Meet Atif Syed, Officejet 9100 Series Firmware Engineer |
6 Jul 2004 Much consideration went into the user interface of the Officejet 9100 control panel. Its simplicity and utility are a result of Engineer Atif Syed’s expertise in this area. In fact, Atif has filed for a user-interface patent that addresses menu navigation and display design in multifunction printers. Atif is one of those rare “left-brain/right-brain” individuals. His computer and engineering background directs his professional career. But his love of art and drawing has been with him since childhood. “I still cherish my first creation – a drawing of former Prime Minister
of India, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi,” says Atif. “I was only 10 years old, and was
lucky enough to get a commendation from the Prime Minister and his signature
on the sketch.”
Without formal lessons, Atif has nonetheless won many drawing competitions. His real love is pencil sketching, but he has worked in many media – watercolor, oil, pastels, acrylics and even sculpting. In fact, in March of this year, HP President and CEO Carly Fiorina met with Atif to accept his special gift – a portrait that Atif had drawn of her.
Nowadays, when there’s time outside of HP deadlines, Atif plans for his upcoming arts exhibition, which will include new pastel and oil works. “I’ve recently pledged to myself that I’ll divert more free time to my artwork,” says Atif. To young inventors and artists everywhere, Atif advises hard work and lots of patience. “I believe patience is the most important thing in life,” concludes Atif. Return to Singapore Team Designs a Winner. |