Nuclear Weapons Platforms

Dornier NWS-1 through 6
Type: Nuclear Weapons Platform
Country of origin: Germany
Number Produced: Six
First Launch: 1998
Length: 12 m.
Width: 2.4 m.
Height: 5.2 m.
Expected Life: 80 Years
Mass: 19 tons
Armament: 15 300-kt Nuclear weapons

McDonnell Douglas NWS-1 through 15
Type:  Nuclear Weapons Platform
Country of Origin: United States
Number Produced: 15
First Launch: 1990
Length: 13 m.
Width: 2.4 m.
Height: 6.7 m.
Expected Life: 100 years
Mass: 23 tons
Armament: 25 250-kt Nuclear weapons

Lockheed NWS-23 through 58
Country of Origin: United States
Number Produced: 35
First Launch: 1994
Length: 14 m.
Width: 4 m.
Height: 6.7 m.
Expected Life: 120 years
Mass: 25 tons
Armament: 30 270-kt Nuclear weapons

Chinese SDI Spacecraft (Prototype)
Country of Origin: China
Number Produced: One
First Launch: 1999
Length: 17.7 m.
Width: 2.1 m.
Height: 3.4 m.
Expected Life: 110 years
Mass: 29 tons
Armament: 40 Anti-MIRV Missiles; 0.5 kt. Nuclear Warhead

Nation Spacecraft Warheads Yield (Mt.)
US 84 ~1900 550
Germany 6 90 27
China 4 100 50
USSR 55 1250 350
UK 18 500 140

Images on this site courtesy of Starship Modeler's 2001 Reference Page.
Thanks to for providing the images of the Chinese SDI Spacecraft and Lockheed NWS-23. The table above shows only my estimates; I've only given photos of spacecraft that were shown in the film.