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Shoutouts to My Friends


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You know who you are, but I'll throw you on here anyway. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you shouldn't be here looking!

I'm gonna say a few shoutouts to a few of my friends, and when I get new pics of people, I'll put 'em on my site. Later!


You're the best. It'd be awsome if we met in real life.

We're Twins! Well, nto really...more like triplettes, including Amanda, but we all act the same! Talk about a weird coinsidence, eh? Okay...I'm done talking...



Hey Taura! You rock!!!!! We should hang alot more, you know?!?! TTYL!!!!


You rock, Kandy. We've known eachother for, what, 2 yrs now? We should meet, too. That'd me awsome, too.