KV 36 Bibliography
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This bibliography, like all other bibliographies on this site (including those employing source abbreviations at the ends of gallery entries) will be enlarged as new sources of data are acquired. If you don't see a publication which should be included, please write to me at the address given on the left-hand navigation bar on all the main pages.

Aldred, Cyril, New Kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt (London, 1961,) p. 76.

Daressy, Georges, Catalogue General des Antiquites Egyptiennes du Musee du Caire: 
                             Fouilles de la Vallee des Rois
(Cairo, 1902,) pp. 281-298.

Dodson, Aiden & Ikram, Salima, The Mummy in Ancient Egypt, (Thames and Hudson, 1998,)
                                                    pp. 84, 102, 170, 210, 211, 258-9; ills. 198, 270, 271, 362,
                                                    416, 417.

Engelbach, Reginald, Introduction to Egyptian Archeology (Cairo, 1946,) p. 88f.

Forbes, Dennis C.,  KMT, vol. 4, no. 3 (Fall, 1993,) pp. 71-83.

Hayes, W. C.,  Royal Sarcophagi of the XVIII'th Dynasty (Princeton, 1935,) p. 55, note # 1.
                        The Scepter of Egypt, vol. II (New York, 1953-1959) p. 116.

Lucas, Alfred, Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries (London, 1964, revised by 
                       J. R. Harris,) p. 192, note # 7.

Maspero, Gaston,  Guide to the Cairo Museum (Cairo,1908) p. 492, & (Cairo, 1915) p. 368.

Schweinfurth, Vossische Zeitung (May 25, 1899.)
                     Sphinx #3 (1900,) p. 103ff.

Smith, G. E., Ancient Egypt as Represented in the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, 1961,) p. 113.

Steindorff, Biblia #12 (1899-1900,) p. 425ff.

Quibell, James, E., Egypt Exploration Fund Archeological Report (London, 1898-99,) p. 20f.

Reeves, C. N., The Complete Valley of the Kings (Thames and Hudson, 1996,) pp. 179-181.
                        Valley of the Kings: Decline of a Royal Necropolis (Kegan Paul International, 
                        1990,) pp. 141-147.

Romer, John, Valley of the Kings (William Morrow & Co., Inc., 1981,) pp. 171-173.