Arab Talk's Services

Arab Talk Classifieds
Text Ads
Text ads are free of charge and will be placed in up to two weeks after their receivement. They may be submitted by; using the form located near the bottom of the page, email, or you may send your text by snail mail to Arab Talk, 1756 E Dufort, Sagle, ID 83860. Please keep ads under 60 words, they will not be added if we suspect they are over this amount. Ads submitted in caps or missing contact information will be deleted automatically.

Photo Ads
For Sale Photo Ads with Arab Talk are available at $5 for a year of coverage while stallion at stud photos are available at $10 for a year, or $15 for two years. If you'd like to purchase a photo ad, complete the text portion as directed above, then e-mail your photo to Arab Talk, or snail mail them to-
Arab Talk, 1756 E Dufort RD, Sagle, ID 83860
Please make checks out to Sissy Crane.

Calender of Events
Clinics, shows, etc., will be placed free of charge on our events page. Banners or club icons will also be included, if sent by email. To place your event, please fill out the form below, or email your event information to

Banner Ads
Interested in gaining more notice for your site? How about a banner ad? At only $50 for 5 months it's a great deal! Contact us today for more information.

Farm Name:
Address (including zip, state and city):
Are you submiting a photo?:
Place Ad Text Here, be sure to include contact information!:
What section would you like to post this under?:
Enter your ad lead here (i.e. For Sale- Sweepstakes Nominated
Arabian Gelding):

Thank-You you should see your ad appear in the next few days!

To cancel or make corrections to your ad (s), please use the above form. Enter your email address, select where your ad is listed and in the ad title box please place CANCEL or CORRECTION in front of your ad's current title. Then, please enter your corrected ad or previous ad in the text box.
