Arizona Socialist Party/Platfrom/"War on Terrorism"

The Socialist Party condemns the so-called War on Terrorism as a crime against humanity. The U.S. Government has been using the fear and grief of September 11 to enact the right wing political agenda of September 10.

1- We condemn the crusade (George W. Bush's word) against Islam as racist.
2- We call for the immediate repeal of the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Acts and the Anti-Terrorism & Death Penalty Act.
3- We oppose the Homeland Security department with its sweeping police powers.
4- We demand the exclusion of the military from domestic law enforcement.
5- The United Nations Charter permits member nations to defend themselves only if attacked. The U.S. government policy of   attacking first, on the grounds that the target nation is (in Washington 's sole opinion) a threat, is plainly criminal, and we condemn it.

Human Rights
Human Needs
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"War on Terrorism"
Foreign Policy



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