Naughty Boys Get Scolded

             "Okay, first off, is it really my fault that Ariella is clumsier than a clown on an ecstasy trip? She may be cute and graceful on the runway or catwalk or whatever the hell she does, but when it comes to doing domestic chores, you might as well strap a nuclear bomb to the 'lil chicklet. Remember when she almost blew up the freakin' laundry room? Or how about the time she tried to boil some eggs. Remember that particular disaster? I think there are still egg whites stuck to the ceiling of the kitchen. Ohhhh, and don't forget the vacuum incident. I think Cordelia is still traumatized about the whole occurrence, which, by the way, is the only good tragedy that ever came out of the Ariella's wrecks.
               . . . What? Don't look at me that way!
             Okay, fine. Whatever. I'll apologize for the dishwasher joke. Are you happy now?"
(Promising his mother
to apologize to Ariella for purposely
overloading the dishwasher with soap,
causing the kitchen to flood and his sister to
trip all over the linoleum floor, leaving bruises
all over her body and making her cry)

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