Bryce's not-half-bad power page

I am a personal trainer in central Ca.

A couple of months ago I decided to begin training for a strongman contest. I have always enjoyed watching and now since they have weight classes it looks like alot more fun.

I divided my training into "lifts", "presses" and "walks" since most strongman events seem to fall in one of those categories. "Lifts" are like the stack lift below, with barrells, rocks, barbells etc. "Presses" are the overhead stuff which I have always been weak at, and "walks" involve moving and carrying weight. I'll have videos for all of them soon.

If you would like to know how I train now for strength and conditioning at the same time, go to the article links below and choose the first one.

A few video clips (more soon)

180# 2" Thick bar C&P

135# 1 arm C&P

200# Stack Lift

Full keg lift

The 2" thick bar is cut from a piece of solid steel well rod with collars welded on. It has no knurling, completely smooth and weighs 71#'s by itself without collars.

The 1 arm C&Pr here is with 135# but was up to 140# clean and smooth before I stopped doing it in favor of the new things. I have done more, but it wasn't very good as far as form was concerned.

The plate stack lift is practice for stone lifting since I don't have a stone. This is also adjustable, unlike the rock. Its just an old olympic bar end stacked with plates and a collar on top to keep it all together. This video is old, I'm now doing this for reps with 225#. This is not easy to hold onto and would be a fabulous exercise for wrestlers.

The keg is a standard 15.5 gal. beer keg. Its full all the way to the tip-top. I can clean this a bunch of times (12r) but the press is the hard part. Even full the water still moves and it can fly out of your hands and smack you very easily. There is an easier way to press it but this way requires a great deal more wrist and forearm strength. This is nothing like lifting a barbell of equal weight. Its more like trying to lift a human opponent who is fighting you all the way up.

My gym

Looking in at handstanding wall

Right wall

Belts and other stuff

Plate rack made from a dolly and some pipe

Small garden to side

Looking in toward platform

Mats and oil pan chalk bowl

More plates, you can never have enough!

Some homemade stuff

Collection of stuff

Dipstand welded by Steve Short

1" dia. All-Thread dumbells

Ringweights with short bolt

Detail of ringweight handle

Heavy duty Ab-wheel

Farmers walking bars

Detail of bar

Loading pins and chain handles

If you have questions about making any of these or questions about exercises to do with them contact me at

Some old pictures


Things I have for you to read: --A workout idea for "all or nothing kinda" people. --Chart to see how you stack up --No weights, no waiting. --Workout for flexibility


Links: --The boiler room --Oldies but goodies --Krista Scott Dixon's page (not just for women in spite of what it says) --North American Strongman Society --The real deal --Olympic lifting --It doesn't get any more fun than this!! --For flexibility fans --A board that seems to be really taking off!

Send me more!