Lost in Translation!

While searching for other sites devoted to Kharis and Ananka, the High Priest
of Karnak ran across a listing for a French site that looked interesting. 
But while he is fluent in New Kingdom Egyptian and English, our High Priest does
not speak a word of French. Never fear, however! The search engine he was
using (Alta Vista) provided a link to an English translation! Eager to see what 
French fans were saying about Kharis and the Princess, he clicked on the link 
and got this very literal (and awful!) translation of a French review of 
The Mummy's Curse.

Curse of the mummy (1944)

Chaney Jr., collapses under the strips. Locked up in its monstrous roles, he knows a career already borrowed by Bela Lugosi which, if it brings material comfort, does not satisfy its ambition. The make-up, painful to apply, is also to carry and its stoutness does not facilitate the things. It will be doubled in more than one scene by the stuntman Eddie Parker.

This time one does not bring out us from stock shots of film of 32, but from the hand of the mummy , Carradine passes the witness to Martin Koslek to prepare the tana(sutra) so that Kharis finds its Ananka. Was the marsh off-set of England News towards the bayou of Louisiana, on the way, but which has cure of it?

The alarm clock of Ananka at the time of the draining of the marsh evokes more resurrection of a zombie, but it is the only notable innovation of this curse, which will be fatal with the mummy, the film proving to be the last of the series and Chaney Jr. under the strips. It will take again however the costume once, in 1962, at the time of the show televised Route 66 at the sides of Boris Karloff, him even in monster of Frankenstein, and Peter Lore, other star of terror.

The curse of Kharis is extinct with the end of the war, as if ancestral death that it incarnate had prevailed the time of the second world war, curious demonstration, very synchronic. Sign its reduction in dust, its appearance in 1955 in Two simpletons and the mummy (Charles Lamont), where the comic duet Abott and Costello, which is also blown, is confronted with Klaris, an Egyptian mummy, in a hunting for the treasure considered hard.

But it will not be necessary a long time before it does not re-appear...

That bit about "the alarm clock of Ananka" (an obvious mistranslation of "the awakening of Ananka") still has all seven of our Sacred Jackals howling!

If you want to go to the French site and try your own translation, go here:

La jeune fille et la mort - Dossier Les Momies


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