Our Class Needs A Computer!
First, have a class brainstorming session on what we need in our classroom. Write down on chart paper what the needs are as the class sees it. This may come up with many new ideas, but a computer in an inner city class is a rare commodity, and easily attainable by building one. Web sites like Googlegear.com, and Tigerdirect.com have all the makings for a good system, and can be built for under 200 dollars.
Class groups may wish to have brainstorming sessions on how to raise the money for the system, what it will have, what it will need, the components, how fast should it work, what contribution each class may want to have to attain the appropriate budget.
How elaborate the components are in only limited to the classroom's enthusiasm. The computer science department may wish to devote internet time to searching best prices, and best research for components. The library is also a good source for internet usage and searches.
This may take weeks, Months, terms, or the whole year, but is a good goal oriented project that can bring the classroom together as the goals are met.