.::the realm of the black queen::.

bohemian (bo-hê´mê-en) noun

1. A person with artistic or literary interests who disregards conventional standards of behavior.
2. The Black Queen.

Let me welcome you ladies and gentlemen, I would like to say hello,
Are you ready for some entertainment? Are you ready for a show?

To my Bohemian Rhapsody!!

you've never seen nothing like it no never in your life
like going up to heaven and then coming back alive
let me tell you all about it-and the world will so allow it
ooh give me a little time to choose...

Hello out there my beauties!!

Forget your singalongs and your lullabies,welcome to the city of the fireflies-the realm of the black queen! :)This site has expanded much more than I ever thought it would,and I'm finally proud enough to call it my homepage! :) I've become so obsessed with making pages that all of my sites are constantly being updated,giving all of you rock and rollers out there a lifetime guarantee that there will ALWAYS be new things to look at :) As I have aspirations of becoming a published author/journalist in the future,my work(poems,stories,etc.)will always be up on the site and always open to constructive criticism and/or comments. Probably the best thing about this site is that it's absolutely MAD,it's absolutely OVER THE TOP and it's absolutely ME...A true kaleidoscopic maelstrom :) And what's even better is you'll never be too far from the greatest rock band of all time and (of course) my ~*obsession*~ with Mr.Mercury *evil grin* :) And since there's so much to look at around here and never a dull moment in my life, *winkle* there will always be a little update from me at the bottom of this page where you can go and see what's new and mad in the world of me ;) *couNEWPICSgh* hehe..Oh yes,and I must warn you...Once taking a look through my site you will NEVER......EEEVVVEEEERR be the same again!! Muahahahahahaha!!! *sprouts horns* C'mon darlings,LET ME ENTERTAIN YOU! :) Take care dears,keep yourselves alive! Queen Rocks and Freddie Forever!!

::the black queen::

aka...Audrey Mercury aka Mercury Guru Numero Dos aka Earl aka Tiger aka the Queen of Pixie Sticks aka Christina Jericha aka Sabra aka The Evil Side aka the Ayatollah of Jerichollah aka Miss Bunny aka the Mafioso Princess aka America's Sweetheart aka the Queen of the World and aka my personal favourite...your resident FREDDIE LUVVIN SLIGHTLY MAD RABID OBSESSED RAVING UNTAMED MANIAC HARDCORE QUEEN FAN FOR LIFE BAYBEE!!

OH and one more thing....when visiting my realm,there's only one thing I ask you to do...

And there you have it muahahaha!!

"If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or my music, then in that respect you can call me that....I believe in what I do, and I'll say it."

"I'm not gonna change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people."

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination."

--John Lennon

i could spend hours just staring at this picture....

Ohhhhh fun it!! Here are the links!! :)

My Freddie Mercury Tribute 2000

The Miracle:My *new* Freddie story

"Why? Because I AM the biggest Queen fan on Earth!"

Bohemian Rhapsaudrey,a song by Cossette

Freddie's Bad Girl,a song by Megan Mercury

I want to ride my Mercury,my devilish lil masterpiece

Apollo 13 1/2,the slightly mad new play!

Sabra,the orange-eyed Queen luvin Jellicle! >^..^<

The Infamous Nonsense Chat!

"Audrey",a name vignette

Here's the links to my poems/songs...

when the moon became mine

why does my heart lie?

as it began (the last days)

for Freddie

blurred reality

three untitled poems

in summer a rose bloomed...

the cocoon of dreams

my love hath always been a double-edged blade...

how it is...

that's what happens when you eat a rainbow

a lazy summer day

two days before the 4th

july 2nd's nostalgia


unanswered questions

and yet


a voice from behind reminds me
spread out your wings you are an angel....

.::the realm of the black queen::.is dedicated to my angel, Freddie Mercury,who will live deep within my heart forever.

let us cling together as the years go by
oh my love my love
in the quiet of the night
let our candle always burn
let us never lose the lessons we have learned....

love of my life,be not gone...
cause we can still have forever.

oh come back to me oh my love
how I long for your love
won't you come back to me...?


Here's me with my lil sister April(and my wrapped scanner)on my 14th birthday in August 2000...I'm the big one if you didn't know :)

July's Pearl of Wisdom...

"Remember to always say what you mean. If you love someone tell them. Don't be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and tell someone what they mean to you. Because when you decide that it is the right time, it might be too late. Seize the day. Never have regrets." --Anna E. Forsman

Madness of the month...

"You. Me. Handcuffs. Leather bodysuit. Whipped cream. Any questions?" --Megan,on Freddie and I's "alone time" *evil grin*

Lyric of the month...

"And every day can be-My magic carpet ride-And I can play hide and seek with my fears-And live my days instead of counting my years" --Goin' Back

.::slambook of::the black queen::.

