The ATM's Workshop
Projects and Techniques for the Amateur Telescope Maker

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John D. Upton

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Welcome To The ATM's Workshop

    Amateur Telescope Makers (ATM's or TN's [Telescope Nuts] for short) are a varied lot.  Our workshops often reflect that diversity.  In our quest for that "perfect" telescope, we resort to building some or all of the parts ourselves.  ATM'ing can span the gamut from building everything yourself to just making modifications or accessories for your favorite manufacturer's product.  ATM'ing as a hobby allows you to bring your own unique ideas, skills, and talents from other hobbies to the forefront.  In this way, you can have the pleasure of working at a combination of several of your hobbies at the same time. 

    The ATM's telescope often says a lot about the builder's other hobbies.  Many ATM's telescopes are works of art in terms of woodworking, metalworking, optical or mechanical design innovations, electronic accessories, or some other aspect.  While many ATM's build their own telescopes to save money, others do it for the fun, satisfaction, educational value, and varied other reasons.  In addition to building telescopes, ATM's also end up building many of the tools their hobby projects require.  This can often lead to projects that build (and feed) upon themselves and can lead the ATM into worlds they never knew existed. 

    These pages are intended to give you some project ideas, tips, and pointers to help you in your quest for that "perfect" telescope.  You are freely encouraged to add these tools and projects to your workshop.  I hope you enjoy the tour through my own ATM Workshop. 

Site Contents

The ATM Workshops
    Optics Techniques and tips to use while making your own telescope optics.
    Woodworking Woodworking projects and tips for making a more beautiful "finished" telescope.
    Metalworking Home machine shop projects and tips for making a more "polished" telescope.
    Telescopes Construction notes, reviews, usage notes, and modifications you can use to get the most out of your equipment.
    Electronics Electronics projects, circuits, and tips for enhancing your telescope making efforts.
    Programming Software, program snippets, and techniques associated with astronomy, telescopes, and telescope making.

    Observing Tips and techniques to make your observing more enjoyable and productive.
    Net Surfing Links to related WEB pages and resources of interest to the ATM.
    Reading Book and magazines of interest to the ATM.

The Workshop Index
    Projects An index to the projects described here in the ATM's Workshop.
    Techniques An index to the useful techniques described here in the ATM's Workshop.
    Reviews An index to the reviews of commercial products here in the ATM's Workshop.

This page has been accessed  <-- [an error occurred while processing this directive] -->  times since 15-July-1999.
Last Site Update: Sunday, 06-February-2000
Last Page Update: Thursday, 14-October-1999
Page Contents Copyright © 1998-2000, John D. Upton