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Monday, 25 October 2004

Conservative Christians

Conservative Christians/Evangelical Christians

Is either presidential candidate someone the Christian Church can say is an example of how Christians live? Let's look at the ads put out by either campaign. The Republicans attack Kerry's personality, although none of the things they say are provable. The Democrats attack George Bush based on his past record. One has been proven to be lying, one is public record. Do you think that ALL Christians are for excommunication of gay people all over the country? Up to you. You decide. The Republicans try to advertise in Churches across the United States. Is that acceptable? You decide. I would like to ask you a simple question that comedian Bill Mahr made about the "church and state" issue, "When did the Republican Party buy the Christian Church?" On our Christian Music Stations we get conservative propaganda that has nothing to do with Christianity. According to the bible a holy war is waged after the people decide. There are too many other variable alterior motives to the war in Iraq. Do we have to stay there? I guess so. We are already there and we would leave in disgrace, like we did in Viet Nam. Should we have gone there? That's a different question. President Bush, Sr. chose not to go. He gave specific reasons why it would never work. We can't play God and change the whole world to make them live up to our standards. If we learned anthing by the Golden Rule, from Jesus's statement to "...Let those among you without sin cast the first stone...", from his replacing the guard's ear that one of Jesus own followers cut off as that same guard was marching Jesus to the place where they would execute him by crucifying him, Jesus chose to walk his own path of forgiveness and "keeping his own house in order" instead of using resentment for others' transgressions to act angrily towards his own murderers.

As most of you may have noticed, Senator Kerry never mentions his own spiritual or religious affiliations and feelings. There is a reason why there is a division between Church and State. Most people realize that if there isn't, it is not a knock on the church's influence on politics, it is a matter of politician’s influence on Religion. When that starts happening, we are going to see a whole new nation, based on the government running the Church.

Is it our job to play God, either here in the United States or in foreign countries in order to get even with the guys who, like George Bush says, "These are the people who tried to kill my daddy"? You decide. The latest ads put out by the Bush campaign is worse than any of the 527 ads have been so far. It is completely off the issues and pure "Scare Tactic" because George Bush can't run on his record. Then George Bush tries using us Christians by professing to be led by us, as a moral shield to hide behind, in administrating a "Messianic Complex". From what I have seen, George Bush has made up his own mind about what he wants to do based on his own self-will, then tries to get us to support it. The scary thing is, it works. But, then again, Hitler was able to get the German people to love and follow him. I, in no way wish to compare Hitler to George Bush, Hitler had more class and Hitler covered up his agenda on knowledgeable sounding, well spoken speeches.

Posted by azmildman_1 at 12:01 AM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink
Updated: Sunday, 12 July 2009 4:42 PM MDT

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