::view my slambook::

::sign my slambook::

OH....MY....GOD...*still in shock* ON 15th FEBRUARY 2001 I,AUDREY MERCURY,GOT THE FREDDIE MERCURY BOX SET IN ITS ENTIRETY!!!!!!! *squeals with sheer delight* It's one of the best things I've ever gotten!! And what's even more amazing is that I'm in the US and I got the WHOLE BOX SET!! Not just three CDS,but the WHOLE THING!!! *shivers with happiness* I must be the happiest little girl in the whole entire world!!!!!!! *pauses* Yes,I must admit I'm acting terribly mad,but who wouldn't??!

.::march of the black queen::my photo album::.

Want to know allllll about me? Check out bunnyinmysox:Behind the Nickname!

"If I Were..."

Go and lookit my mad little mess "If I Were...",a survey that scares me every time I read it cause of how people see me as animals,appliances,food,song titles,cars and playground equipment...! LOOKIT! NOW! :)

Mercury's Blazingly Evil Madly Happy Dictator's Mad Little Page of Nonsensical Things! :)

Click here to see the absolutely fab pic my cheese luvvin penguin pal Rikki drew of me! It's a definite must-see...SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??!?!?!??! *smiles innocently* DONKEII DONKEII! *incessant clucking*

beyond the realm... the black queen's favourite links

.::email::the black queen::.

*purrrs* ain't she cute? her name is delilah :)

queen fan for life baybee!! :)

Doesn't he look fab? :)

im the epitome of innocence..when i want to be *evil grin*


Mercury Guru Numero Uno:
Megan Mercury
Mercury Guru Numero Dos:
Audrey Mercury

The first Mercury Gurus theme song!

More Mercury Guru magic!

in loving memory...and with a heavy heart...

AIDS affects us all...

In one way or another,
at one time or another,
each of us will realise
what AIDS can do...

Stay safe and prevent
that time from coming.

My darling Freddie :)

"Thank you! Sweet dreams you lot o' tarts! Good-bye!" :)

forget your singalong and your lullabies
surrender to the city of the fireflies
dance with the devil in beat with the band
to hell with all of you hand-in-hand
but now it's time to be gone-forever....

if she isn't cute than i don't know what is!  her name is bijou :)

Last Updated...

11 July 2001 @ 6:09 PM

a little bit of madness from the *real* realm of the black queen....

hello out there darlings!! unfortunately i dont have all the time in the world for this update,since i want to get done as much as possible while im still online(i stayed up till 4 am last night and i was caught...i have yet to get my punishment *cringe*),but ill do my best to entertain all you rock and rollers out there :) first off,i have been working my tail off on this site since i got back from long island(a day before the 4th),putting up a bunch of poems and songs(some new,some i dug up from awhile ago)and then having to take care of my homestead sites...as most of you have probably heard,i had to delete my whole photo album cause homestead is now charging a fee if you have more than 3 sites,so after i scanned some new pics(PICS OF ME AS THE BLACK QUEEN!!! GO AND SEE GO AND SEE!!!! *winkU*)i hauled my ass over to angelfire and began work there...and believe me,htmling is one big pain in the ass if you're new at it. so after awhile of asking my friends and looking to webmonkey for help,i finally got the hang of it and now i TOTALLY REEK OF AWESOMENESS *bigshitgrin* *coughU* anyway...so as i got really carried away on my new photo album pages i decided to go back and continue working on the new start page for the site,and strangely enough it actually got finished this time! *grinZ* i am proud to say that .::the realm of the black queen::. FINALLY has a new URL!!! it sounds so much better than the old one too... http://angelfire.com/realm/oftheblackqueen WOOHOO!! of course,that also meant i had to go back and change my banners *rolls eyeS* and now all of you lovely people out there with the realm linked on your sites also havta change your banners/links with the new address *cringe* itll all be worth it tho,cause the two new start pages i have up right now are much better than the old one,specially since theres this kickass story on the first one of em that i hope all of you will take the time to read at sometime or another :) but seriously,as far as writing goes,there is SO MUCH going on in my life right now...i have 2 stories going with jen,1 with megan,1 with kata and about 2 on my own!! they all promise to satisfy..although with 3 of them the content is quite "explicit" *coughU* in some parts and i doubt ill ever put them up so...*grinZ and whistleS* and dont even bother asking about all the capitals at the end of my actions,as thaz between me and mamma cat *lmao* take care darlings,and be sure to check out all the updates!!

::the black queen::

what's been updated...

-added "a lazy summer day" to poems/songs
-added "two days before the 4th" to poems/songs
-added "july 2nd's nostalgia" to poems/songs
-added "life" to poems/songs
-added "unanswered questions" to poems/songs
-added "and yet" to poems/songs
-added "be..." to poems/songs
-added the name vignette "Audrey" to the main links
-added the *new & improved* .::march of the black queen::my photo album::.
-added NEW BLACK QUEEN PICS to the photo album
-changed the banner at the top of the page and the freddie banner on the links page
-added 2 new start pages with a new url for the site: https://www.angelfire.com/realm/oftheblackqueen/
-added some more to the "infamous nonsense chat"
-added katie,grace & jon's surveys to "if i were..."

and there you have it!!


I have something to say...It is better burn out than to fade away....