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One of the most important factors in ensuring that a romantic date is successful is for both of you to be "in sych" emotionally and sexually with the other person. This is easy if you know a person well, but not if you are planning to meet someone for the first time. Yet if you get the first date wrong, you are unlikely to have a second chance!
Biorhythms are a powerful tool for understanding when a person is at the right emotional and physical level. If you know somebodys date of birth, you can calculate those times when they are at their physical, emotional or intellectual peaks. The physical cycle is 23 days long, the emotional cycle is 28 days long and the intellectual cycle is 33 days long. When your cycle is in a positive phase, this part of your life will work well. When it is in a negative phase, it will be a time to avoid activities which depend upon this area. The critical phase, when the line crosses from positive to negative, is particularly difficult to deal with.
Unfortunately, calculating the level of your different Biorhythms is difficult. In order to simplify this process. Astrology-Plus is offering a new BioCall service. This takes your birth data and calculates the following:
Romantic compatibility: this is a general measure of compatibility, based on the proportion of the time that your three biorhythms are in synch with the other persons. This uses the date of birth of the caller and one other person.
Your biorhythms for tomorrow. Each biorhythm is calculated, and the results are clearly explained in laymans terms.
Your biorhythms for any day in the future - this is especially useful for planning important dates.
How well matched your day is with someone elses. This is based on the actual level of biorhythms for that day (as opposed to the first option, which calculates average levels of compatibility).
To use this service, first check to see that your phone is set to "tone dial (you should hear a different note for each number when you dial). If you have an old phone, you can still use the service, by speaking your answers to BioCall. The number to call is 0891-314-946 (United Kingdom only).
(Calls cost just 50p at all times. The service is only accessible in the United Kingdom. Astrology-Plus is a service of: Crystal Lake Consulting, 47A Commercial Rd., Poole, Dorset, BH14 0HU, United Kingdom.)
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