The Socialist Party stands for the abolishment of every form of oppression. These forms of oppression include, racism, sexism, classism, and sexual orientation.
We are for the abolishment of the capitalist state in which great prosperity exists, as well as, vast amounts of poverty. In place of the capitalist system, we will implement a democratic worker controlled economy. This is not to say that capital or property will be abolished, just that the large majority of people will have a greater voice when it comes to the economic decisions that would have been once made by managers and CEOs.
We believe that the capitalist system erodes political democracy and our civil liberties. Capitalism erodes political democracy by allowing the wealthier citizens more access to run for office and influence political bodies. Capitalism is destroying our democracy. We call for the right of every human being to be able to live peaceful and happy lives without having to worry about being layed-off, starvation, and access to medical treatment.
We believe that every person has the right to obtain a job if that individual desires to do so.
We believe that all people who are born into this world are born pure, innocent, and perfect. It is through conditioning that people learn to be greedy, prejudice, and hateful; it is also through conditioning that people learn to be loving, accepting, and caring. We call for the education system to condition our children to be loving, accepting, and caring of others.
We feel that there is no justification for starvation, when there is enough food to feed every single person in the world. There are no justifications for homelessness, homophobia, and violence. We aim to abolish all ills that are without justification.
The shots heard around the world: The Battle of Seattle.
The Battle of Seattle in 1999 at the World Trade Organization Summit Meeting was the first major strike against the capitalist system in contemporary times. Over 50,000 laborers, unionists, students, and anti-capitalists took to the streets in one unified voice to declare that our futures are not for sale. Since then the anti-globalist movement has grown exponentially as people have become more aware of the deprivation caused by this small group of people making decisions behind closed doors. To learn more about the World Trade Organization click here or visit our links page.
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Social democracy for a better and brighter future. Find out about what this future may look like, how to get there, and how it would work.
Candidates we support:
Rebecca Rotzler
2008 Presidential Hopeful
Member of the Green Party
Note: More candidates to be added as year goes on.