Presented by 
Wm. Max Miller, 
M. A.

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View mummies in the
following Galleries:


Gallery I


Gallery I

Gallery II
Including the mummy identified as Queen Hatshepsut.

Gallery III
Including the mummy identified as Queen Tiye.

 Gallery IV
Featuring the controversial KV 55 mummy. Now with a revised reconstruction of ancient events in this perplexing tomb.

Gallery V
Featuring the mummies of Tutankhamen and his children. Still in preparation.


Gallery I 
Now including the
mummy identified as
Ramesses I.


Gallery I


Gallery I

Gallery II

21'st Dynasty Coffins from DB320
  Examine the coffins
of 21'st Dynasty Theban Rulers.

  Unidentified  Mummies

Gallery I
Including the mummy identified as Tutankhamen's mother.

About the Dockets

Inhapi's Tomb

Using this website for research papers


Links to Egyptology websites

Biographical Data about William Max Miller

Special Exhibits

The Treasures of Yuya and Tuyu
  View the funerary equipment of Queen Tiye's parents.

 Tomb Raiders of KV 46
How thorough were the robbers who plundered the tomb of Yuya and Tuyu? How many times was the tomb robbed, and what were the thieves after? This study of post interment activity in KV 46 provides some answers.

Special KV 55 Section

Follow the trail of the missing treasures from mysterious KV 55.

KV 55's Lost Objects: Where Are They Today?

The KV 55 Coffin Basin and Gold Foil Sheets

KV 55 Gold Foil at the Metropolitan

Mystery of the Missing Mummy Bands

KV 35 Revisited
See rare photographic plates of a great discovery from Daressy's Fouilles de la Vallee des Rois.

Unknown Man E  
Was he really
buried alive?

The Tomb of Maihirpre
Learn about Victor Loret's important discovery of this nearly intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings.

Special Section:
Tomb Robbers!
Who were the real tomb raiders? What beliefs motivated their actions? A new perspective on the ancient practice of tomb robbing.

Special Section:
Spend a Night
with the Royal Mummies

Read Pierre Loti's eerie account of his nocturnal visit to the Egyptian Museum's Hall of Mummies.

Special Section:
An Audience With Amenophis II
Journey once more with Pierre Loti as he explores the shadowy  chambers of KV 35 in the early 1900's.

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Most of the images on this website have been scanned from books, all of which are given explicit credit and, wherever possible, a link to a dealer where they may be purchased. Some images derive from other websites. These websites are also acknowledged in writing and by being given a link, either to the page or file where the images appear, or to the main page of the source website. Images forwarded to me by individuals who do not supply the original image source are credited to the sender. All written material deriving from other sources is explicitly credited to its author. 
Feel free to use  material from the Theban Royal Mummy Project website. No prior written permission is required. Just please follow the same guidelines which I employ when using the works of other researchers, and give the Theban Royal Mummy Project  proper credit on your own papers, articles, or web pages. 

--Thank You

This website is constantly developing and contributions of data from other researchers are welcomed.
Contact The Theban Royal Mummy Project at:

Background Image:  Wall scene from the tomb of Ramesses II (KV 7.) From Karl Richard Lepsius, Denkmäler (Berlin: 1849-1859.)





