Before you attempt cooperative learning activities, it might be a good idea to make sure your classroom is under control. A master teacher has this on day one. A new teacher, this may take a few years. If you are new, make sure you recognize when you have control, and when you don't. Admit this to yourself, and if you don't have it ... Get it!!!
Here is a time line example for a typical K to 2 first day!
8:40 AM
Meet children in a schoolyard. Line them up in size order. Go over rules about walking in a line quietly/nicely. Tell the we will line up in hall and take them in 2 X 2. Show them where to sit.
9:00 AM
Introduce yourself and go over rules about no talking when the teacher is talking, Ask one table at a time to go to rug area. Show them the correct way to sit on the rug and remind them no to move around once their spot.
9:45 AM
Write all these rules on chart paper as you go along. Take role. As I call each name I hand out their name tags. Ask about themselves or say something. Review the calendar. Month, day, date, year, weather. Say pledge of allegance. Sing, "This Land is Your Land." Sing, "The Days of the Week Song", sing, "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes".
10:00 AM
Return to tables. Give out empty paper to tables, 3 to 7, and ask children to get crayons and ask them to draw a picture of themselves, and what they like or don't like. Write what they dictate. With the helf of your aid, begin testing tables 1 and 2 or name, letter recognition, # recognition, rhyming words and cutting.
10:15 AM
Outdoor Recess - Weather permitting.
11:00 AM
11:35 AM
Introduce Letter A. Have children trace with finger in the air, trace on chalkboard, and as each finishes, give them a paper to practice at their seat. As they finish, give them letter A Peaple paper to color.
Clean up and get ready for lunch. Line up or eat lunch in the room.
11:45 AM to
12:15 PM
12:15 PM
Rest on rug and/or look at a book.
12:45 PM
At desks, introduce the color red - Ask children to point out "red things in the room. Give out red paper to color.
1:00 PM
Free play - play with toys, games, manipulatives, blocks, clay, color, sponge paint Letter A (one table at a time) housekeeping, puzzles, etc.
1:30 PM
Snack and clean up.
1:45 PM
Introduce the number 1. Have children trace in the air, on chalkboard, and hand out the Number 1 handout. Have children color.
2:00 PM
Story time - Review and discuss the booklet, "My first week of school". Read and Discuss Grover goes to School.
2:30 PM
Get ready for dismissal - Show name tage flash cards to send one child at a time to line up. (Name Recognition)
2:40 PM
Take out to yard and wait with children for pick-up. Take sign out sheet and have each person initial that child was picked up.