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Planets in Taurus express their energies in a very practical, down-to-earth way. There is an element of passivity and self-repression.

A person whose Sun is in Taurus is likely to be solid, dependable and very reliable. They may not be the most dynamic sign of the zodiac, but they are the most reliable.

Such people are practical and down-to-earth, even to the point of being blunt. They are likely to speak their mind, and expect others to do the same. At the same time, they are usually well-cultured, affectionate and intelligent.

Some energies work better in Taurus than others. For example, Venus in Taurus often works well. A person with Venus in Taurus is likely to be especially reliable and straightforward in love, and to take their relationships very seriously. However, they might also be a little slow to warm up; and at times, could even be somewhat selfish.


Characteristics of Taurus
Ruling Planet Venus
Element Earth
Quality Fixed
Symbol The Bull

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