Title: All In The Family
Objective or Purpose: To learn the binomial system of nomenclature.
Materials: Student journal and paper and pencils.
Activities: Pre-class work, A collage of animals and plants to classify.
Lesson Design Teacher Procedure Student Activities
Anticipatory Set
Journal writing and review comments, questions, and discussions.
Journal activity – Write down in your journal. Yesterday we listed insects, and birds, mammals, fish, and plants. These are Kingdoms. Make a list of traits of each kingdom, and try to list animals that you know of that may cross over between two kingdoms.
Listen, and start your journal activity immediately. This activity should be answered completely, given a lot of thought, and must be brought to a conclusion in 6 minutes.
Input and Modeling
Introduce the "stuff needed for success", and show what they need to know.
Keywords: Binomial System of Nomenclature. Family, Genus, Species, Phylum, Evolution, Darwin, Galapagos, Origin, classification, tree.
Listen, see, and take notes.
Guided Practice
Show-em how it’s done.
As students work the glossary of terms word find, point out that the classifications go way beyond that of genus, and species. Make a table of animal types and list the animals that fall into those categories. This is the fundamental basis of the binomial system of nomenclature.
Hear, see, do – The students are to start their word find activity and complete it before the end of the period. Students take pictures from magazines, and the internet, and arrange them under classifications of their choosing.
Comparisons and wrap-ups
In order to keep track of all of the world’s creatures, we have to develop a system of naming, or nomenclature.
Listen to the summary of the day’s class, and note what homework is posted for the next class period.
Independent Practice: Finish the worksheet for homework, and study for tomorrow’s test on heredity, and Punnet squares.
Extension to the lesson: Who was Charles Darwin? Where are the Galapagos Islands? What is natural selection? Have you ever heard the term, the law of the jungle?
Duration of the lesson: Approximately 49 minutes.