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Saturday, 30 October 2004

George Bush, Watch Your Dad's Lips!
George Bush, Watch Your Dad's Lips!

George Bush, Watch Your Dad's Lips!

I would like to once again point out that George Bush, Sr. and George Bush, Jr. are two completely different people. Yesterday's news reports show us George Bush assuring America that there WILL be a draft. Then he says there WON'T be a draft. He isn't flip-flopping, he just forgets what his handlers told him to say. I imagine that is going to be a kind of crucial thing for foreign diplomacy. His dad went to foreign countries and hob-knobbed with foreigh dignitaries and rulers. If you can imagine a summit meeting where he says one thing, and as the people he is meeting with, who don't trust us now, anyway, see him change his position when he realises he just pissed them off. His interpreter would have to be told, "You will have to edit what he says, he can't speak English very well."

It is hard to believe the amount of kids who are already well versed in Republican Rhetoric that has nothing to do with reality. There is a teenager who has written a book on How College Liberalizes Students. This is what I see. It was written in Lawrence Britt's "Fourteen Defining Characteristics of Fascism".
11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts and letters is openly attacked.

Anyone who ever heard the banter of the "Young Republicans" in the sixties should be scared. Brainwashed banter at that time included the "duck and cover" method of protecting our children from an atomic blast. These people told us that if one ducked down quickly on the floor (Isn't this assuming that one has time and was notified soon enough that the bomb was going to hit?) and kneeled on all fours, covering one's head that this method of covering up would save him/her from a blast, that would irradiate (turn into a glowing ash) the wall next to the child. Oh, Yeah! I believe that one.

MSNBC, yesterday, October 19, 2004 reported: "...WASHINGTON - The White House on Tuesday asked Congress to reject an attempt by Republican leaders in the House to place in an intelligence reorganization bill some anti-illegal immigration measures that Democrats say they won't support." Once again, we are seeing what George Bush wants isn't the same as what most Republicans want to use to protect us from threats. He evidently doesn't think ahead and ask himself questions like, "Could a terrorist pass himself off as an illegal alien / Mexican in order to gain entrance to the United States?" Why does he block his own party's legislation? Obviously, this is again his one-sighted attempt to block any legislation that might conflict with his own plans that he derived to try to pander to the Hispanic population for political reasons.

I am now convinced that George Bush couldn't find Osama Bin Laden if the guy was sitting in his lap.

Posted by azmildman_1 at 9:18 PM MDT | Post Comment | Permalink

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