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After the election:
How NeoCons Hear
More Spin, Etc.
The After Debate B.S.
The Foreign Version
The Spin Doctors
The Mild Man View

Monday, 25 October 2004

Now Playing: 380 Tons of Explosives
380 Tons of Explosives

380 Tons of Explosives

Remember the part about how George Bush never makes mistakes? He is living through watching his own words become the self-destructing force in his career. His dad, of course can see nothing wrong in anything his son does. Unbelievable, I used to respect George Bush, Sr. He should realize that his son, George, is becoming the Billy Carter of the Bush family. Jeb Bush follows his brother around, their relatives are in charge of reports and most of the programming at Fox news. Fox News is still calling themselves fair and balanced. I just watched a debate in which the moderator, who should be impartial, and two other conservatives treated the one Democrat on the show with condescending remarks while cutting Senator Kerry down using fictitious scenarios. I imagine they did this in order to act like they are being political satirists. Although their grammar school level humor isn't humorous. I like to laugh, but all they do is insult, since they haven't got a point or a defensable position.

The Republicans and Neocon spin doctors on the news are trying to downplay how important the 380 tons are when one pound can blow up airplane. It isn't important because 400 Tons were destroyed? As usual, when it has to do with Kerry, including an innocent remark or for that matter, any remark, he is being treasonous, but when George Bush ignores everything from the FBI report entitled, "Osama Bin Ladin planning to attack the United States", that detailed the use of planes, as weapons to this obvious blunder with the explosives, they are unimportant to pay attention to. How the hell does that work?

Let me lay it out for you in detail. When president after president tries to create more jobs than were lost, and George Bush doesn't, that doesn't seem to matter to the uninformed. When George Bush does anything wrong, they act like everything is OK, and anyone who doesn't agree is Un-American. Then, when he tries to allow more Mexicans than Americans support on employment, that is OK. When George Bush thinks outsourcing American jobs is a good thing, they think that is OK. When George Bush messes with overtime for more than 650,000 American workers and causes dissent and problems with unions in the United States, that is OK. What does he have to do to be NOT OK? With Bill Clinton, it was a blowjob, they acted if it was a matter of national security, but, George Bush can attack another country under false circumstances and after learning the intelligence was wrong, then act like no mistakes were made, IT ISN'T OK! I am still wondering how come he ever got away with the suspicious circumstances for his election in 2000. Please vote for a return to reason in the U.S. Thanks.

Posted by azmildman_1 at 6:03 PM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink

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