Arizona Socialist Party/

The Socialist Party stands for worker control of all industry through the democratic organization of the workplace, for the social ownership of the means of production and distribution, and for international solidarity among working people.

1- We support the right of any number of interested workers in a workplace to form a union and bargain with their employer, with no limits on the subjects upon which employees and unions may bargain with employers.
2- We call for recognizing a union based on cards signed.
3- We call for the democratic control of all unions by their membership, and independent of employer domination and influence.
4- We support efforts to organize all workers, particularly workers in the service industries, enlisted personnel in the Armed Forces, and the difficult to organize (including students, home workers, homeless people, prison inmates, and the unemployed).
5- We support militant, united labor action including secondary strikes and boycotts.
6- We support the right of first-time and part-time workers to full benefits.
7- We call for the repeal of all repressive labor legislation such as the Hatch Act, the Taft-Hartley Act, the Landrum-Griffin Act, and all the so-called right-to-work laws.
Worker Control
1- We call for workplaces free from discrimination and harassment based on gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual preference, or physical or mental disability.
2- We support the right of workers to hold shop meetings on company premises, elect their immediate supervisors, and administer health and safety programs through the formation of shop councils.
3- We call for full disclosure of corporate plans to close and relocate plants, a punitive tax on runaway industry, and compensation for the workers and communities affected by plant closings.

4- We support the right of workers, consumers, and communities to information on plant safety, hazardous wastes, toxic substances, and the quality of goods and services.
1- We call for the international organization of labor as the only way of combating the exploitation of workers in a global economy based on the transnational corporation.

2- We call for international labor standards, including the unrestrained right to organize labor unions and a 30 hour work weekat no loss of pay, with six weeks annual paid vacation, and one year parental leave for new parents at no loss of seniority.
3- We support the use of secondary boycotts, hot cargo agreements, and sympathy strikes to defend workers rights worldwide.

4- We support the right of all workers to organize irrespective of job titles and responsibilities, citizenship status, method of payment, or sector of the economy where employed.

Human Rights
Human Needs
Political Structure
Animal Rights
Civil Rights
"War on Terrorism"
Foreign Policy


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