Q2K Album Premiere Show-60min-fm-REMASTERED TO CD-ex SLADE 8/80-UK,Reading-20min-fm-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex SAVATAGE Live Devastation-CD-65min-ex STANLEY, PAUL XX/XX/91-The Ritz,NY-65 min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex STONE TEMPLE PILOTS 93,95-MTV Unplugged+various acoustic/electric live songs-CD-70min-ex 11/2/95-Las Vegas,NV-"Spankin' Live" on MTV-TV>>MD-45min-ex 5/22/00-"Vaseline" & "Sour Girl" on Farmclub.com-TV>MD-9min-ex STRYPER 11/17/88+8/29/87-Portland Maine-aud-90min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex xx/xx/88-Kansas City MO-aud-90min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg TOTO xx/xx/1980-Japan-REMASTERED TO CD-45min-vg 79 Rehersal + rare trax-43min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex UNION 6&9/98-The band hangs out on KQRC 98.9fm Morning Show & do "Hide Your Love Away" acoustic-fm-30min-ex 09/05/98-Jaxx, Norfolk,VA-aud-90min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg VARIOUS ARTISTS-FROM THE 1992 FREDDIE MERCURY TRIBUTE CONCERT ON MTV-Recorded direct from stereo audio output of cable box to CrO2 audio casette-64min-ex I Want It All(Queen w/Roger Daltrey):Def Leppard; Animal/ Let's Get Rocked/Now I'm Here(w/Brian May):Hammer To Fall (Queen w/Gary Cherone)/Stone Cold Crazy(Queen/Kirk Hammett /Tony Iommi-cut in middle due to tape flip):Queen w/Robert Plant-Innuendo/Thank You/Crazy Little Thing Called Love: Paradise City(Guns 'n Roses):Queen w/George Michaels-1939/Days of our Lives(w/Lisa Stansfield):Queen/ Elton John-Bohemian Rhapsody(w/Axl Rose)/The Show Must Go On: We Will Rock You(Queen w/Axl Rose) VINNIE VINCENT INVASION All Systems Go Demos-30 min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex xx/xx/86-Syracuse,NY-35 min-fm-REMASTERED TO CD-vg 8/18/88-Oakland, CA-aud>>CDR-72min-vg/ex WASP Demos 1982-Show No Mercy/I Wanna Be Somebody/The Torture Never Stops/Tormentor: 1983-School Daze/Hellion/On Your Knees/ B.A.D. 1983-F*ck Like A Beast(EP version)/Missippi Queen(b-side)/ Flesh-n-Fire(Outtake)/Paint It Black(b-side)-REMASTERED TO CD-45min-vg WANG CHUNG xx/xx/87-The Roxy, Hollywood,CA-aud-45min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg/ex WATERSTAIN XX/XX/95-Lawrence, KS-SB>CDR-50 min WENDY O WILLIAMS 6/28/95-London,UK-aud-45min-REMASTERED TO CD-vg |