Full name: Terrance Kenneth Blazer
Referred to: T.K., Teek
Age: 21
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165
Eye color:Brownish-grey
Hair color: Black with red streaks
Favorite colors: Black, red, blue, white
Species: Hedgehog
GF status: Cerisha Amarillo
Kin: Can't remember his mother or his father after the accident...
Brief history: TK's life has been one accident after the other. His parents died when he was but a young child, and he was put in one foster home after the other. He met Cerisha Amarillo in one of these when he was five, and befriended her immediately. The two would become inseperable. Anywhere one went, the other was to follow. And it remained that way through their teen years, when they really started to love each other.
The battles of Anarkis swept through their area, and though they did not actively participate, they still felt the brunt; TK was hurt severely after the battles ended. The scar over his left eye is an attestment to that. Cerisha did her best to take care of him, but found it to be difficult. She struggled to keep him calm, cool, and in one place at a time. His health failed...
And one day, the place where they were staying at had an accidental explosion, very nearly killing them both, and killed anyone else in the building. They were left alone and severely burnt for days, before Lupo happened upon them. It was their luck that he decided to help them.. and perhaps even his luck as well.
The two of them, after recovery, looked up to Lupo with a sort of childlike admiration. TK couldn't understand why; Lupo was only two years older than he, but he still veiwed him as a father. But to TK, Lupo was his best friend.. and was honored to become his second in command of the A-side.
No one has more faith in or believes in the A-side more than TK does, yet, he was cursed with a heart of sorts; he met Amanda on very good terms at Hope's Defeat, and rather likes her as a friend, yet keeps in mind that outside the bar, they're bitter enemies.
As for the war itself, TK doesn't like it, but knows it must be done... somehow...

Habits:Smokes, does marijuana, and coke (don't be like him, please. Don't do that shit)

Place of birth:Rye, Deerfield, in the Kingdom of Mercya

Name meaning: another two-namer--"Smooth and Handsome"

DOC:October '97

Character © Amanda Payne. Do not use without permission.