"Failure is only postponed success as long as courage 'coaches'
    ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory."

  *Herbert Kaufman {American Author & Behavioral Expert}

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"Success is not measured by what you accomplish.
It's measured by the opposition you encounter, and the courage with which
     you maintain your struggle against the odds."

  *Jerry Frenz {Author of Daily Motivator}

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"'How do you know so much about everything?' was asked of a
very wise and intelligent man; and the answer was 'By never
being afraid or ashamed to ask questions as to anything of
which I was ignorant.'"

*John Abbott  {American Actor}

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"The road to your championship will not be a smooth, wide and easily traveled freeway.
No, great accomplishments are never realized without first having to endure steep climbs, hard falls and sharp turns.
The key to your success is perseverance and focus.
Keep your focus on that which you desire to accomplish, your championship,
and continually discover ways to, and ways not to, achieve your goals.
Fall down and/or get knocked down 10 times and get back up 11..., and in so doing learn,
grow and move closer to your championship."

*Greg Werner {Strength and Conditioning Coach}

Ascii Art Motivational and Inspiration Quote