Current Projects

Okay, here's where I'm going to keep news of stories I'm currently working on or thinking of working on. There will be an indication on the Night World Fanfiction page if there are sneak previews of parts on here.

Updated on April 28, 2000

All right, I won't lie. I can't really say I'm working on anything at the moment, so I'll basically just list my intentions, in the hopes that I will follow through with them in the near future.

In the past week I finally dusted off "Alexis' Disk 2," which contains The Guardian. I've decided to go over all 200 pages of what I have so far of The Guardian and Blazing Memories - The History of Arianna Blaze and make it better. I realize now that it all sucks and has much room for improvement. So, for now, what you see at The Guardian Index Page is all that you're going to get for a very long time. I plan to finish the entire story (oh, my God, just typing that gives me chills) before sending it in to my writings list. When I start sending it to the list I will most likely post it on this site. Only the Goddess knows how long this will take.

So far that's the only project I'm working on. Here's what I plan to do:

Re-do Pack of Lies. It's finished, but I want to rework it in the same way I am reworking The Guardian. That story about the shapeshifters that was mentioned months ago is probably never going to happen, so all that research on coyotes was for nothing. (That's why the link to the first part is no longer on this page.) I really would like to do another story involving Trax and Cassandra from the Pandora Chronicles, since they're just so damn cool, but I haven't even considered what it might be about yet. So if you want another story about them, bug me a whole lot, or wait for me to get a burst of inspiration (which hasn't been happening lately).

God, what a depressing update. Sorry, folks.