The Socialist Party envisions a system of organic agriculture based on farming cooperatives.
1- We support agricultural worker cooperatives, and oppose large corporate factory farms that lower food quality, cause profound damage to the environment, push farmers off the land, cruelly treat animals, and wreck small town culture.
2- We call for a farm price support system that guarantees farmers a return on the full cost of production.
3- We call for low-cost loans, grants, and technical help to farmers including help to shift farm production from non-essentials to staple foods and fibers.
4- We encourage the reintroduction of hemp farming.
5- We support the right of farmers and farm workers to organize unions for good wages, housing, and working conditions (including the right to be protected from pesticides).
6- We support the right of farmers and farm workers to be included in negotiating contracts with canneries as well as growers.
7- We support land use planning to protect farmland from suburban sprawl.
8- We encourage plant diversity, and oppose the creating, patenting, and licensing of life forms.
9- We call for the labeling of artificially genetically altered food, and the banning of genetically altered seeds to make them sterile.
10- We call for the democratic control of agricultural research and the complete testing of agricultural products.
11- We support inspections of domestic and imported agricultural products to make sure they meet US standards for food safety, and environmental and worker protection.
12- We call for country-of-origin labeling on agricultural products.
13- We call for the reassessment of all international trade negotiations in light of workers, farmers, consumers, and environmental interests.
14- We call for the production of agriculturally produced and environmentally sound alternative fuels to reduce our dependence on petroleum.
15- We support research toward the elimination of the use of pesticides. Human Rights
Human Needs
Political Structure
Animal Rights
Civil Rights
"War on Terrorism"
Foreign Policy