We are the largest suppliers, stockists, distributors of world reputed companies, in Desktop Digital Video Editing solutions.
We provide Sales, Training, Installations and support.
We maintain a wide and huge quantity of inventory od Audio, Video and Computers, including solutions for Professional Multimedia, Studio and Broadcast equipments. If you cannot source any professional item please check with us.


Targa 2000 Pro the ultimate videographics engine for OFFLINE and ONLINE Digital Video Editings, Targa 1000 Pro, Personal Animation recorders, in Motion-JPEG format, for Broadcast studios.

Solutions in Graphics and Multimedia. Motion-JPEG cards, with PAL inputs/outputs, for REAL TIME capture/playback to/from harddisks, in Motion-JPEG format, can also be used as Personal Animation Recorders in near broadcast quality.

One od the best product, VGA AVER PRO, genlock/overlay card, with 800 X 600, 64K colors. Also have VGA to PAL encoders for IBM, Frame Grabbers, Motion JPEG cards, External VGA to PAL encoders for IBM/MAC with remote controls and remote mouse, etc.

Have many products like video titlers, editors, accessories, etc.

Video Titlers, Video Enhancers, Video Mixers, Video Time base correctors, Video/Audio accessories, etc.

11, Tinwala building, Tribhuvan road, Bombay 400 004. India.

Tel: 91-22-3827424/388 6287.
Fax: 91-22-649 5510/387 8673.

E-mail: ashelec@giasbm01.vsnl.net.in

For any queries, Demo, technival support ONLINE, pls do not hesitate to contact us. Our technical staff will be very pleased to assist you.

Last modified on Saturday, August 31, 1996