The Past Never Dies - Part 2

Part Two

“So, Mr. Lord-of-the-Night-World, what’s so important that I couldn’t go home and shower first?” Pandora Veleur stood before Thierry Descoudres, a playful, good-natured smile on her lips. “I may be here, but I want you to know that I feel sweaty and nasty, and I’m not happy about the fact that I’ve got blood on my clothes. So, what’s up?”

Thierry sighed. “I thought I told you not to call me that, Pandora,” he said.

Tapping a finger on her chin, Pandora pretended to think for a moment. “Oh, that’s right, you did.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “But if you don’t hurry up and tell me why I’m here I’ll keep on doing it, regardless of your status.” She gave Thierry an affectionate grin. “You think you’re so tough, but I know you’re not. I still remember all the help you gave me when I first became a shapeshifter and needed a new identity. And I’m still grateful for all that.”

“And I’m grateful for all the work you’ve done in Daybreak,” Thierry replied.

Shaking her head, Pandora disagreed. “No matter how much I do it’ll never be enough to repay you.”

Thierry gave her a secret smile, the kind that said that your soul was visible. “I know that’s not why you do it, Pandora. You want to help people, just as much as you know I do. You want to defeat the darkness at the final battle, just like the rest of us. You’re too good; you could never join the other side.” Taking her arm, he led her into his study. “Come,” he said. “We need to talk about why I asked you to come here today.”

They entered the study. It was done in greens and golds. Long tapestry curtains with gold tassels hung across the windows, blocking out the strong midday sunlight. Thierry led Pandora to the dark green couch but remained standing. Pandora sat down. Thierry could go ahead and stand, if that’s what he wanted. All he did all day was sit behind a desk. The fight had left her a bit tired, and damn it, she was going to sit.

Turning around to face her, Thierry began speaking. “We have just been notified of an underground organization whose purpose is to help shapeshifters gain status in the Night World. They have decided that they want to help fight on our side, and they want to form an alliance with Circle Daybreak.”

Pandora nodded, unsure of how she fit into all this. Her question was answered when Thierry continued.

“They are sending a representative to meet with us tomorrow. I need you to speak with him. If Lupe were not out of town I would have her do it. She usually handles matters involving shapeshifters and werewolves. But I trust your judgement, and you are good at dealing with people.” Thierry raised an eyebrow. “Will you meet with the representative and see what they want?”

Confused, Pandora nodded. “Sure,” she said, “but why can’t you do it? I mean, you’re sorta in charge of everything.”

A smile tugged at Thierry’s lips, and he looked slightly embarrassed. “Uh, Hannah’s school is having the last dance of the year before the prom and she wants me to go with her.”

Pandora burst out laughing. “You can’t oversee a major decision because you’re going to a dance?” She wiped at her eyes. “You’re a funny guy, Thierry.”

Dark eyes narrowed, Thierry stared at the laughing girl on his sofa. He didn’t seem to like being termed a “funny guy.” “Are you quite done?” he asked Pandora, his tone glacial.

Waving a hand at him, Pandora managed to say, “Almost,” before snickering again. After a moment, though, she calmed down. Her light brown eyes were a bit red and watery, and it was obvious she was fighting to keep a straight face. As long as she didn’t laugh in his face again, Thierry didn’t care.

“Tomorrow you will meet with Shapeshifters United and listen to their terms. If they sound decent, you will say that you will try your best to arrange the alliance after speaking with me. Don’t make any promises,” Thierry warned. “And think about it all in terms of the good of the world.” He handed her a packet of papers that had been on the small end table. “Stay here tonight. Read everything in this file. The representative will be here at ten in the morning. Be ready. You can wear some of Lupe’s clothing, and you can stay in the blue bedroom, if you like. I know that’s your favorite room.” He turned to leave, but she called him back. Thierry turned and saw her still sitting on the sofa, clutching the packet, a grateful smile on her face.

“Thank you,” she said. “It’s nice to know you have such faith in my judgement.”

Thierry nodded. “I’ll be back in three days. Nilsson knows where to reach me, if anything.” He started to leave again, then thought of something else to add. “And if this representative gives you any trouble, you have my permission to beat the crap out of him.” Pandora laughed again and Thierry walked out, the sound of her laughter following him down the hallway and reminding him of the damaged young girl she had once been. He was proud of her. She had come so far since then.