Arizona Socialist Party/Platfrom/Human Rights

The Socialist Party recognizes that a struggle against habitual male dominance and patriarchy must go hand in hand with any struggle against capitalism. Therefore, we pledge our opposition to all forms of sexism, and demand equality for women in all aspects of life.
1- We support comparable worth laws and affirmative action for women.
2- We believe women should be free to improve their own working lives through unions and other organizations.
3- We support the expansion and full funding of 24-hour childcare facilities, community education to combat violence against women, and the establishment of crisis lines and shelters for women and children in abusive situations.
4- We believe that work at home, including childcare, should be shared to enable women to fully participate in society.
5- We call for one years paid leave to be shared by new parents or in its entirety by a single parent.
6- We support the rights of all women to birth control information and supplies, and to all reproductive health services (including abortion).
7- We call for the banning of all involuntary sterilizations.
8- We support organizational structure based on such elements of feminist process as rotating leadership, gender balance, and systems for ensuring full and open participation in discussion and decision-making.
9- We support links with women's sections of democratic socialist parties and women's rights organizations worldwide.
People of Color
The Socialist Party recognizes the intimate link between racism and capitalism and is committed to the creation of a pluralistic society and the elimination of all forms of discrimination in housing, jobs, education, and health care.
1- We strongly support affirmative action, civil rights, and anti-discrimination laws and programs to end institutional racism.
2- We call for protection of all Native American treaty rights, support for tribal schools and colleges, living wages on Native American reservations and democratization of power and wealth in tribal governments.
3- We oppose all efforts to declare English an official language.
4- We oppose the police practice of racial profiling.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
The Socialist Party recognizes the human and civil rights of all, without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity.
1- We call for the repeal of all sodomy laws and anti-lesbian and gay restrictions, and the legalization of same-sex unions or marriages.
2- We are committed to confronting the heterosexism that provides the fertile ground for homophobic violence, and support all efforts toward fostering understanding and cooperation among persons and groups of differing sexual orientations and identities.
People with Disabilities
The Socialist Party recognizes the human and civil rights of all, without regard to physical or psychological limitations.
1- We call for full enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
2- We call for a network of support for people with physical, mental, and developmental disabilities (including home assistance, recreation centers, guaranteed income, voting access, and quality control in residential facilities) that enable them to be as active as possible, and that fully protect their human and civil rights.
3- We call for the continuation of full Social Security benefits for people with disabilities who are able to work part-time.
The Socialist Party recognizes the right of seniors to a dignified life, freed from economic hardship and discrimination in employment and credit. Adequate housing, income, health care and medication, and access to social services should be guaranteed.
1- We support an increase in home service and hospice care for older people so that they can remain independent in the community.
2- We support the formation of publicly funded and democratically controlled senior centers to provide positive opportunities for community involvement.
3- We defend the right of seniors to a generous, publicly funded retirement income.
4- We call for vigorous enforcement of standards for nursing homes, elderly advocates to ensure the protection of rights in nursing homes, and a stimulating environment in group home and nursing home situations.
The Socialist Party believes that a person does not have fewer rights because he or she is a minor. We oppose measures that increase responsibilities and penalties on youth ostensibly to curb crime.
1- We call for an end to military draft registration, and an end to military recruiting in educational institutions.
2- We call for children's allowances in order to satisfy every child's basic rights and needs in a stimulating, empowering, and caring environment.
3- We support the rights of parents, grandparents, and all other caring adults to share in the child-rearing process.
4- We support free, quality, care and education for all children and young people, federally financed and community controlled through democratically elected local boards.

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