Well, Since I'm the new one writin for AI, I better make this a really cool review. This CD, for a hip-hop band, is pretty good. You'll even find some Vanilla Ice in here. The lyrics are just funny shit, and The entire CD is very listenable. I've read interviews with these guys, and they're pretty funny. Their drummer is 12 years old and is the most talented guy in the band. I got thier other CD, Use your fingers, which I think I like more, but this is still a kick ass CD. Tracks like Yellow Fever (Not available on Geffen version) and Stick Your Head Up High and Blow Your Brains Out are catchy and if you get the lyrics, you'll most likely find a new favorite band like me. I guess it stears away from what I ussually listen to allot, but it was somethin to review that I liked. My favorite songs were Lift Your Head Up High and Blow Your Brains Out and Fire Water Burn, their claim to fame. Well, I guess that's it. SEEYA SUCKAS--> I just wasted time you can't get back.
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