    The Theban Royal Mummy Project represents an attempt to bring archeological data about New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period royal mummies from the Theban cache tombs together in an easy-to-access, systematic fashion. Royal and non-royal mummies from other locations in the Valley of the Kings also fall within the scope of this project. The information presented below derives from numerous sources: Valley of the Kings; The Decline of a Royal Necropolis (1990) by C. N. Reeves, The Mummy in Ancient Egypt (1998) by Salima Ikram  and Aidan Dodson, Egyptian Mummies (1924) by G. Elliot Smith and Warren Dawson, Smith's Royal Mummies (1912), Daressy's Cercueils des cachettes royales (1909) and Fouilles de la Vallee des Rois 1898-1899 (1902), Gaston Maspero's Les momies royales de Dier el-Bahari (1889), etc. Many other sources were used and will be indicated in the source bibliographies which accompany each mummy's entry.  Sources are mostly given in parenthesis at the end of an entry, but are sometimes also noted (again in parenthesis) in the body of a text. A link to a key explaining the abbreviations used for book and publication titles is found at the end of each entry.
       The descriptions accompanying images of mummies follow standard guidelines.  Each description names the mummy and notes its historical period. The mummy's provenance, discovery date, and current location (with museum catalogue number or numbers) are listed, followed by brief biographical data and discovery details. This latter category includes short descriptions of the mummy's condition and objects found with the mummy (including coffin or coffins.) This is followed by information about post-interment activity, such as robberies, restorations and reburials that pertain to the mummy. Reeves provides the primary source for this post interment data, and also for the docket information which is included in many of the mummies' entries. Translations of dockets (inscriptions found on shrouds of mummies or on their coffins) are presented exactly as they appear in Reeves' work, with no attempt to correct typographical errors that sometimes occur in The Valley of the Kings; the Decline of a Royal Necropolis. I attempt to transcribe hieroglyph transliterations as faithfully as possible, but my HTML editor lacks a font capable of reproducing all the sub- and superscripts used in the accepted system of transliteration. 
    Wherever possible, descriptions of mummies are supplemented with additional images and data which appear on other pages of this site. Internal links to these pages appear in the text of a given description (indicated by underlined, highlighted text.)  However, an attempt has also been made throughout to utilize other online resources. External links to sites which amplify the information provided in each description are given (also indicated by underlined, highlighted text.) My choice of external links is naturally based on personal preferences, but I've tried to link users to sites which offer the most relevant information currently available online concerning the mummies and their historical milieu. 
    Most of the biographical links appearing in the descriptions now connect to Wikipedia, to which I also provide links at the tops of all Gallery pages for data concerning the different ancient Egyptian dynasties. Charles Jones, Librarian of the Oriental Institute of Chicago, recently informed me of the University of Chicago's online version of G. E. Smith's Royal Mummies. This is a wonderful resource and provides large, good quality digital copies of all the text and plates of this classic work. I provide links to plate reproductions from this work after the "photo credit" given in each each mummy's entry.  Donald P. Ryan wrote to inform me of his website, which contains much valuable information on the mummies which he found in KV 60 and KV 21. These mummies will be included in the "Unidentified Mummies" Gallery, and are of great interest, especially since the KV 60 mummy is thought by some to be Hatshepsut. 
    Other websites used for sources of images or data are given explicit acknowledgement which includes a link to either their main page or to the specific page or image used as a source. Anyone wishing to use The Theban Royal Mummy Project website as a source of images or data may do so without writing to me for prior permission. However, I would ask that they acknowledge me as the source of this material and provide a link to the T.R.M.P. on the pages where this material is used. 
    In an effort to make each mummy's description an independent unit, I repeat biographical and tomb-data links that may have been used on other descriptions on the same gallery page. However, in order to avoid too much redundancy, I do not repeat links within individual descriptions. 
    As with all data collecting and systematizing enterprises, this one will inevitably grow. Descriptions will be revised, and new mummies will be added to the entries which currently appear. My goal is to provide an entry for every mummy found in the cache tombs, and this will take several months to accomplish. (I will also include the mummies of Mahirpra, Yuya, Tuyu, Tutankhamen, the two fetuses found in his tomb [KV 62], the KV 60 and KV 21 mummies discovered by Donald P. Ryan, the controversial KV 55 mummy, and some mummies in the USA which certain researchers believe might be some of the missing kings from the DB 320 cache.)
    Other researchers are welcome to contribute data to this project. Regarding such contributions, I would especially like to thank Ángel González y Arema of Madrid, Spain, who has corresponded regularly with me and sent much in the way of data and photographs from his own extensive collection. His efforts in support of this project are greatly appreciated.
     Also, please let me know of any errors that might have inadvertently been overlooked or images that might have accidentally gone uncredited. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. I may be contacted at the email address given on the navigation bar on the left side of each page.
   I hope that this site will prove helpful to researchers studying New Kingdom and early Third Intermediate Period royal mummies. I've attempted to systematize the scholarly research of Egyptologists, such as Salima Ikram, Aidan Dodson, C. N. Reeves, Elizabeth Thomas, G. E. Smith, etc.,  and present it in a format which takes advantage of the possibilities of the internet. The important research of these scholars will thus be able to reach a much wider audience in a form that is easier to use for research purposes.

   I've had a lot of fun creating this website, and would like to thank everyone who has provided a link to it on their own websites. I've also been very pleased by the positive reception the site has gotten from professional Egyptologists and researchers. Much thanks to C. N. Reeves, Donald P. Ryan, Joyce Tyldesley, and Salima Ikram for their words of encouragement. Thanks are also due to Susan Allen, Ángel González y Arema, Dylan Bickerstaffe, Bob Brier, Anand Balaji, Kara Cooney, Dennis Forbes, Kate Fulcher, Marc Gabolde, Charles Jones, John Larson, Rogerio Sousa and Monica J. Verona who have corresponded with me and very generously shared their research with me.

--William Max Miller, M. A.