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Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
Science 614
Objective: Students will learn to classify their own names on a classification worksheet.
Activity: Classification bingo - Provide a copy of the attached Bingo chart for each student. The larger version, or overhead transparency, of the Bingo chart is for collating the class information for its use in DNA activities which will occur later in the course.
Materials: Classification Worksheet, work list from overhead transparency.
HW: Classify members of family on chart.
Math 614
Objective: To reinforce skills of the
Sat 9 Exam.
Student worksheet on place value
HW: Complete worksheet.
Science 612
See Period
Science 614
Objective: Students will be able to:
Tell what a protozoan is.
Draw and label a protozoan.
Explain how different protozoa's can affect them.
Understand protozoa's relationships to their environment.
Materials: Pond water, slides, Microscopes, Observation Worksheet.
HW: Complete Observation Worksheet.
Math 614
Objective: To reinforce skills of the
Sat 9 Exam.
Student worksheet
Story problems
Problem Solving Method
Skills required-Addition, and a strategy
HW: Finish Worksheet
Science 614
Objective: To explore their world through the lens of a 40X microscope.
Materials: Bound journal, five pictures of common objects found in the home at 40X magnification, 9 microscopes.
Microscope observation worksheet.
Activity: take the five pictures, and take the five items commonly found in the home, and match them to their pictures.
HW: Complete observation worksheet, and enter the observations in bound science journal.
Math 614
Objective: To reinforce skills of the
Sat 9 Exam.
Materials: Student worksheet
Story problems
Problem Solving Methods
Skills required-Subtraction, and a strategy.
HW: Finish Worksheet
Science 614
Objective: To learn the nature, location, and the use of the great grasslands of the earth.
Materials: Worksheet activity on, What do we know about grasslands, based on a book of the same title. Dictionaries for keywords grasslands, and savannahs.
Journal activity, and complete the worksheet activities as classwork.
HW: Complete any unfinished portion of the worksheet.
Math 614
Objective: To reinforce skills of the
Sat 9 Exam.
Materials: Student Worksheet
Story Problems
Problem Solving Methods
Skills required- Division, and a strategy.
HW: Finish Worksheet
Science 614
Objective: To learn the theories of Newton, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Title: Rocket Science
Materials: Baloons, string, drinking straws, masking tape, measuring tapes, and a copy of the data capture sheet.
Activity: String between two chairs, and a balloon rocket launched between the chairs. Distances are measured to keep a data record.
HW: write up a conclusion from the data findings.
Math 614
Objective: To reinforce skills of the
Sat 9 Exam.
Materials: Student Worksheet
Story Problems
Problem Solving Skills
HW: Finish Worksheet
Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8
Math 612
See Period
Social Studies 614
Objective: Students will learn:
Where most of the people live in Canada
About the ethnic make-up of the Canadian Population.
Materials: Population distribution map of Canada.
Text pages 179-183.
Keywords: Ethnic group, province, reserve, per capita income, infant mortality, unemployment.
HW: Enter words into vocabulary notebook from the above pages.
Social Studies 614
Objective: To learn about the quality of life in Canada.
Materials: Text pages 179-183
Worksheet 30, Getting to know your neighbors.
Activity: Think, pair and share answers to the text and worksheet exercise.
HW: Recalling Key ords, People, and Places. Text page 179 Questions 1 and 2, and complete the worksheet if it is not yet finished.
Advisory Group 614
Objective: To learn that students need to be good consumers, compare as the shop, and be more responsible:
To analysis last weeks survey on bias and stereotype.
To survey if bias and stereotype have any influence on price and target demographics.
Encourage children to think analytically as they work through a story problem.
Materials: Paper, pencil; copy of Shopping Tips, "When to buy what?". From the Challengers text, Learning for Life. Page 46.
Social Studies 614
Objective: Students will learn how to:
Use maps to make generalizations.
Map on page 180
Class activity: To read the excerpt on page 181, and write an essay about what is a Viking, and draw a group picture of eachgroup member wearing Viking garments.
HW: Text page 183 Complete the questions, Recalling key words and people, and places, questions 1 and 2
Social Studies 614
Objective: To assess and review the concepts learned in lesson 3 with a quiz.
Quiz, with a quick review prior to the quiz. Questions are from the evaluation page on text page 183.
Inclass activity, first people to finish quiz can add to the ongoing word wall.
Preclasswork for next period read the skills worksheet on page 184, and 185.
Social Studies 614
Objective: Students will learn how to:
Recognize distortions in size, shape, direction, and distance on flat maps.
Compare a flat map with a globe to discover how a flat map distorts the surface sphere.
Use parallels and meridians to identify distortions in size and distances on a Mercator projection.
Text Pages 184-185
HW: Complete vocabulary worksheet #30, and read introduction to Chapter 9