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Planets in Aries express their energies in a way which is self-assertive and energetic. People with their Sun in Aries are typically very individual, self-motivated people. They have a great deal of courage, and their ability to push through against all odds means that they can become very successful in life.

They are often pioneers. They do not care too much whether or not other people approve: indeed, they are usually happy, so long as nobody tries to interfere in their life. Although they often lack persistence, they make up for this with the strength of their energy.

Other planets in Aries express their energies in a similar way. For example, a person with Mercury in Aries is likely to communicate in a way which is very forthright, and possibly slightly aggressive. On the other hand, a person with Neptune in Aries might have some difficulty in maintaining a clear idea of their identity, and would find it harder than others to push on ahead in pursuit of self-centred goals.


Characteristics of Aries
Ruling Planet Mars
Element Fire
Quality Cardinal
Symbol The Ram

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