Threads! The Animated Musical |
The Wacky story of a Global Thermonuclear Conflict, written for little kids! Watch as leprachauns, fairies, and cute bunnies defeat the evil Dr. Neutron in beautiful industrial Sheffield, a city on the move! Featuring the hit songs: |
"The Russians went down to Iran looking for some territory to steal" |
"If anyone is to die in your fallout room, fallout room, fallout room" (sung to |
"round and round the mulberry bush") |
"Attack warning red, Attack warning red, it's bloody real, bloody real, attack |
warning red" (rap beat) |
"Irrigatin' the sidewalk" |
"I lost my poor baby, all burnt to a crisp" (sung to "I lost my poor meatball") |
"Friendly neighborhood traffic warden" |
"Them rats, those chewy, chunky, meaty rats" (Sung to "them bones") |
Plus many, many more, all entirely vapid and childish! |
And the musical extrazaganza finale of a lifetime! |
If you thought the original was too graphic, or to harsh an introduction to the concept of nuclear war for small children, then this cute-and-cuddly, bright-and-shining, corpse-and-vomit free musical remake is fun for some ages! |
Coming Soon to this page, before the first amendment is repealed. |
E-mail the creator of this page at and try to knock some sense into him. |