Arizona Socialist Party/

Environmental Justice
The Socialist Party recognizes that the mechanisms in capitalism that oppress and alienate humans are the same mechanisms that destroy the environment.
1- Therefore we call for public ownership and democratic control of all our natural resources in order to conserve resources, preserve our wilderness areas, and restore environmental quality.
2- We call for placing financial responsibility on private companies for cleaning up their own toxic wastes.
3- We call for requiring manufacturers to contribute to research and development of new technologies for cleaning up and preventing future toxic wastes.
4- We oppose any policies that encourage corporations to place local municipal landfills, toxic waste disposal sites, or incinerators in minority communities.
5- We call for legal action against any U.S. corporation that violates any U.S. environmental laws in the operation of facilities overseas.
Worker Protection
We support the creation of a Superfund for Workers that would pay a workers full wages and health insurance as well as necessary educational and/or retraining costs if that worker loses a job due to environmental transition, downsizing, corporate dismantlement, or capital flight.
Natural Resources
1- We support a policy of no clear cutting in commercial forestry, a ban on commercial cutting in old-growth forests, and an environmentally sound timber policy that takes into account the historical ecology of the region.
2- We call for endangered species protection that focuses on habitat-centered protection for plants and animals.
3- We support the democratic management of grazing lands, safe drinking water, and stringent air pollution standards.

Environmental Policy
1-We oppose nuclear power projects and call for the immediate decommissioning of all nuclear power plants, a ban on the export of nuclear technology, and any efforts to use nuclear technology in space.
2-We support large-scale environmental restoration efforts. We support large-scale environmental restoration efforts.
3-We support the recycling of glass, metals, plastic, paper, and chemicals, and creating markets for recycled materials.
4- We call for reforestation programs, which will include preservation of an ecological balance in existing forest areas.
5- We support mass development of solar technology and other renewable, non-polluting energy sources.
6- We call for shutting down waste incinerators, and phasing out landfills. We also support Research and Development efforts into recycling technology.
1- We call for municipal ownership and control of energy plants, in a non-profit and decentralized system that assures the most careful use of natural resources.
2- We call for the development of alternative energy sources including solar, geothermal, wind, hydropower, and biomass.
3- We call for a sliding-scale index, which is in favor of low-income people to ensure that all people have access to utility services.

Human Rights
Human Needs
Political Structure
Animal Rights
Civil Rights
"War on Terrorism"
Foreign Policy


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