Actual Title: Lockheed-Martin Space Dynamics LTTV-2
Roles: Survey, Rescue, Cargo, Research, Passenger Transport
Produced At: Moonbus Integration Facility, Clavius Base
Number Built: 12 (As of 8/04/00) Orders for two more from Pan American. Two produced per year since 1994.
Overall Length: 12.3 m.
Overall Width: 4.9 m.
Overall Height (Minus Antenna): 3.4 m.
Weight (Earth Gravity): 7,257 Kg. Moon: 1,209 Kg.
Propulsion System: Six downward-facing Mk 78 thrusters; 220 Kg thrust each. Six Mk 87 vectored thrusters (Two each, rear, top, bottom); 125 Kg thrust each. The LTTV-2 features an advanced thrust system at strategic points on the vehicle. A propulsion housing on the port/starboard side aft of the cockpit contains two Mk 87 thrusters each, one top/forward respectively. Another two are housed at the rear of the spacecraft, on both sides of the main hatch.
Ceiling: 15 Km. For safety reasons, the LTTV-2 usually stays under an altitude of 6 Km from terrain.
Range: 1000 Km
Crew: Two (Pilot, Copilot)
Seats: Typically only two passenger seats; maximum of six. (In the movie, it's obvious the Moonbus only has two seats; So why are there six people at the Monolith excavation? Simple; The three passengers, the two pilots, and whoever was overviewing the Moonbus landing...)
Radar: The LTTV-2 can carry a short range downward-scanning active pulse radar under the forward fuselage. However, the system is rarely used.
Computer Systems: IBM 1500. System is completely removable; housing 60 memory modules.
Autopilot: The LTTV-2 carries a simple autopilot system. The spacecraft can be landed via computer and carries an advanced ILS system.
Emergency Oxygen: Eight emergency oxygen bottles are stored in the passenger compartment.
Cockpit: Two-person configuration. Pilot and Co-Pilot have individual Control Stick and Throttle controls. Two LCD displays.
Cargo Capacity: 680 Kg. LTTV-2 can carry full equipment and supplies for six astronauts.
Provisions: Water and food supplies for up to four days.
Landing Gear: Three fixed landing pads.
Air Conditioning: Two Generators, Six vents.
Fire Suppression: Four bottles
Sales: Pan American Space Lines has current orders for two LTTV-2s. The Pan American model is essentially the same as the USAA version. Exceptions include more comfortable seating, improved air conditioning and fire suppression, Velcro grip-shoe flooring, and a small Whirlpool food dispenser.