Full name: Shane Damien Redman
Referred to: Shane, Red Dog
Height: 5'11
Weight: 166
Eye color: Brown/grey
Hair color: Black
Favorite colors: Black, red
Species: Red wolf
GF status: Charisma Lipton
Kin: Saul Redman--father, deceased; Ember Cross--mother, deceased; Vance Redman--younger brother, deceased; Jezrial Redman--younger sister, whereabouts unknown
Brief history:Living in the badalands can either be exaltingly interesting or exasperatingly dull. For the Redman family, it was the latter. Life went on without any serious problems or interesting events for most of Shane's and his sibling's lives. They lived comfortably, peaceably, and normally. They were even repreived from Anarkis, for she had decided to not bother with such wasteland. That's because on the outside, it seemed hardly worth the conquest.
To those that lived there, live was anything but boring. The children had fun when they weren't expected to work or do chores, and though life was simple, it was pleasent. No cause for alarm, tending the land and it's resources...
But Lupo wasn't as merciful on the badlands as Anarkis was. Among the murdered was Shane's parents and younger brother.. and his younger sister mysteriously disappeared. Shane himself had run away, but lost track of his beloved sibling, and fears that to this day, she had met a terrifying end.
While avoiding Lupo's seige, he had come across Bo Raccoon. The two would sit by a fire one night and trade stories and thoughts, and then Bo mentioned something about a group of rebels that were planning on uprising against Lupo's A-side. Shane needed no more convincing than that: he was a member of the S-side rebels from that day forward.
And he couldn't have been happier with his decision: he would never have met his one true love if he hadn't. And every day, he hates Lupo and the A-side more and more for what they've done to his loved ones, and vows ultimate revenge.
Shane also prays for the day when he can find his youngest sister again...

Habits: Drinks occaisionally

Place of birth: Mucca--a town in the central badlands of Coveland

Name meaning:"God is gracious"

DOC: December '99

Character © Amanda Payne. Do NOT copy or use without permission.